# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2009-2013, Peter A. Bigot
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
# copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Utility functions and classes."""
import re
import os
import errno
import pyxb
from pyxb.utils.six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse
import time
import datetime
import logging
from pyxb.utils import six
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Object (object):
"""A dummy class used to hold arbitrary attributes.
Essentially this gives us a map without having to worry about
converting names to text to use as keys.
def BackfillComparisons (cls):
"""Class decorator that fills in missing ordering methods.
Concept derived from Python 2.7.5 functools.total_ordering,
but this version requires that __eq__ and __lt__ be provided,
and unconditionally overrides __ne__, __gt__, __le__, and __ge__
with the derived versions.
This is still necessary in Python 3 because in Python 3 the
comparison x >= y is done by the __ge__ inherited from object,
which does not handle the case where x and y are not the same type
even if the underlying y < x would convert x to be compatible. """
def applyconvert (cls, derived):
for (opn, opx) in derived:
opx.__name__ = opn
opx.__doc__ = getattr(int, opn).__doc__
setattr(cls, opn, opx)
applyconvert(cls, (
('__gt__', lambda self, other: not (self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other))),
('__le__', lambda self, other: self.__lt__(other) or self.__eq__(other)),
('__ge__', lambda self, other: not self.__lt__(other))
applyconvert(cls, (
('__ne__', lambda self, other: not self.__eq__(other)),
return cls
def IteratedCompareMixed (lhs, rhs):
"""Tuple comparison that permits C{None} as lower than any value,
and defines other cross-type comparison.
@return: -1 if lhs < rhs, 0 if lhs == rhs, 1 if lhs > rhs."""
li = iter(lhs)
ri = iter(rhs)
while True:
(lv, rv) = (next(li), next(ri))
if lv is None:
if rv is None:
return -1
if rv is None:
return 1
if lv == rv:
if lv < rv:
return -1
return 1
except StopIteration:
nl = len(lhs)
nr = len(rhs)
if nl < nr:
return -1
if nl == nr:
return 0
return 1
def QuotedEscaped (s):
"""Convert a string into a literal value that can be used in Python source.
This just calls C{repr}. No point in getting all complex when the language
already gives us what we need.
@rtype: C{str}
return repr(s)
def _DefaultXMLIdentifierToPython (identifier):
"""Default implementation for _XMLIdentifierToPython
For historical reasons, this converts the identifier from a str to
unicode in the system default encoding. This should have no
practical effect.
@param identifier : some XML identifier
@return: C{unicode(identifier)}
return six.text_type(identifier)
def _SetXMLIdentifierToPython (xml_identifier_to_python):
"""Configure a callable L{MakeIdentifier} uses to pre-process an XM Lidentifier.
In Python3, identifiers can be full Unicode tokens, but in Python2,
all identifiers must be ASCII characters. L{MakeIdentifier} enforces
this by removing all characters that are not valid within an
In some cases, an application generating bindings may be able to
transliterate Unicode code points that are not valid Python identifier
characters into something else. This callable can be assigned to
perform that translation before the invalid characters are
For example, see `unidecode
<https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Unidecode>`_ and `this forum posting
It is not the responsibility of this callable to do anything other
than replace whatever characters it wishes to. All
transformations performed by L{MakeIdentifier} will still be
applied, to ensure the output is in fact a legal identifier.
@param xml_identifier_to_python : A callable that takes a string
and returns a Unicode, possibly with non-identifier characters
replaced by other characters. Pass C{None} to reset to the
default implementation, which is L{_DefaultXMLIdentifierToPython}.
@rtype: C{unicode}
global _XMLIdentifierToPython
if xml_identifier_to_python is None:
xml_identifier_to_python = _DefaultXMLIdentifierToPython
_XMLIdentifierToPython = xml_identifier_to_python
_XMLIdentifierToPython = _DefaultXMLIdentifierToPython
_UnderscoreSubstitute_re = re.compile(r'[- .]')
_NonIdentifier_re = re.compile(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_]')
_PrefixUnderscore_re = re.compile(r'^_+')
_PrefixDigit_re = re.compile(r'^\d+')
_CamelCase_re = re.compile(r'_\w')
def MakeIdentifier (s, camel_case=False):
"""Convert a string into something suitable to be a Python identifier.
The string is processed by L{_XMLIdentifierToPython}. Following
this, dashes, spaces, and periods are replaced by underscores, and
characters not permitted in Python identifiers are stripped.
Furthermore, any leading underscores are removed. If the result
begins with a digit, the character 'n' is prepended. If the
result is the empty string, the string 'emptyString' is
No check is made for L{conflicts with keywords <DeconflictKeyword>}.
