
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.CTD_ANON(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_CTD_ANON__credit = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON__defaults = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON__identification = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON__movement_number = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON__movement_title = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON__part = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON__part_list = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON__version = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON__work = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = None
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 5382, 2)

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The movement-number element specifies the number of a movement.


The movement-title element specifies the title of a movement, not including its number.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.CTD_ANON_(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_CTD_ANON___id = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON___measure = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = None
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 5386, 5)

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.CTD_ANON_2(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_CTD_ANON_2__credit = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_2__defaults = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_2__identification = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_2__measure = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_2__movement_number = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_2__movement_title = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_2__part_list = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_2__version = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_2__work = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = None
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 5407, 2)

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The movement-number element specifies the number of a movement.


The movement-title element specifies the title of a movement, not including its number.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.CTD_ANON_3(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_CTD_ANON_3__attributes = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__backup = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__barline = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__bookmark = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__direction = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__figured_bass = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__forward = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__grouping = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__harmony = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__id = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_3__note = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__print = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_3__sound = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = None
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 5414, 8)

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.CTD_ANON_4(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_CTD_ANON_4__attributes = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__backup = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__barline = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__bookmark = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__direction = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__figured_bass = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__forward = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__grouping = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__harmony = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__implicit = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_4__non_controlling = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_4__note = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_4__print = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__sound = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_4__width = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = None
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 5389, 8)

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.CTD_ANON_5(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_CTD_ANON_5__implicit = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_5__non_controlling = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_5__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_5__part = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_CTD_ANON_5__width = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = None
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 5411, 5)

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.CTD_ANON_6(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of string

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_CTD_ANON_6__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__lang = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_CTD_ANON_6__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2351, 4)

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.STD_ANON(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = None
_STD_ANON_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 277, 3)
normal = 'normal'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.STD_ANON_(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = None
_STD_ANON_1_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 328, 3)
emptyString = ''
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.above_below(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_above_below_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 28, 1)
above = 'above'
below = 'below'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.accidental(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of accidental_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3672, 1)
_accidental__bracket = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__cautionary = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__editorial = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__parentheses = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental__size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.accidental_mark(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of accidental_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3686, 1)
_accidental_mark__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_mark__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.accidental_text(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of accidental_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1980, 1)
_accidental_text__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__dir = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__enclosure = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__halign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__justify = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__lang = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__letter_spacing = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__line_height = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__line_through = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__overline = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__rotation = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__space = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__underline = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accidental_text__valign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.accidental_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_accidental_value_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1219, 1)
double_sharp = 'double-sharp'
double_slash_flat = 'double-slash-flat'
flat = 'flat'
flat_1 = 'flat-1'
flat_2 = 'flat-2'
flat_3 = 'flat-3'
flat_4 = 'flat-4'
flat_down = 'flat-down'
flat_flat = 'flat-flat'
flat_up = 'flat-up'
koron = 'koron'
natural = 'natural'
natural_down = 'natural-down'
natural_flat = 'natural-flat'
natural_sharp = 'natural-sharp'
natural_up = 'natural-up'
quarter_flat = 'quarter-flat'
quarter_sharp = 'quarter-sharp'
sharp = 'sharp'
sharp_1 = 'sharp-1'
sharp_2 = 'sharp-2'
sharp_3 = 'sharp-3'
sharp_5 = 'sharp-5'
sharp_down = 'sharp-down'
sharp_sharp = 'sharp-sharp'
sharp_up = 'sharp-up'
slash_flat = 'slash-flat'
slash_quarter_sharp = 'slash-quarter-sharp'
slash_sharp = 'slash-sharp'
sori = 'sori'
three_quarters_flat = 'three-quarters-flat'
three_quarters_sharp = 'three-quarters-sharp'
triple_flat = 'triple-flat'
triple_sharp = 'triple-sharp'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.accord(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2693, 1)
_accord__string = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accord__tuning_alter = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_accord__tuning_octave = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_accord__tuning_step = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


The tuning-alter element is represented like the alter element, with a different name to reflect is different function.


The tuning-octave element is represented like the octave element, with a different name to reflect is different function.


