# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2012, Peter A. Bigot
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
# copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""This module provides Finite Automata with Counters.
FACs are type of state machine where a transition may include a
constraint and a modification to a set of counters. They are used to
implement regular expressions with numerical constraints, as are found
in POSIX regexp, Perl, and XML schema.
The implementation here derives from U{Regular Expressions with
Numerical Constraints and Automata with Counters
Dag Hovland, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2009, Volume 5684,
Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC 2009, Pages 231-245. In what
follows, this reference will be denoted B{HOV09}.
A regular expression is directly translated into a term tree, where
nodes are operators such as sequence, choice, and counter
restrictions, and the leaf nodes denote symbols in the language of the
regular expression.
In the case of XML content models, the symbols include L{element
declarations <pyxb.xmlschema.structures.ElementDeclaration>} and
L{wildcard elements <pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Wildcard>}. A
numerical constraint node corresponds to an L{XML particle
<pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Particle>}, and choice and sequence nodes
derive from L{model groups <pyxb.xmlschema.structures.ModelGroup>} of
types B{choice} and B{sequence}. As suggested in U{The Membership
Problem for Regular Expressions with Unordered Concatenation and
Numerical Constraints <http://www.ii.uib.no/~dagh/presLATA2012.pdf>}
the B{all} content model can be translated into state machine using
choice and sequence at the cost of a quadratic size explosion. Since
some XML content models might have a hundred terms in an unordered
catenation, this is not acceptable, and the implementation here
optimizes this construct by creating a leaf node in the automaton
which in turn contains sub-automata for each term, and permits an exit
transition only when all the terms that are required have been
@note: In XSD 1.1 the restriction that terms in an B{all} model group
occur at most once has been removed. Since the current implementation
removes a completed term from the set of available terms, this will
not work: instead the subconfiguration with its counter values must be
retained between matches.
import operator
import functools
import logging
from pyxb.utils import six
from pyxb.utils.six.moves import xrange
log_ = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class FACError (Exception):
class InvalidTermTreeError (FACError):
"""Exception raised when a FAC term tree is not a tree.
For example, a L{Symbol} node appears multiple times, or a cycle is detected."""
parent = None
"""The L{MultiTermNode} containing the term that proves invalidity"""
term = None
"""The L{Node} that proves invalidity"""
def __init__ (self, *args):
(self.parent, self.term) = args
super(InvalidTermTreeError, self).__init__(*args)
class UpdateApplicationError (FACError):
"""Exception raised when an unsatisfied update instruction is executed.
This indicates an internal error in the implementation."""
update_instruction = None
"""The L{UpdateInstruction} with an unsatisfied L{CounterCondition}"""
values = None
"""The unsatisfying value map from L{CounterCondition} instances to integers"""
def __init__ (self, *args):
(self.update_instruction, self.values) = args
super(UpdateApplicationError, self).__init__(*args)
class AutomatonStepError (Exception):
"""Symbol rejected by L{Configuration_ABC.step}.
The exception indicates that the proposed symbol either failed to
produce a transition (L{UnrecognizedSymbolError}) or produced
multiple equally valid transitions
configuration = None
"""The instance of L{Configuration_ABC} that raised the exception.
From L{Configuration_ABC.acceptableSymbols} you can determine what
alternatives might be present."""
symbol = None
"""The symbol that was not accepted."""
def __get_acceptable (self):
"""A list of symbols that the configuration would accept in its current state."""
return self.configuration.acceptableSymbols()
acceptable = property(__get_acceptable)
def __init__ (self, *args):
(self.configuration, self.symbol) = args
super(AutomatonStepError, self).__init__(*args)
class UnrecognizedSymbolError (AutomatonStepError):
"""L{Configuration.step} failed to find a valid transition."""
class NondeterministicSymbolError (AutomatonStepError):
"""L{Configuration.step} found multiple transitions."""
class SymbolMatch_mixin (object):
"""Mix-in used by symbols to provide a custom match implementation.
If a L{State.symbol} value is an instance of this mix-in, then it
will be used to validate a candidate symbol for a match."""
def match (self, symbol):
raise NotImplementedError('%s.match' % (type(self).__name__,))
class State (object):
"""A thin wrapper around an object reference.