@keyword camel_case : If C{True}, any underscore in the result
string that is immediately followed by an alphanumeric is replaced
by the capitalized version of that alphanumeric. Thus,
'one_or_two' becomes 'oneOrTwo'. If C{False} (default), has no
@rtype: C{str}
s = _XMLIdentifierToPython(s)
s = _PrefixUnderscore_re.sub('', _NonIdentifier_re.sub('', _UnderscoreSubstitute_re.sub('_', s)))
if camel_case:
s = _CamelCase_re.sub(lambda _m: _m.group(0)[1].upper(), s)
if _PrefixDigit_re.match(s):
s = 'n' + s
if 0 == len(s):
s = 'emptyString'
return s
def MakeModuleElement (s):
"""Convert a string into something that can be a valid element in a
Python module path.
Module path elements are similar to identifiers, but may begin
with numbers and should not have leading underscores removed.
return _UnderscoreSubstitute_re.sub('_', _XMLIdentifierToPython(s))
_PythonKeywords = frozenset( (
"and", "as", "assert", "break", "class", "continue", "def", "del",
"elif", "else", "except", "exec", "finally", "for", "from", "global",
"if", "import", "in", "is", "lambda", "not", "or", "pass", "print",
"raise", "return", "try", "while", "with", "yield"
) )
"""Python keywords. Note that types like int and float are not
@see: U{http://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html#keywords}."""
_PythonBuiltInConstants = frozenset( (
"False", "True", "None", "NotImplemented", "Ellipsis", "__debug__",
# "set" is neither a keyword nor a constant, but if some fool
# like {http://www.w3.org/2001/SMIL20/}set gets defined there's
# no way to access the builtin constructor.
) )
"""Other symbols that aren't keywords but that can't be used.
@see: U{http://docs.python.org/library/constants.html}."""
_Keywords = frozenset(_PythonKeywords.union(_PythonBuiltInConstants))
"""The keywords reserved for Python, derived from L{_PythonKeywords}
and L{_PythonBuiltInConstants}."""
def DeconflictKeyword (s, aux_keywords=frozenset()):
"""If the provided string C{s} matches a Python language keyword,
append an underscore to distinguish them.
See also L{MakeUnique}.
@param s: string to be deconflicted
@keyword aux_keywords: optional iterable of additional strings
that should be treated as keywords.
@rtype: C{str}
if (s in _Keywords) or (s in aux_keywords):
return '%s_' % (s,)
return s
def MakeUnique (s, in_use):
"""Return an identifier based on C{s} that is not in the given set.
The returned identifier is made unique by appending an underscore
and, if necessary, a serial number.
The order is : C{x}, C{x_}, C{x_2}, C{x_3}, ...
@param in_use: The set of identifiers already in use in the
relevant scope. C{in_use} is updated to contain the returned
@rtype: C{str}
if s in in_use:
ctr = 2
s = s.rstrip('_')
candidate = '%s_' % (s,)
while candidate in in_use:
candidate = '%s_%d' % (s, ctr)
ctr += 1
s = candidate
return s
def PrepareIdentifier (s, in_use, aux_keywords=frozenset(), private=False, protected=False):
"""Combine everything required to create a unique identifier.
Leading and trailing underscores are stripped from all
@param in_use: the set of already used identifiers. Upon return
from this function, it is updated to include the returned
@keyword aux_keywords: an optional set of additional symbols that
are illegal in the given context; use this to prevent conflicts
with known method names.
@keyword private: if C{False} (default), all leading underscores
are stripped, guaranteeing the identifier will not be private. If
C{True}, the returned identifier has two leading underscores,
making it a private variable within a Python class.
@keyword protected: as for C{private}, but uses only one
@rtype: C{str}
@note: Only module-level identifiers should be treated as
protected. The class-level L{_DeconflictSymbols_mixin}
infrastructure does not include protected symbols. All class and
instance members beginning with a single underscore are reserved
for the PyXB infrastructure."""
s = DeconflictKeyword(MakeIdentifier(s).strip('_'), aux_keywords)
if private:
s = '__' + s
elif protected:
s = '_' + s
return MakeUnique(s, in_use)
# @todo: descend from pyxb.cscRoot, if we import pyxb
class _DeconflictSymbols_mixin (object):
"""Mix-in used to deconflict public symbols in classes that may be
inherited by generated binding classes.
Some classes, like the L{pyxb.binding.basis.element} or
L{pyxb.binding.basis.simpleTypeDefinition} classes in
L{pyxb.binding.basis}, have public symbols associated with
functions and variables. It is possible that an XML schema might
include tags and attribute names that match these symbols. To
avoid conflict, the reserved symbols marked in this class are
added to the pre-defined identifier set.
Subclasses should create a class-level variable
C{_ReservedSymbols} that contains a set of strings denoting the
symbols reserved in this class, combined with those from any
superclasses that also have reserved symbols. Code like the
following is suggested::
# For base classes (direct mix-in):
_ReservedSymbols = set([ 'one', 'two' ])
# For subclasses:
_ReservedSymbols = SuperClass._ReservedSymbols.union(set([ 'three' ]))
Only public symbols (those with no underscores) are currently
supported. (Private symbols can't be deconflicted that easily,
and no protected symbols that derive from the XML are created by
the binding generator.)