The tuning-step element is represented like the step element, with a different name to reflect is different function.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.accordion_middle(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.positiveInteger

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_maxInclusive = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive object>
_CF_minInclusive = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_accordion_middle_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_totalDigits'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_totalDigits object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxExclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxExclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minExclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minExclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_fractionDigits'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_fractionDigits object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 762, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.accordion_registration(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2701, 1)
_accordion_registration__accordion_high = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_accordion_registration__accordion_low = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_accordion_registration__accordion_middle = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_accordion_registration__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__halign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_accordion_registration__valign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

The accordion-high element indicates the presence of a dot in the high (4’) section of the registration symbol.


The accordion-low element indicates the presence of a dot in the low (16’) section of the registration symbol.


The accordion-middle element indicates the presence of 1 to 3 dots in the middle (8’) section of the registration symbol.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.appearance(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3506, 1)
_appearance__distance = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_appearance__line_width = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_appearance__note_size = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_appearance__other_appearance = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.arpeggiate(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3698, 1)
_arpeggiate__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arpeggiate__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arpeggiate__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arpeggiate__direction = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arpeggiate__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arpeggiate__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arpeggiate__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arpeggiate__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.arrow(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3793, 1)
_arrow__arrow_direction = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_arrow__arrow_style = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_arrow__circular_arrow = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_arrow__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_arrow__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.arrow_direction(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_arrow_direction_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1261, 1)
down = 'down'
left = 'left'
left_right = 'left right'
northeast = 'northeast'
northeast_southwest = 'northeast southwest'
northwest = 'northwest'
northwest_southeast = 'northwest southeast'
other = 'other'
right = 'right'
southeast = 'southeast'
southwest = 'southwest'
up = 'up'
up_down = 'up down'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.arrow_style(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_arrow_style_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1282, 1)
combined = 'combined'
double = 'double'
filled = 'filled'
hollow = 'hollow'
other = 'other'
paired = 'paired'
single = 'single'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.articulations(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3709, 1)
_articulations__accent = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__breath_mark = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__caesura = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__detached_legato = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__doit = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__falloff = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__other_articulation = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__plop = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__scoop = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__spiccato = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__staccatissimo = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__staccato = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__stress = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__strong_accent = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__tenuto = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_articulations__unstress = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

The accent element indicates a regular horizontal accent mark.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The caesura element indicates a slight pause. It is notated using a “railroad tracks” symbol.


The detached-legato element indicates the combination of a tenuto line and staccato dot symbol.


The doit element is an indeterminate slide attached to a single note. The doit element appears after the main note and goes above the main pitch.


The falloff element is an indeterminate slide attached to a single note. The falloff element appears before the main note and goes below the main pitch.


The other-articulation element is used to define any articulations not yet in the MusicXML format. This allows extended representation, though without application interoperability.


The plop element is an indeterminate slide attached to a single note. The plop element appears before the main note and comes from above the main pitch.


The scoop element is an indeterminate slide attached to a single note. The scoop element appears before the main note and comes from below the main pitch.


The spiccato element is used for a stroke articulation, as opposed to a dot or a wedge.


The staccatissimo element is used for a wedge articulation, as opposed to a dot or a stroke.


The staccato element is used for a dot articulation, as opposed to a stroke or a wedge.


The stress element indicates a stressed note.


The strong-accent element indicates a vertical accent mark.


The tenuto element indicates a tenuto line symbol.


The unstress element indicates an unstressed note. It is often notated using a u-shaped symbol.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.attributes(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2286, 1)
_attributes__clef = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__directive = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__divisions = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__footnote = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__instruments = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__key = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__level = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__measure_style = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__part_symbol = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__staff_details = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__staves = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__time = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_attributes__transpose = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Clefs are represented by a combination of sign, line, and clef-octave-change elements.


Directives are like directions, but can be grouped together with attributes for convenience. This is typically used for tempo markings at the beginning of a piece of music. This element has been deprecated in Version 2.0 in favor of the directive attribute for direction elements. Language names come from ISO 639, with optional country subcodes from ISO 3166.


