12. How to Refer to Musica ?ΒΆ

Up to now, the official url for Musica is https://musica.fabrice-salvaire.fr

A permanent redirection will be implemented if the domain change in the future.

On Github, you can use the musica topic for repository related to Musica.

A typical BibTeX citation would be, for example:

  author = {Fabrice Salvaire}, % actual author and maintainer
  title = {Musica},
  url = {https://musica.fabrice-salvaire.fr},
  version = {x.y},
  date = {yyyy-mm-dd}, % set to the release date

  author = {Fabrice Salvaire},
  title = {Musica},
  howpublished = {\url{https://musica.fabrice-salvaire.fr}},
  year = {yyyy}