_ReservedSymbols = set()
"""There are no reserved symbols in the base class."""
# Regular expression detecting tabs, carriage returns, and line feeds
__TabCRLF_re = re.compile("[\t\n\r]")
# Regular expressoin detecting sequences of two or more spaces
__MultiSpace_re = re.compile(" +")
def NormalizeWhitespace (text, preserve=False, replace=False, collapse=False):
"""Normalize the given string.
Exactly one of the C{preserve}, C{replace}, and C{collapse} keyword
parameters must be assigned the value C{True} by the caller.
- C{preserve}: the text is returned unchanged.
- C{replace}: all tabs, newlines, and carriage returns are
replaced with ASCII spaces.
- C{collapse}: the C{replace} normalization is done, then
sequences of two or more spaces are replaced by a single space.
See the U{whiteSpace facet<http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#rf-whiteSpace>}.
@rtype: C{str}
if preserve:
return text
text = __TabCRLF_re.sub(' ', text)
if replace:
return text
if collapse:
return __MultiSpace_re.sub(' ', text).strip()
# pyxb not imported here; could be.
raise Exception('NormalizeWhitespace: No normalization specified')
class Graph:
"""Represent a directed graph with arbitrary objects as nodes.
This is used in the L{code
generator<pyxb.binding.generate.Generator>} to determine order
dependencies among components within a namespace, and schema that
comprise various namespaces. An edge from C{source} to C{target}
indicates that some aspect of C{source} requires that some aspect
of C{target} already be available.
def __init__ (self, root=None):
self.__roots = None
if root is not None:
self.__roots = set([root])
self.__edges = set()
self.__edgeMap = { }
self.__reverseMap = { }
self.__nodes = set()
__scc = None
__sccMap = None
__dfsOrder = None
def addEdge (self, source, target):
"""Add a directed edge from the C{source} to the C{target}.
The nodes are added to the graph if necessary.
self.__edges.add( (source, target) )
self.__edgeMap.setdefault(source, set()).add(target)
if source != target:
self.__reverseMap.setdefault(target, set()).add(source)
def addNode (self, node):
"""Add the given node to the graph."""
__roots = None
def roots (self, reset=False):
"""Return the set of nodes calculated to be roots (i.e., those that have no incoming edges).
This caches the roots calculated in a previous invocation
unless the C{reset} keyword is given the value C{True}.
@note: Upon reset, any notes that had been manually added
using L{addNode} will no longer be in the set.
@keyword reset: If C{True}, any cached value is discarded and
recomputed. No effect if C{False} (defalut).
@rtype: C{set}
if reset or (self.__roots is None):
self.__roots = set()
for n in self.__nodes:
if not (n in self.__reverseMap):
return self.__roots
def addRoot (self, root):
"""Add the provided node as a root node, even if it has incoming edges.
The node need not be present in the graph (if necessary, it is added).
Note that roots added in this way do not survive a reset using
@return: C{self}
if self.__roots is None:
self.__roots = set()
return self
def edgeMap (self):
"""Return the edges in the graph.
The edge data structure is a map from the source node to the
set of nodes that can be reached in a single step from the
return self.__edgeMap
__edgeMap = None
def edges (self):
"""Return the edges in the graph.
The edge data structure is a set of node pairs represented as C{( source, target )}.
return self.__edges
def nodes (self):
"""Return the set of nodes in the graph.
The node collection data structure is a set containing node
objects, whatever they may be."""
return self.__nodes
def tarjan (self, reset=False):
"""Execute Tarjan's algorithm on the graph.
computes the U{strongly-connected
of the graph: i.e., the sets of nodes that form a minimal
closed set under edge transition. In essence, the loops. We
use this to detect groups of components that have a dependency
@keyword reset: If C{True}, any cached component set is erased
and recomputed. If C{True}, an existing previous result is
left unchanged."""
if (self.__scc is not None) and (not reset):
self.__sccMap = { }
self.__stack = []
self.__sccOrder = []
self.__scc = []
self.__index = 0
self.__tarjanIndex = { }
self.__tarjanLowLink = { }
for v in self.__nodes:
self.__tarjanIndex[v] = None
roots = self.roots()
if (0 == len(roots)) and (0 < len(self.__nodes)):
raise Exception('TARJAN: No roots found in graph with %d nodes' % (len(self.__nodes),))
for r in roots:
self.__didTarjan = True
def _tarjan (self, v):
"""Do the work of Tarjan's algorithm for a given root node."""
if self.__tarjanIndex.get(v) is not None:
# "Root" was already reached.
self.__tarjanIndex[v] = self.__tarjanLowLink[v] = self.__index
self.__index += 1
source = v
for target in self.__edgeMap.get(source, []):
if self.__tarjanIndex[target] is None:
self.__tarjanLowLink[v] = min(self.__tarjanLowLink[v], self.__tarjanLowLink[target])
elif target in self.__stack:
self.__tarjanLowLink[v] = min(self.__tarjanLowLink[v], self.__tarjanLowLink[target])
if self.__tarjanLowLink[v] == self.__tarjanIndex[v]:
scc = []
while True:
if v == scc[-1]:
if 1 < len(scc):
[ self.__sccMap.setdefault(_v, scc) for _v in scc ]
def scc (self, reset=False):
"""Return the strongly-connected components of the graph.