The state of the automaton corresponds to a position, or marked
symbol, in the term tree. Because the same symbol may appear at
multiple locations in the tree, and the distinction between these
positions is critical, a L{State} wrapper is provided to maintain
distinct values."""
def __init__ (self, symbol, is_initial, final_update=None, is_unordered_catenation=False):
"""Create a FAC state.
@param symbol: The symbol associated with the state.
Normally initialized from the L{Symbol.metadata} value. The
state may be entered if, among other conditions, the L{match}
routine accepts the proposed input as being consistent with
this value.
@param is_initial: C{True} iff this state may serve as the
first state of the automaton.
@param final_update: C{None} if this state is not an
accepting state of the automaton; otherwise a set of
L{UpdateInstruction} values that must be satisfied by the
counter values in a configuration as a further restriction of
@param is_unordered_catenation: C{True} if this state has
subautomata that must be matched to execute the unordered
catenation of an L{All} node; C{False} if this is a regular
self.__symbol = symbol
self.__isInitial = not not is_initial
self.__finalUpdate = final_update
self.__isUnorderedCatenation = is_unordered_catenation
__automaton = None
def __get_automaton (self):
"""Link to the L{Automaton} to which the state belongs."""
return self.__automaton
def _set_automaton (self, automaton):
"""Method invoked during automaton construction to set state owner."""
assert self.__automaton is None
self.__automaton = automaton
return self
automaton = property(__get_automaton)
__symbol = None
def __get_symbol (self):
"""Application-specific metadata identifying the symbol.
See also L{match}."""
return self.__symbol
symbol = property(__get_symbol)
__isUnorderedCatenation = None
def __get_isUnorderedCatenation (self):
"""Indicate whether the state has subautomata for unordered
To reduce state explosion due to non-determinism, such a state
executes internal transitions in subautomata until all terms
have matched or a failure is discovered."""
return self.__isUnorderedCatenation
isUnorderedCatenation = property(__get_isUnorderedCatenation)
__subAutomata = None
def __get_subAutomata (self):
"""A sequence of sub-automata supporting internal state transitions.
This will return C{None} unless L{isUnorderedCatenation} is C{True}."""
return self.__subAutomata
def _set_subAutomata (self, *automata):
assert self.__subAutomata is None
assert self.__isUnorderedCatenation
self.__subAutomata = automata
subAutomata = property(__get_subAutomata)
__isInitial = None
def __get_isInitial (self):
"""C{True} iff this state may be the first state the automaton enters."""
return self.__isInitial
isInitial = property(__get_isInitial)
__automatonEntryTransitions = None
def __get_automatonEntryTransitions (self):
"""Return the set of initial transitions allowing entry to the automata through this state.
These are structurally-permitted transitions only, and must be
filtered based on the symbol that might trigger the
transition. The results are not filtered based on counter
value, since this value is used to determine how the
containing automaton might be entered. Consequently the
return value is the empty set unless this is an initial state.
The returned set is closed under entry to sub-automata,
i.e. it is guaranteed that each transition includes a
consuming state even if it requires a multi-element chain of
transitions into subautomata to reach one."""
if self.__automatonEntryTransitions is None:
transitions = []
if self.__isInitial:
xit = Transition(self, set())
if self.__subAutomata is None:
for sa in self.__subAutomata:
for saxit in sa.initialTransitions:
self.__automatonEntryTransitions = transitions
return self.__automatonEntryTransitions
automatonEntryTransitions = property(__get_automatonEntryTransitions)
__finalUpdate = None
def __get_finalUpdate (self):
"""Return the update instructions that must be satisfied for this to be a final state."""
return self.__finalUpdate
finalUpdate = property(__get_finalUpdate)
def subAutomataInitialTransitions (self, sub_automata=None):
"""Return the set of candidate transitions to enter a sub-automaton of this state.
@param sub_automata: A subset of the sub-automata of this
state which should contribute to the result. If C{None}, all
sub-automata are used.