Musical notation duration is commonly represented as fractions. The divisions element indicates how many divisions per quarter note are used to indicate a note’s duration. For example, if duration = 1 and divisions = 2, this is an eighth note duration. Duration and divisions are used directly for generating sound output, so they must be chosen to take tuplets into account. Using a divisions element lets us use just one number to represent a duration for each note in the score, while retaining the full power of a fractional representation. If maximum compatibility with Standard MIDI 1.0 files is important, do not have the divisions value exceed 16383.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The instruments element is only used if more than one instrument is represented in the part (e.g., oboe I and II where they play together most of the time). If absent, a value of 1 is assumed.


The key element represents a key signature. Both traditional and non-traditional key signatures are supported. The optional number attribute refers to staff numbers. If absent, the key signature applies to all staves in the part.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


A measure-style indicates a special way to print partial to multiple measures within a part. This includes multiple rests over several measures, repeats of beats, single, or multiple measures, and use of slash notation.


The part-symbol element indicates how a symbol for a multi-staff part is indicated in the score.


The staff-details element is used to indicate different types of staves.


The staves element is used if there is more than one staff represented in the given part (e.g., 2 staves for typical piano parts). If absent, a value of 1 is assumed. Staves are ordered from top to bottom in a part in numerical order, with staff 1 above staff 2.


Time signatures are represented by the beats element for the numerator and the beat-type element for the denominator.


If the part is being encoded for a transposing instrument in written vs. concert pitch, the transposition must be encoded in the transpose element using the transpose type.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.backup(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3808, 1)
_backup__duration = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_backup__footnote = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_backup__level = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Duration is a positive number specified in division units. This is the intended duration vs. notated duration (for instance, swing eighths vs. even eighths, or differences in dotted notes in Baroque-era music). Differences in duration specific to an interpretation or performance should use the note element’s attack and release attributes.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.backward_forward(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_backward_forward_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 687, 1)
backward = 'backward'
forward = 'forward'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.bar_style(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_bar_style_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 697, 1)
dashed = 'dashed'
dotted = 'dotted'
heavy = 'heavy'
heavy_heavy = 'heavy-heavy'
heavy_light = 'heavy-light'
light_heavy = 'light-heavy'
light_light = 'light-light'
none = 'none'
regular = 'regular'
short = 'short'
tick = 'tick'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.bar_style_color(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of bar_style

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2630, 1)
_bar_style_color__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.barline(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2641, 1)
_barline__bar_style = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_barline__coda = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_barline__coda_ = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_barline__divisions = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_barline__ending = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_barline__fermata = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_barline__footnote = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_barline__level = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_barline__location = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_barline__repeat = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_barline__segno = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_barline__segno_ = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_barline__wavy_line = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.barre(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2725, 1)
_barre__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_barre__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.bass(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2733, 1)
_bass__bass_alter = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_bass__bass_step = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.bass_alter(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of semitones

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2743, 1)
_bass_alter__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__location = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__print_object = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_alter__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.bass_step(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of step

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2756, 1)
_bass_step__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bass_step__text = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.beam(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of beam_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3818, 1)
_beam__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_beam__fan = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_beam__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_beam__repeater = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.beam_level(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.positiveInteger

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_maxInclusive = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive object>
_CF_minInclusive = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_beam_level_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_totalDigits'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_totalDigits object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxExclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxExclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minExclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minExclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_fractionDigits'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_fractionDigits object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 38, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.beam_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_beam_value_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1297, 1)
backward_hook = 'backward hook'
begin = 'begin'
continue_ = 'continue'
end = 'end'
forward_hook = 'forward hook'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.beat_repeat(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2370, 1)
_beat_repeat__slash_dot = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_beat_repeat__slash_type = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_beat_repeat__slashes = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_beat_repeat__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_beat_repeat__use_dots = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

The slash-dot element is used to specify any augmentation dots in the note type used to display repetition marks.