The data structure is a set, each element of which is itself a
set containing one or more nodes from the graph.
@see: L{tarjan}.
if reset or (self.__scc is None):
return self.__scc
__scc = None
def sccMap (self, reset=False):
"""Return a map from nodes to the strongly-connected component
to which the node belongs.
@keyword reset: If C{True}, the L{tarjan} method will be
re-invoked, propagating the C{reset} value. If C{False}
(default), a cached value will be returned if available.
@see: L{tarjan}.
if reset or (self.__sccMap is None):
return self.__sccMap
__sccMap = None
def sccOrder (self, reset=False):
"""Return the strongly-connected components in order.
The data structure is a list, in dependency order, of strongly
connected components (which can be single nodes). Appearance
of a node in a set earlier in the list indicates that it has
no dependencies on any node that appears in a subsequent set.
This order is preferred over L{dfsOrder} for code generation,
since it detects loops.
@see: L{tarjan}.
if reset or (self.__sccOrder is None):
return self.__sccOrder
__sccOrder = None
def sccForNode (self, node, **kw):
"""Return the strongly-connected component to which the given
node belongs.
Any keywords suppliend when invoking this method are passed to
the L{sccMap} method.
@return: The SCC set, or C{None} if the node is not present in
the results of Tarjan's algorithm."""
return self.sccMap(**kw).get(node)
def cyclomaticComplexity (self):
"""Return the cyclomatic complexity of the graph."""
return len(self.__edges) - len(self.__nodes) + 2 * len(self.__scc)
def __dfsWalk (self, source):
assert not (source in self.__dfsWalked)
for target in self.__edgeMap.get(source, []):
if not (target in self.__dfsWalked):
def _generateDOT (self, title='UNKNOWN', labeller=None):
node_map = { }
idx = 1
for n in self.__nodes:
node_map[n] = idx
idx += 1
text = []
text.append('digraph "%s" {' % (title,))
for n in self.__nodes:
if labeller is not None:
nn = labeller(n)
nn = str(n)
text.append('%s [shape=box,label="%s"];' % (node_map[n], nn))
for s in self.__nodes:
for d in self.__edgeMap.get(s, []):
if s != d:
text.append('%s -> %s;' % (node_map[s], node_map[d]))
return "\n".join(text)
def dfsOrder (self, reset=False):
"""Return the nodes of the graph in U{depth-first-search
The data structure is a list. Calculated lists are retained
and returned on future invocations, subject to the C{reset}
@keyword reset: If C{True}, discard cached results and recompute the order."""
if reset or (self.__dfsOrder is None):
self.__dfsWalked = set()
self.__dfsOrder = []
for root in self.roots(reset=reset):
self.__dfsWalked = None
if len(self.__dfsOrder) != len(self.__nodes):
raise Exception('DFS walk did not cover all nodes (walk %d versus nodes %d)' % (len(self.__dfsOrder), len(self.__nodes)))
return self.__dfsOrder
def rootSetOrder (self):
"""Return the nodes of the graph as a sequence of root sets.
The first root set is the set of nodes that are roots: i.e.,
have no incoming edges. The second root set is the set of
nodes that have incoming nodes in the first root set. This
continues until all nodes have been reached. The sets impose
a partial order on the nodes, without being as constraining as
@return: a list of the root sets."""
order = []
nodes = set(self.__nodes)
edge_map = {}
for (d, srcs) in six.iteritems(self.__edgeMap):
edge_map[d] = srcs.copy()
while nodes:
freeset = set()
for n in nodes:
if not (n in edge_map):
if 0 == len(freeset):
_log.error('dependency cycle in named components')
return None
new_edge_map = {}
for (d, srcs) in six.iteritems(edge_map):
if 0 != len(srcs):
new_edge_map[d] = srcs
edge_map = new_edge_map
return order
LocationPrefixRewriteMap_ = { }
def SetLocationPrefixRewriteMap (prefix_map):
"""Set the map that is used to by L{NormalizeLocation} to rewrite URI prefixes."""
def NormalizeLocation (uri, parent_uri=None, prefix_map=None):
"""Normalize a URI against an optional parent_uri in the way that is
done for C{schemaLocation} attribute values.