@return: A pair C{(nullable, transitions)} where C{nullable}
is C{True} iff there is at least one sub-automaton that is in
an accepting state on entry, and C{transitions} is a list of
L{Transition} instances describing how to reach some state in
a sub-automaton via a consumed symbol.
assert self.__subAutomata is not None
is_nullable = True
transitions = []
if sub_automata is None:
sub_automata = self.__subAutomata
for sa in sub_automata:
if not sa.nullable:
is_nullable = False
return (is_nullable, transitions)
def isAccepting (self, counter_values):
"""C{True} iff this state is an accepting state for the automaton.
@param counter_values: Counter values that further validate
whether the requirements of the automaton have been met.
@return: C{True} if this is an accepting state and the
counter values relevant at it are satisfied."""
if self.__finalUpdate is None:
return False
return UpdateInstruction.Satisfies(counter_values, self.__finalUpdate)
__transitionSet = None
def __get_transitionSet (self):
"""Definitions of viable transitions from this state.
The transition set of a state is a set of L{Transition} nodes
identifying a state reachable in a single step from this
state, and a set of counter updates that must apply if the
transition is taken.
These transitions may not in themselves consume a symbol. For
example, if the destination state represents a match of an
L{unordered catenation of terms<All>}, then secondary
processing must be done to traverse into the automata for
those terms and identify transitions that include a symbol
@note: Although conceptually the viable transitions are a set,
this implementation maintains them in a list so that order is
preserved when automata processing becomes non-deterministic.
PyXB is careful to build the transition list so that the
states are attempted in the order in which they appear in the
schema that define the automata.
return self.__transitionSet
transitionSet = property(__get_transitionSet)
def _set_transitionSet (self, transition_set):
"""Method invoked during automaton construction to set the
legal transitions from the state.
The set of transitions cannot be defined until all states that
appear in it are available, so the creation of the automaton
requires that the association of the transition set be
delayed. (Though described as a set, the transitions are a
list where order reflects priority.)
@param transition_set: a list of pairs where the first
member is the destination L{State} and the second member is the
set of L{UpdateInstruction}s that apply when the automaton
transitions to the destination state."""
self.__transitionSet = []
seen = set()
for xit in transition_set:
if not (xit in seen):
def match (self, symbol):
"""Return C{True} iff the symbol matches for this state.
This may be overridden by subclasses when matching by
equivalence does not work. Alternatively, if the symbol
stored in this node is a subclass of L{SymbolMatch_mixin}, then
its match method will be used. Otherwise C{symbol} matches
only if it is equal to the L{symbol} of this state.
@param symbol: A candidate symbol corresponding to the
expression symbol for this state.
@return: C{True} iff C{symbol} is a match for this state.
if isinstance(self.__symbol, SymbolMatch_mixin):
return self.__symbol.match(symbol)
return self.__symbol == symbol
def __str__ (self):
return 'S.%x' % (id(self),)
def _facText (self):
rv = []
rv.extend(map(str, self.__transitionSet))
if self.__finalUpdate is not None:
if 0 == len(self.__finalUpdate):
rv.append('Final (no conditions)')
rv.append('Final if %s' % (' '.join(map(lambda _ui: str(_ui.counterCondition), self.__finalUpdate))))
return '\n'.join(rv)
class CounterCondition (object):
"""A counter condition is a range limit on valid counter values.
Instances of this class serve as keys for the counters that
represent the configuration of a FAC. The instance also maintains
a pointer to application-specific L{metadata}."""
__min = None
def __get_min (self):
"""The minimum legal value for the counter.
This is a non-negative integer."""
return self.__min
min = property(__get_min)
__max = None
def __get_max (self):
"""The maximum legal value for the counter.
This is a positive integer, or C{None} to indicate that the
counter is unbounded."""
return self.__max
max = property(__get_max)
__metadata = None
def __get_metadata (self):
"""A pointer to application metadata provided when the condition was created."""
return self.__metadata
metadata = property(__get_metadata)
def __init__ (self, min, max, metadata=None):
"""Create a counter condition.