The slash-type element indicates the graphical note type to use for the display of repetition marks.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.beater(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of beater_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2768, 1)
_beater__tip = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.beater_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_beater_value_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 772, 1)
bow = 'bow'
chime_hammer = 'chime hammer'
coin = 'coin'
finger = 'finger'
fingernail = 'fingernail'
fist = 'fist'
guiro_scraper = 'guiro scraper'
hammer = 'hammer'
hand = 'hand'
jazz_stick = 'jazz stick'
knitting_needle = 'knitting needle'
metal_hammer = 'metal hammer'
snare_stick = 'snare stick'
spoon_mallet = 'spoon mallet'
triangle_beater = 'triangle beater'
triangle_beater_plain = 'triangle beater plain'
wire_brush = 'wire brush'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.bend(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3838, 1)
_bend__accelerate = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__beats = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__bend_alter = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_bend__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__first_beat = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__last_beat = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__pre_bend = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_bend__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bend__release = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_bend__with_bar = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


The bend-alter element indicates the number of steps in the bend, similar to the alter element. As with the alter element, numbers like 0.5 can be used to indicate microtones. Negative numbers indicate pre-bends or releases; the pre-bend and release elements are used to distinguish what is intended.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


The pre-bend element indicates that this is a pre-bend rather than a normal bend or a release.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


The release element indicates that this is a release rather than a normal bend or pre-bend.


The with-bar element indicates that the bend is to be done at the bridge with a whammy or vibrato bar. The content of the element indicates how this should be notated.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.bookmark(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3651, 1)
_bookmark__element = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bookmark__id = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bookmark__name = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bookmark__position = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.bracket(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2779, 1)
_bracket__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__dash_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__end_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__line_end = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__line_type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__space_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_bracket__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.breath_mark(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of breath_mark_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3870, 1)
_breath_mark__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_breath_mark__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.breath_mark_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_breath_mark_value_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1310, 1)
comma = 'comma'
emptyString = ''
tick = 'tick'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.cancel(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of fifths

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2382, 1)
_cancel__location = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.cancel_location(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_cancel_location_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 567, 1)
before_barline = 'before-barline'
left = 'left'
right = 'right'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.circular_arrow(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_circular_arrow_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1321, 1)
anticlockwise = 'anticlockwise'
clockwise = 'clockwise'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.clef(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2393, 1)
_clef__additional = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__after_barline = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__clef_octave_change = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_clef__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__line = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_clef__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__print_object = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_clef__sign = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_clef__size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


The clef-octave-change element is used for transposing clefs. A treble clef for tenors would have a value of -1.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Line numbers are counted from the bottom of the staff. Standard values are 2 for the G sign (treble clef), 4 for the F sign (bass clef), 3 for the C sign (alto clef) and 5 for TAB (on a 6-line staff).


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


The sign element represents the clef symbol.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.clef_sign(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

C = 'C'
F = 'F'
G = 'G'
_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_clef_sign_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 578, 1)
jianpu = 'jianpu'
none = 'none'
percussion = 'percussion'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.color(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_pattern = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_color_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 48, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.comma_separated_text(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_pattern = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_comma_separated_text_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 61, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.credit(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 4745, 1)
_credit__bookmark = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_credit__credit_image = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_credit__credit_type = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_credit__credit_words = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_credit__page = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.css_font_size(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_css_font_size_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 70, 1)
large = 'large'
medium = 'medium'
small = 'small'
x_large = 'x-large'
x_small = 'x-small'
xx_large = 'xx-large'
xx_small = 'xx-small'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.dashes(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2793, 1)
_dashes__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dashes__dash_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dashes__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dashes__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dashes__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dashes__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dashes__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dashes__space_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dashes__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.defaults(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 4775, 1)
_defaults__appearance = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_defaults__lyric_font = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_defaults__lyric_language = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_defaults__music_font = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_defaults__page_layout = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_defaults__scaling = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_defaults__staff_layout = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_defaults__system_layout = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_defaults__word_font = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.degree(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2804, 1)
_degree__degree_alter = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_degree__degree_type = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_degree__degree_value = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_degree__print_object = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.degree_alter(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of semitones

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2818, 1)
_degree_alter__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__plus_minus = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_alter__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.degree_symbol_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_degree_symbol_value_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 797, 1)
augmented = 'augmented'
diminished = 'diminished'
half_diminished = 'half-diminished'
major = 'major'
minor = 'minor'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.degree_type(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of degree_type_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2830, 1)
_degree_type__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_type__text = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.degree_type_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_degree_type_value_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 810, 1)
add = 'add'
alter = 'alter'
subtract = 'subtract'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.degree_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of positiveInteger