If no URI schema is present, this will normalize a file system
Optionally, the resulting absolute URI can subsequently be
rewritten to replace specified prefix strings with alternative
strings, e.g. to convert a remote URI to a local repository. This
rewriting is done after the conversion to an absolute URI, but
before normalizing file system URIs.
@param uri : The URI to normalize. If C{None}, function returns
@param parent_uri : The base URI against which normalization is
done, if C{uri} is a relative URI.
@param prefix_map : A map used to rewrite URI prefixes. If
C{None}, the value defaults to that stored by
if uri is None:
return uri
if parent_uri is None:
abs_uri = uri
abs_uri = urlparse.urljoin(parent_uri, uri)
if prefix_map is None:
prefix_map = LocationPrefixRewriteMap_
for (pfx, sub) in six.iteritems(prefix_map):
if abs_uri.startswith(pfx):
abs_uri = sub + abs_uri[len(pfx):]
if 0 > abs_uri.find(':'):
abs_uri = os.path.realpath(abs_uri)
return abs_uri
def DataFromURI (uri, archive_directory=None):
"""Retrieve the contents of the uri as raw data.
If the uri does not include a scheme (e.g., C{http:}), it is
assumed to be a file path on the local system."""
from pyxb.utils.six.moves.urllib.request import urlopen
stream = None
exc = None
# Only something that has a colon is a non-file URI. Some things
# that have a colon are a file URI (sans schema). Prefer urllib2,
# but allow urllib (which apparently works better on Windows).
if 0 <= uri.find(':'):
stream = urlopen(uri)
except Exception as e:
exc = e
if (stream is None) and six.PY2:
import urllib
stream = urllib.urlopen(uri)
exc = None
# Prefer urllib exception
if stream is None:
# No go as URI; give file a chance
stream = open(uri, 'rb')
exc = None
except Exception as e:
if exc is None:
exc = e
if exc is not None:
_log.error('open %s', uri, exc_info=exc)
raise exc
# Protect this in case whatever stream is doesn't have an fp
# attribute.
if isinstance(stream, six.moves.file) or isinstance(stream.fp, six.moves.file):
archive_directory = None
xmld = stream.read()
if archive_directory:
base_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(urlparse.urlparse(uri)[2]))
counter = 1
dest_file = os.path.join(archive_directory, base_name)
while os.path.isfile(dest_file):
dest_file = os.path.join(archive_directory, '%s.%d' % (base_name, counter))
counter += 1
except OSError as e:
_log.warning('Unable to save %s in %s: %s', uri, dest_file, e)
return xmld
def OpenOrCreate (file_name, tag=None, preserve_contents=False):
"""Return a file object used to write binary data into the given file.
Use the C{tag} keyword to preserve the contents of existing files
that are not supposed to be overwritten.
To get a writable file but leaving any existing contents in place,
set the C{preserve_contents} keyword to C{True}. Normally, existing file
contents are erased.
The returned file pointer is positioned at the end of the file.
@keyword tag: If not C{None} and the file already exists, absence
of the given value in the first 4096 bytes of the file (decoded as
UTF-8) causes an C{IOError} to be raised with C{errno} set to
C{EEXIST}. I.e., only files with this value in the first 4KB will
be returned for writing.
@keyword preserve_contents: This value controls whether existing
contents of the file will be erased (C{False}, default) or left in
place (C{True}).
(path, leaf) = os.path.split(file_name)
if path:
except Exception as e:
if not (isinstance(e, (OSError, IOError)) and (errno.EEXIST == e.errno)):
fp = open(file_name, 'ab+')
if (tag is not None) and (0 < os.fstat(fp.fileno()).st_size):
fp.seek(0) # os.SEEK_SET
blockd = fp.read(4096)
blockt = blockd.decode('utf-8')
if 0 > blockt.find(tag):
raise OSError(errno.EEXIST, os.strerror(errno.EEXIST))
if not preserve_contents:
fp.seek(0) # os.SEEK_SET
fp.seek(2) # os.SEEK_END
return fp
# hashlib didn't show up until 2.5, and sha is deprecated in 2.6.
__Hasher = None
import hashlib
__Hasher = hashlib.sha1
except ImportError:
import sha
__Hasher = sha.new
def HashForText (text):
"""Calculate a cryptographic hash of the given string.
For example, this is used to verify that a given module file
contains bindings from a previous generation run for the same
namespace. See L{OpenOrCreate}. If the text is in Unicode, the
hash is calculated on the UTF-8 encoding of the text.
@return: A C{str}, generally a sequence of hexadecimal "digit"s.
if isinstance(text, six.text_type):
text = text.encode('utf-8')
return __Hasher(text).hexdigest()
# uuid didn't show up until 2.5
__HaveUUID = False
import uuid
__HaveUUID = True
except ImportError:
import random
def _NewUUIDString ():
"""Obtain a UUID using the best available method. On a version of
python that does not incorporate the C{uuid} class, this creates a
string combining the current date and time (to the second) with a
random number.