@param min: The value for L{min}
@param max: The value for L{max}
@param metadata: The value for L{metadata}
self.__min = min
self.__max = max
self.__metadata = metadata
def __hash__ (self):
return hash(self.__min) ^ hash(self.__max) ^ hash(self.__metadata)
def __eq__ (self, other):
return (other is not None) \
and (self.__min == other.__min) \
and (self.__max == other.__max) \
and (self.__metadata == other.__metadata)
def __ne__ (self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__ (self):
return 'C.%x{%s,%s}' % (id(self), self.min, self.max is not None and self.max or '')
class UpdateInstruction:
"""An update instruction pairs a counter with a mutation of that
The instruction is executed during a transition from one state to
another, and causes the corresponding counter to be incremented or
reset. The instruction may only be applied if doing so does not
violate the conditions of the counter it affects."""
__counterCondition = None
def __get_counterCondition (self):
"""A reference to the L{CounterCondition} identifying the
counter to be updated.
The counter condition instance is used as a key to the
dictionary maintaining current counter values."""
return self.__counterCondition
counterCondition = property(__get_counterCondition)
__doIncrement = None
def __get_doIncrement (self):
"""C{True} if the counter is to be incremented; C{False} if it is to be reset."""
return self.__doIncrement
doIncrement = property(__get_doIncrement)
# Cached values extracted from counter condition
__min = None
__max = None
def __init__ (self, counter_condition, do_increment):
"""Create an update instruction.
@param counter_condition: A L{CounterCondition} identifying a
minimum and maximum value for a counter, and serving as a map
key for the value of the corresponding counter.
@param do_increment: C{True} if the update is to increment
the value of the counter; C{False} if the update is to reset
the counter.
self.__counterCondition = counter_condition
self.__doIncrement = not not do_increment
self.__min = counter_condition.min
self.__max = counter_condition.max
def satisfiedBy (self, counter_values):
"""Implement a component of definition 5 from B{HOV09}.
The update instruction is satisfied by the counter values if
its action may be legitimately applied to the value of its
associated counter.
@param counter_values: A map from L{CounterCondition}s to
non-negative integers
@return: C{True} or C{False}
value = counter_values[self.__counterCondition]
if self.__doIncrement \
and (self.__max is not None) \
and (value >= self.__max):
return False
if (not self.__doIncrement) \
and (value < self.__min):
return False
return True
def Satisfies (cls, counter_values, update_instructions):
"""Return C{True} iff the counter values satisfy the update
@param counter_values: A map from L{CounterCondition} to
integer counter values
@param update_instructions: A set of L{UpdateInstruction}
@return: C{True} iff all instructions are satisfied by the
values and limits."""
for psi in update_instructions:
if not psi.satisfiedBy(counter_values):
return False
return True
def apply (self, counter_values):
"""Apply the update instruction to the provided counter values.
@param counter_values: A map from L{CounterCondition} to
integer counter values. This map is updated in-place."""
if not self.satisfiedBy(counter_values):
raise UpdateApplicationError(self, counter_values)
value = counter_values[self.__counterCondition]
if self.__doIncrement:
value += 1
value = 1
counter_values[self.__counterCondition] = value
def Apply (cls, update_instructions, counter_values):
"""Apply the update instructions to the counter values.
@param update_instructions: A set of L{UpdateInstruction}
@param counter_values: A map from L{CounterCondition}
instances to non-negative integers. This map is updated
in-place by applying each instruction in
for psi in update_instructions:
def __hash__ (self):
return hash(self.__counterCondition) ^ hash(self.__doIncrement)
def __eq__ (self, other):
return (other is not None) \
and (self.__doIncrement == other.__doIncrement) \
and (self.__counterCondition == other.__counterCondition)
def __ne__ (self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__ (self):
return '%s %s' % (self.__doIncrement and 'inc' or 'reset', self.__counterCondition)
class Transition (object):
"""Representation of a FAC state transition."""
__destination = None
def __get_destination (self):
"""The transition destination state."""
return self.__destination
destination = property(__get_destination)
__updateInstructions = None
def __get_updateInstructions (self):
"""The set of counter updates that are applied when the transition is taken."""
return self.__updateInstructions
updateInstructions = property(__get_updateInstructions)
__nextTransition = None
def __get_nextTransition (self):
"""The next transition to apply in this chain.