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2842, 1)
_degree_value__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__symbol = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_degree_value__text = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.direction(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2855, 1)
_direction__direction_type = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction__directive = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_direction__footnote = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction__level = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction__offset = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_direction__sound = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction__staff = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction__voice = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Staff assignment is only needed for music notated on multiple staves. Used by both notes and directions. Staff values are numbers, with 1 referring to the top-most staff in a part.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.direction_type(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2872, 1)
_direction_type__accordion_registration = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__bracket = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__coda = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__damp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__damp_all = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__dashes = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__dynamics = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__eyeglasses = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__harp_pedals = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__image = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__metronome = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__octave_shift = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__other_direction = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__pedal = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__percussion = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__principal_voice = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__rehearsal = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__scordatura = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__segno = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__string_mute = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__wedge = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_direction_type__words = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The coda element is the visual indicator of a coda sign. A sound element is needed to guide playback applications reliably.


The damp element specifies a harp damping mark.


The damp-all element specifies a harp damping mark for all strings.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The eyeglasses element specifies the eyeglasses symbol, common in commercial music.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The rehearsal type specifies a rehearsal mark. Language is Italian (“it”) by default. Enclosure is square by default. Left justification is assumed if not specified.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The segno element is the visual indicator of a segno sign. A sound element is needed to guide playback applications reliably.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The words element specifies a standard text direction. Left justification is assumed if not specified. Language is Italian (“it”) by default. Enclosure is none by default.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.distance(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of tenths

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3518, 1)
_distance__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.distance_type(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_distance_type_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1174, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.divisions(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.decimal

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_divisions_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_totalDigits'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_totalDigits object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxExclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxExclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minExclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minExclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_fractionDigits'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_fractionDigits object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 85, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.dynamics(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1991, 1)
_dynamics__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__enclosure = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__f = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__ff = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__fff = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__ffff = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__fffff = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__ffffff = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__fp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__fz = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__halign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__line_through = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__mf = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__mp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__other_dynamics = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__overline = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__p = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__pp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__ppp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__pppp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__ppppp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__pppppp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__rf = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__rfz = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__sf = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__sffz = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__sfp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__sfpp = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__sfz = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_dynamics__underline = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_dynamics__valign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.effect(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_effect_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 821, 1)
anvil = 'anvil'
auto_horn = 'auto horn'
bird_whistle = 'bird whistle'
cannon = 'cannon'
duck_call = 'duck call'
gun_shot = 'gun shot'
klaxon_horn = 'klaxon horn'
lions_roar = 'lions roar'
police_whistle = 'police whistle'
siren = 'siren'
slide_whistle = 'slide whistle'
thunder_sheet = 'thunder sheet'
wind_machine = 'wind machine'
wind_whistle = 'wind whistle'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.empty(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2029, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.empty_font(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 4790, 1)
_empty_font__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_font__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_font__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_font__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.empty_line(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3882, 1)
_empty_line__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__dash_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__line_shape = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__line_type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_line__space_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.empty_placement(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2035, 1)
_empty_placement__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_placement__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.empty_print_object_style_align(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2057, 1)
_empty_print_object_style_align__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__halign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__print_object = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_object_style_align__valign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.empty_print_style(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2043, 1)
_empty_print_style__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.empty_print_style_align(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2050, 1)
_empty_print_style_align__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__halign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_print_style_align__valign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.empty_trill_sound(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2065, 1)
_empty_trill_sound__accelerate = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__beats = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__last_beat = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__second_beat = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__start_note = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__trill_step = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_empty_trill_sound__two_note_turn = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.enclosure_shape(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_enclosure_shape_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 92, 1)
bracket = 'bracket'
circle = 'circle'
diamond = 'diamond'
none = 'none'
oval = 'oval'
rectangle = 'rectangle'
square = 'square'
triangle = 'triangle'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.encoding(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3431, 1)
_encoding__encoder = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_encoding__encoding_date = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_encoding__encoding_description = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_encoding__software = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_encoding__supports = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.ending(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of string