@rtype: C{str}
if __HaveUUID:
return uuid.uuid1().urn
return '%s:%08.8x' % (time.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S'), random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFFFF))
class UniqueIdentifier (object):
"""Records a unique identifier, generally associated with a
binding generation action.
The identifier is a string, but gets wrapped in an instance of
this class to optimize comparisons and reduce memory footprint.
Invoking the constructor for this class on the same string
multiple times will return the same Python object.
An instance of this class compares equal to, and hashes equivalent
to, the uid string. When C{str}'d, the result is the uid; when
C{repr}'d, the result is a constructor call to
# A map from UID string to the instance that represents it
__ExistingUIDs = {}
def uid (self):
"""The string unique identifier"""
return self.__uid
__uid = None
# Support pickling, which is done using only the UID.
def __getnewargs__ (self):
return (self.__uid,)
def __getstate__ (self):
return self.__uid
def __setstate__ (self, state):
assert self.__uid == state
# Singleton-like
def __new__ (cls, *args):
if 0 == len(args):
uid = _NewUUIDString()
uid = args[0]
if isinstance(uid, UniqueIdentifier):
uid = uid.uid()
if not isinstance(uid, six.string_types):
raise TypeError('UniqueIdentifier uid must be a string')
rv = cls.__ExistingUIDs.get(uid)
if rv is None:
rv = super(UniqueIdentifier, cls).__new__(cls)
rv.__uid = uid
cls.__ExistingUIDs[uid] = rv
return rv
def associateObject (self, obj):
"""Associate the given object witth this identifier.
This is a one-way association: the object is not provided with
a return path to this identifier instance."""
def associatedObjects (self):
"""The set of objects that have been associated with this
identifier instance."""
return self.__associatedObjects
__associatedObjects = None
def __init__ (self, uid=None):
"""Create a new UniqueIdentifier instance.
@param uid: The unique identifier string. If present, it is
the callers responsibility to ensure the value is universally
unique. If C{None}, one will be provided.
@type uid: C{str} or C{unicode}
assert (uid is None) or (self.uid() == uid), 'UniqueIdentifier: ctor %s, actual %s' % (uid, self.uid())
self.__associatedObjects = set()
def __eq__ (self, other):
if other is None:
return False
elif isinstance(other, UniqueIdentifier):
other_uid = other.uid()
elif isinstance(other, six.string_types):
other_uid = other
raise TypeError('UniqueIdentifier: Cannot compare with type %s' % (type(other),))
return self.uid() == other_uid
def __hash__ (self):
return hash(self.uid())
def __str__ (self):
return self.uid()
def __repr__ (self):
return 'pyxb.utils.utility.UniqueIdentifier(%s)' % (repr(self.uid()),)
class UTCOffsetTimeZone (datetime.tzinfo):
"""A C{datetime.tzinfo} subclass that helps deal with UTC
conversions in an ISO8601 world.
This class only supports fixed offsets from UTC.
# Regular expression that matches valid ISO8601 time zone suffixes
__Lexical_re = re.compile('^([-+])(\d\d):(\d\d)$')
# The offset in minutes east of UTC.
__utcOffset_min = 0
# Same as __utcOffset_min, but as a datetime.timedelta
__utcOffset_td = None
# A zero-length duration
__ZeroDuration = datetime.timedelta(0)
# Range limits
__MaxOffset_td = datetime.timedelta(hours=14)
def __init__ (self, spec=None):
"""Create a time zone instance with a fixed offset from UTC.
@param spec: Specifies the offset. Can be an integer counting
minutes east of UTC, the value C{None} (equal to 0 minutes
east), or a string that conform to the ISO8601 time zone
sequence (B{Z}, or B{[+-]HH:MM}).
if spec is not None:
if isinstance(spec, six.string_types):
if 'Z' == spec:
self.__utcOffset_min = 0
match = self.__Lexical_re.match(spec)
if match is None:
raise ValueError('Bad time zone: %s' % (spec,))
self.__utcOffset_min = int(match.group(2)) * 60 + int(match.group(3))
if '-' == match.group(1):
self.__utcOffset_min = - self.__utcOffset_min
elif isinstance(spec, int):
self.__utcOffset_min = spec
elif isinstance(spec, datetime.timedelta):
self.__utcOffset_min = spec.seconds // 60
raise TypeError('%s: unexpected type %s' % (type(self), type(spec)))
self.__utcOffset_td = datetime.timedelta(minutes=self.__utcOffset_min)
if self.__utcOffset_td < -self.__MaxOffset_td or self.__utcOffset_td > self.__MaxOffset_td:
raise ValueError('XSD timezone offset %s larger than %s' % (self.__utcOffset_td, self.__MaxOffset_td))
if 0 == self.__utcOffset_min:
self.__tzName = 'Z'
elif 0 > self.__utcOffset_min:
self.__tzName = '-%02d:%02d' % divmod(-self.__utcOffset_min, 60)
self.__tzName = '+%02d:%02d' % divmod(self.__utcOffset_min, 60)
def utcoffset (self, dt):
"""Returns the constant offset for this zone."""