C{None} if this is the last transition in the chain."""
return self.__nextTransition
nextTransition = property(__get_nextTransition)
__layerLink = None
def __get_layerLink (self):
"""A directive relating to changing automaton layer on transition.
C{None} indicates this transition is from one state to another
within a single automaton.
An instance of L{Configuration} is a transition on completion
of a subautomaton back to the configuration in the parent
automaton. The L{destination} is the state in the parent automaton.
An instance of L{Automaton} requires creation of a
sub-configuration and initial entry into the automaton. The
L{destination} is the state in the sub-automaton.
return self.__layerLink
layerLink = property(__get_layerLink)
def __init__ (self, destination, update_instructions, layer_link=None):
"""Create a transition to a state.
@param destination: the state into which the transition is
@param update_instructions: A iterable of L{UpdateInstruction}s
denoting the changes that must be made to counters as a
consequence of taking the transition.
@keyword layer_link: The value for L{layerLink}."""
self.__destination = destination
if not isinstance(update_instructions, list):
update_instructions = list(update_instructions)
self.__updateInstructions = update_instructions
self.__layerLink = layer_link
def consumingState (self):
"""Return the state in this transition chain that must match a symbol."""
# Transitions to a state with subautomata never consume anything
if self.__destination.subAutomata is not None:
if not self.__nextTransition:
return None
return self.__nextTransition.consumingState()
# I don't think there should be subsequent transitions
assert self.__nextTransition is None
return self.__destination
def consumedSymbol (self):
"""Return the L{symbol<State.symbol>} of the L{consumingState}."""
return self.consumingState().symbol
def satisfiedBy (self, configuration):
"""Check the transition update instructions against
configuration counter values.
This implementation follows layer changes, updating the
configuration used as counter value source as necessary.
@param configuration: A L{Configuration} instance containing
counter data against which update instruction satisfaction is
@return: C{True} iff all update instructions along the
transition chain are satisfied by their relevant
# If we're entering an automaton, we know no subsequent
# transitions have update instructions
if isinstance(self.__layerLink, Automaton):
return True
# If we're leaving an automaton, switch to the configuration
# that is relevant to the destination of the transition.
if isinstance(self.__layerLink, Configuration):
configuration = self.__layerLink
assert self.destination.automaton == configuration.automaton
# Blow chunks if the configuration doesn't satisfy the transition
if not configuration.satisfies(self):
return False
# Otherwise try the next transition, or succeed if there isn't one
if self.__nextTransition:
return self.__nextTransition.satisfiedBy(configuration)
return True
def apply (self, configuration, clone_map=None):
"""Apply the transitition to a configuration.
This updates the configuration counter values based on the
update instructions, and sets the new configuration state.
@note: If the transition involves leaving a sub-automaton or
creating a new sub-automaton, the returned configuration
structure will be different from the one passed in. You
should invoke this as::
cfg = transition.apply(cfg)
@param configuration: A L{Configuration} of an executing automaton
@param clone_map: A map from L{Configuration} to
L{Configuration} reflecting the replacements made when the
configuration for which the transition was calculated was
subsequently cloned into the C{configuration} passed into this
method. This is only necessary when the transition includes
layer transitions.
@return: The resulting configuration
layer_link = self.__layerLink
if isinstance(layer_link, Configuration):
if clone_map is not None:
layer_link = clone_map[layer_link]
configuration = layer_link.leaveAutomaton(configuration)
elif isinstance(layer_link, Automaton):
configuration = configuration.enterAutomaton(layer_link)
UpdateInstruction.Apply(self.updateInstructions, configuration._get_counterValues())
configuration._set_state(self.destination, layer_link is None)
if self.__nextTransition is None:
return configuration
return self.__nextTransition.apply(configuration, clone_map)
def chainTo (self, next_transition):
"""Duplicate the state and chain the duplicate to a successor
This returns a new transition which applies the operation for
this transition, then proceeds to apply the next transition in
the chain.
@note: The node that is invoking this must not have successor
@param next_transition: A L{Transition} node describing a
subsequent transition.