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2663, 1)
_ending__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__end_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__print_object = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__text_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__text_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_ending__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.ending_number(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_pattern = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_ending_number_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 716, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.extend(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3893, 1)
_extend__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_extend__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.fan(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_fan_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1331, 1)
accel = 'accel'
none = 'none'
rit = 'rit'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.feature(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of string

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2930, 1)
_feature__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.fermata(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of fermata_shape

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2084, 1)
_fermata__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fermata__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.fermata_shape(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_fermata_shape_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 108, 1)
angled = 'angled'
emptyString = ''
normal = 'normal'
square = 'square'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.fifths(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.integer

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_fifths_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_totalDigits'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_totalDigits object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minInclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxExclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxExclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minExclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minExclusive object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_fractionDigits'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_fractionDigits object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxInclusive object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 593, 1)
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.figure(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3901, 1)
_figure__extend = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_figure__figure_number = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_figure__prefix = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_figure__suffix = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


A figure-number is a number. Overstrikes of the figure number are represented in the suffix element.


Values for the prefix element include the accidental values sharp, flat, natural, double-sharp, flat-flat, and sharp-sharp. The prefix element may contain additional values for symbols specific to particular figured bass styles.


Values for the suffix element include the accidental values sharp, flat, natural, double-sharp, flat-flat, and sharp-sharp. Suffixes include both symbols that come after the figure number and those that overstrike the figure number. The suffix value slash is used for slashed numbers indicating chromatic alteration. The orientation and display of the slash usually depends on the figure number. The suffix element may contain additional values for symbols specific to particular figured bass styles.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.figured_bass(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3925, 1)
_figured_bass__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__duration = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_figured_bass__figure = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_figured_bass__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__footnote = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_figured_bass__level = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_figured_bass__parentheses = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__print_dot = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__print_lyric = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__print_object = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__print_spacing = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_figured_bass__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Duration is a positive number specified in division units. This is the intended duration vs. notated duration (for instance, swing eighths vs. even eighths, or differences in dotted notes in Baroque-era music). Differences in duration specific to an interpretation or performance should use the note element’s attack and release attributes.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.fingering(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of string

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2096, 1)
_fingering__alternate = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fingering__substitution = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.first_fret(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of positiveInteger

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2941, 1)
_first_fret__location = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_first_fret__text = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.font_size(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.STD_union

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_CF_pattern = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_MemberTypes = (<class 'pyxb.binding.datatypes.decimal'>, <class 'Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.css_font_size'>)
_None_font_size_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 120, 1)
large = 'large'
medium = 'medium'
small = 'small'
x_large = 'x-large'
x_small = 'x-small'
xx_large = 'xx-large'
xx_small = 'xx-small'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.font_style(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_font_style_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 127, 1)
italic = 'italic'
normal = 'normal'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.font_weight(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.token, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_font_weight_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 137, 1)
bold = 'bold'
normal = 'normal'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.formatted_text(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of string

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2110, 1)
_formatted_text__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__dir = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__enclosure = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__halign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__justify = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__lang = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__letter_spacing = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__line_height = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__line_through = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__overline = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__rotation = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__space = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__underline = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_formatted_text__valign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.forward(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3941, 1)
_forward__duration = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_forward__footnote = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_forward__level = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_forward__staff = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_forward__voice = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Duration is a positive number specified in division units. This is the intended duration vs. notated duration (for instance, swing eighths vs. even eighths, or differences in dotted notes in Baroque-era music). Differences in duration specific to an interpretation or performance should use the note element’s attack and release attributes.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Staff assignment is only needed for music notated on multiple staves. Used by both notes and directions. Staff values are numbers, with 1 referring to the top-most staff in a part.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.frame(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2953, 1)
_frame__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__first_fret = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_frame__frame_frets = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_frame__frame_note = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_frame__frame_strings = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_frame__halign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__height = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__unplayed = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__valign = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_frame__width = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The frame-frets element gives the overall size of the frame in horizontal spaces (frets).


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


The frame-strings element gives the overall size of the frame in vertical lines (strings).