return self.__utcOffset_td
def tzname (self, dt):
"""Return the name of the timezone in the format expected by XML Schema."""
return self.__tzName
def dst (self, dt):
"""Returns a constant zero duration."""
return self.__ZeroDuration
def __otherForComparison (self, other):
if isinstance(other, UTCOffsetTimeZone):
return other.__utcOffset_min
return other.utcoffset(datetime.datetime.now())
def __hash__ (self):
return hash(self.__utcOffset_min)
def __eq__ (self, other):
return self.__utcOffset_min == self.__otherForComparison(other)
def __lt__ (self, other):
return self.__utcOffset_min < self.__otherForComparison(other)
class LocalTimeZone (datetime.tzinfo):
"""A C{datetime.tzinfo} subclass for the local time zone.
Mostly pinched from the C{datetime.tzinfo} documentation in Python 2.5.1.
__STDOffset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=-time.timezone)
__DSTOffset = __STDOffset
if time.daylight:
__DSTOffset = datetime.timedelta(seconds=-time.altzone)
__ZeroDelta = datetime.timedelta(0)
__DSTDelta = __DSTOffset - __STDOffset
def utcoffset (self, dt):
if self.__isDST(dt):
return self.__DSTOffset
return self.__STDOffset
def dst (self, dt):
if self.__isDST(dt):
return self.__DSTDelta
return self.__ZeroDelta
def tzname (self, dt):
return time.tzname[self.__isDST(dt)]
def __isDST (self, dt):
tt = (dt.year, dt.month, dt.day,
dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second,
0, 0, -1)
tt = time.localtime(time.mktime(tt))
return tt.tm_isdst > 0
class PrivateTransient_mixin (pyxb.cscRoot):
"""Emulate the B{transient} keyword from Java for private member
This class defines a C{__getstate__} method which returns a copy
of C{self.__dict__} with certain members removed. Specifically,
if a string "s" appears in a class member variable named
C{__PrivateTransient} defined in the "Class" class, then the
corresponding private variable "_Class__s" will be removed from
the state dictionary. This is used to eliminate unnecessary
fields from instances placed in L{namespace
archives<pyxb.namespace.archive.NamespaceArchive>} without having
to implement a C{__getstate__} method in every class in the
instance hierarchy.
For an example, see
If you use this, it is your responsibility to define the
C{__PrivateTransient} class variable and add to it the required
variable names.
Classes that inherit from this are free to define their own
C{__getstate__} method, which may or may not invoke the superclass
one. If you do this, be sure that the class defining
C{__getstate__} lists L{PrivateTransient_mixin} as one of its
direct superclasses, lest the latter end up earlier in the mro and
consequently bypass the local override.
# Suffix used when creating the class member variable in which the
# transient members are cached.
__Attribute = '__PrivateTransient'
def __getstate__ (self):
state = self.__dict__.copy()
# Note that the aggregate set is stored in a class variable
# with a slightly different name than the class-level set.
attr = '_%s%s_' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.__Attribute)
skipped = getattr(self.__class__, attr, None)
if skipped is None:
skipped = set()
for cl in self.__class__.mro():
for (k, v) in six.iteritems(cl.__dict__):
if k.endswith(self.__Attribute):
cl2 = k[:-len(self.__Attribute)]
skipped.update([ '%s__%s' % (cl2, _n) for _n in v ])
setattr(self.__class__, attr, skipped)
for k in skipped:
if state.get(k) is not None:
del state[k]
# Uncomment the following to test whether undesirable types
# are being pickled, generally by accidently leaving a
# reference to one in an instance private member.
#for (k, v) in six.iteritems(state):
# import pyxb.namespace
# import xml.dom
# import pyxb.xmlschema.structures
# if isinstance(v, (pyxb.namespace.NamespaceContext, xml.dom.Node, pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Schema)):
# raise pyxb.LogicError('Unexpected instance of %s key %s in %s' % (type(v), k, self))
return state
def GetMatchingFiles (path, pattern=None, default_path_wildcard=None, default_path=None, prefix_pattern=None, prefix_substituend=None):
"""Provide a list of absolute paths to files present in any of a
set of directories and meeting certain criteria.
This is used, for example, to locate namespace archive files
within the archive path specified by the user. One could use::
files = GetMatchingFiles('&bundles//:+',
to obtain all files that can be recursively found within
C{/opt/pyxb/bundles}, or non-recursively within
@param path: A list of directories in which the search should be
performed. The entries are separated by os.pathsep, which is a
colon on POSIX platforms and a semi-colon on Windows. If a path
entry ends with C{//} regardless of platform, the suffix C{//} is
stripped and any directory beneath the path is scanned as well,
@keyword pattern: Optional regular expression object used to
determine whether a given directory entry should be returned. If
left as C{None}, all directory entries will be returned.