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.frame_note(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2980, 1)
_frame_note__barre = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_frame_note__fingering = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_frame_note__fret = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_frame_note__string = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.fret(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of nonNegativeInteger

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2121, 1)
_fret__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fret__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fret__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fret__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_fret__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.glass(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_glass_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 843, 1)
wind_chimes = 'wind chimes'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.glissando(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of string

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3952, 1)
_glissando__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__dash_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__line_type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__space_length = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_glissando__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.grace(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'EMPTY'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3967, 1)
_grace__make_time = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_grace__slash = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_grace__steal_time_following = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_grace__steal_time_previous = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.group_barline(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of group_barline_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 4797, 1)
_group_barline__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.group_barline_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

Mensurstrich = 'Mensurstrich'
_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_group_barline_value_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1522, 1)
no = 'no'
yes = 'yes'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.group_name(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of string

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 4808, 1)
_group_name__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__justify = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_name__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.group_symbol(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of group_symbol_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 4819, 1)
_group_symbol__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_symbol__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_symbol__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_symbol__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_group_symbol__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.group_symbol_value(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.datatypes.string, pyxb.binding.basis.enumeration_mixin

Initialize a newly created STD instance.

Usually there is one positional argument, which is a value that can be converted to the underlying Python type.

@keyword _validate_constraints: If True (default if validation is enabled), the newly constructed value is checked against its constraining facets. @type _validate_constraints: C{bool}

@keyword _apply_attributes: If C{True} (default), any attributes present in the keywords or DOM node are applied. Normally presence of such an attribute should produce an error; when creating simple content for a complex type we need the DOM node, but do not want to apply the attributes, so we bypass the application.

_CF_enumeration = <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>
_Documentation = ''
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_None_group_symbol_value_FacetMap = {<class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_minLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_maxLength object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_enumeration object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_pattern object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_whiteSpace object>, <class 'pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length'>: <pyxb.binding.facets.CF_length object>}
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 1533, 1)
brace = 'brace'
bracket = 'bracket'
line = 'line'
none = 'none'
square = 'square'
class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.grouping(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_Automaton = <pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton object>
_ContentTypeTag = 'ELEMENT_ONLY'
_ElementMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_TypeDefinition = None
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 2992, 1)
_grouping__feature = <pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration object>
_grouping__member_of = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_grouping__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_grouping__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Return the value for this use within the given instance.

Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if the element has not yet been assigned a value.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.hammer_on_pull_off(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of string

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3977, 1)
_hammer_on_pull_off__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__number = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_hammer_on_pull_off__type = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.

class Musica.MusicXML.Pyxb.handbell(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition

Create a new instance of this binding.

Arguments are used as transition values along the content model. Keywords are passed to the constructor of any simple content, or used to initialize attribute and element values whose L{id <content.ElementDeclaration.id>} (not L{name <content.ElementDeclaration.name>}) matches the keyword.

@keyword _dom_node: The node to use as the source of binding content. @type _dom_node: C{xml.dom.Element}

@keyword _location: An optional instance of L{pyxb.utils.utility.Location} showing the origin the binding. If C{None}, a value from C{_dom_node} is used if available.

@keyword _from_xml: See L{_TypeBinding_mixin.Factory}

@keyword _finalize_content_model: If C{True} the constructor invokes L{_TypeBinding_mixin._finalizeContentModel} prior to return. The value defaults to C{False} when content is assigned through keyword parameters (bypassing the content model) or neither a C{_dom_node} nor positional element parameters have been provided, and to C{True} in all other cases.


alias of handbell_value

_Abstract = False
_AttributeMap = {<pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>, <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>: <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>}
_ContentTypeTag = 'SIMPLE'
_ElementMap = {}
_ExpandedName = <pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName object>
_XSDLocation = pyxb.utils.utility.Location('musicxml.xsd', 3991, 1)
_handbell__color = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__default_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__default_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__font_family = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__font_size = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__font_style = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__font_weight = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__placement = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__relative_x = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>
_handbell__relative_y = <pyxb.binding.content.AttributeUse object>

Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.


Get the value of the attribute from the instance.