@keyword default_path_wildcard: An optional string which, if
present as a single directory in the path, is replaced by the
value of C{default-path}.
@keyword default_path: A system-defined directory which can be
restored to the path by placing the C{default_path_wildcard} in
the C{path}.
@keyword prefix_pattern: An optional string which, if present at
the start of a path element, is replaced by the value of
@keyword prefix_substituend: A system-defined string (path prefix)
which can be combined with the user-provided path information to
identify a file or subdirectory within an installation-specific
matching_files = []
path_set = path.split(os.pathsep)
while 0 < len(path_set):
path = path_set.pop(0)
if default_path_wildcard == path:
if default_path is not None:
path_set[0:0] = default_path.split(os.pathsep)
default_path = None
recursive = False
if (prefix_pattern is not None) and path.startswith(prefix_pattern):
path = os.path.join(prefix_substituend, path[len(prefix_pattern):])
if path.endswith('//'):
recursive = True
path = path[:-2]
if os.path.isfile(path):
if (pattern is None) or (pattern.search(path) is not None):
for (root, dirs, files) in os.walk(path):
for f in files:
if (pattern is None) or (pattern.search(f) is not None):
matching_files.append(os.path.join(root, f))
if not recursive:
return matching_files
class Location (object):
__locationBase = None
__lineNumber = None
__columnNumber = None
def __init__ (self, location_base=None, line_number=None, column_number=None):
if isinstance(location_base, str):
location_base = six.moves.intern(location_base)
self.__locationBase = location_base
self.__lineNumber = line_number
self.__columnNumber = column_number
def newLocation (self, locator=None, line_number=None, column_number=None):
if locator is not None:
line_number = locator.getLineNumber()
column_number = locator.getColumnNumber()
return Location(self.__locationBase, line_number, column_number)
locationBase = property(lambda _s: _s.__locationBase)
lineNumber = property(lambda _s: _s.__lineNumber)
columnNumber = property(lambda _s: _s.__columnNumber)
def __cmpSingleUnlessNone (self, v1, v2):
if v1 is None:
if v2 is None:
return None
return 1
if v2 is None:
return -1
if v1 < v2:
return -1
if v1 == v2:
return 0
return 1
def __cmpTupleUnlessNone (self, v1, v2):
rv = self.__cmpSingleUnlessNone(v1.__locationBase, v2.__locationBase)
if rv is None:
rv = self.__cmpSingleUnlessNone(v1.__lineNumber, v2.__lineNumber)
if rv is None:
rv = self.__cmpSingleUnlessNone(v1.__columnNumber, v2.__columnNumber)
return rv
def __hash__ (self):
return hash((self.__locationBase, self.__lineNumber, self.__columnNumber))
def __eq__ (self, other):
"""Comparison by locationBase, then lineNumber, then columnNumber."""
if other is None:
return False
rv = self.__cmpTupleUnlessNone(self, other)
if rv is None:
return True
return 0 == rv
def __lt__ (self, other):
if other is None:
return False
rv = self.__cmpTupleUnlessNone(self, other)
if rv is None:
return False
return -1 == rv
def __str__ (self):
if self.locationBase is None:
lb = '<unknown>'
# No, this should not be os.sep. The location is
# expected to be a URI.
lb = self.locationBase.rsplit('/', 1)[-1]
return '%s[%s:%s]' % (lb, self.lineNumber, self.columnNumber)
def __repr__ (self):
t = type(self)
ctor = '%s.%s' % (t.__module__, t.__name__)
return '%s(%s, %r, %r)' % (ctor, repr2to3(self.__locationBase), self.__lineNumber, self.__columnNumber)
class Locatable_mixin (pyxb.cscRoot):
__location = None
def __init__ (self, *args, **kw):
self.__location = kw.pop('location', None)
super(Locatable_mixin, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
def _setLocation (self, location):
self.__location = location
def _location (self):
return self.__location
def repr2to3 (v):
"""Filtered built-in repr for python 2/3 compatibility in
generated bindings.
All generated string values are to be unicode. We always import
unicode_literals from __future__, so we want plain quotes with no
prefix u. Strip that off.
Integer constants should not have the suffix L even if they do not
fit in a Python2 int. The references generated through this
function are never used for calculations, so the implicit cast to
a larger type is sufficient.
All other values use their standard representations.
if isinstance(v, six.string_types):
qu = QuotedEscaped(v)
if 'u' == qu[0]:
return qu[1:]
return qu
if isinstance(v, six.integer_types):
vs = repr(v)
if vs.endswith('L'):
return vs[:-1]
return vs
return repr(v)