@return: a clone of this node, augmented with a link to
assert not self.__nextTransition
head = type(self)(self.__destination, self.__updateInstructions, layer_link=self.__layerLink)
head.__nextTransition = next_transition
return head
def makeEnterAutomatonTransition (self):
"""Replicate the transition as a layer link into its automaton.
This is used on initial transitions into sub-automata where a
sub-configuration must be created and recorded."""
assert self.__layerLink is None
assert self.__nextTransition is None
head = type(self)(self.__destination, self.__updateInstructions)
head.__layerLink = self.__destination.automaton
return head
def __hash__ (self):
rv = hash(self.__destination)
for ui in self.__updateInstructions:
rv ^= hash(ui)
return rv ^ hash(self.__nextTransition) ^ hash(self.__layerLink)
def __eq__ (self, other):
return (other is not None) \
and (self.__destination == other.__destination) \
and (self.__updateInstructions == other.__updateInstructions) \
and (self.__nextTransition == other.__nextTransition) \
and (self.__layerLink == other.__layerLink)
def __ne__ (self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def __str__ (self):
rv = []
if isinstance(self.__layerLink, Configuration):
rv.append('from A%x ' % (id(self.__layerLink.automaton),))
elif isinstance(self.__layerLink, Automaton):
rv.append('in A%x ' % (id(self.__layerLink)))
rv.append('enter %s ' % (self.destination,))
if (self.consumingState() == self.destination):
rv.append('via %s ' % (self.destination.symbol,))
rv.append('with %s' % (' ; '.join(map(str, self.updateInstructions)),))
if self.__nextTransition:
rv.append("\n\tthen ")
return ''.join(rv)
class Configuration_ABC (object):
"""Base class for something that represents an L{Automaton} in
For deterministic automata, this is generally a L{Configuration}
which records the current automaton state along with its counter
For non-deterministic automata, this is a L{MultiConfiguration}
which records a set of L{Configuration}s."""
def acceptableSymbols (self):
"""Return the acceptable L{Symbol}s given the current
This method extracts the symbol from all candidate transitions
that are permitted based on the current counter values.
Because transitions are presented in a preferred order, the
symbols are as well."""
raise NotImplementedError('%s.acceptableSymbols' % (type(self).__name__,))
def step (self, symbol):
"""Execute an automaton transition using the given symbol.
@param symbol: A symbol from the alphabet of the automaton's
language. This is a Python value that should be accepted by
the L{SymbolMatch_mixin.match} method of a L{State.symbol}.
It is not a L{Symbol} instance.
@return: The new configuration resulting from the step.
@raises AutomatonStepError: L{UnrecognizedSymbolError}
when no transition compatible with C{symbol} is available, and
L{NondeterministicSymbolError} if C{symbol} admits multiple
transitions and the subclass does not support
non-deterministic steps (see L{MultiConfiguration}).
@warning: If the step entered or left a sub-automaton the
return value will not be the configuration that was used to
execute the step. The proper pattern for using this method
cfg = cfg.step(sym)
raise NotImplementedError('%s.step' % (type(self).__name__,))
class Configuration (Configuration_ABC):
"""The state of an L{Automaton} in execution.
This combines a state node of the automaton with a set of counter
__state = None
def __get_state (self):
"""The state of the configuration.
This is C{None} to indicate an initial state, or one of the underlying automaton's states."""
return self.__state
def _set_state (self, state, is_layer_change):
"""Internal state transition interface.
@param state: the new destination state
@param is_layer_change: C{True} iff the transition inducing
the state change involves a layer change.
# If the new state and old state are the same, the layer
# change has no effect (we're probably leaving a
# subconfiguration, and we want to keep the current set of
# sub-automata.)
if state == self.__state:
# Otherwise, discard any unprocessed automata in the former
# state, set the state, and if the new state has subautomata
# create a set holding them so they can be processed.
if is_layer_change:
self.__subConfiguration = None
self.__subAutomata = None
self.__state = state
if is_layer_change and (state.subAutomata is not None):
assert self.__subAutomata is None
self.__subAutomata = list(state.subAutomata)
state = property(__get_state)
__counterValues = None
"""The values of the counters.
This is a map from the CounterCondition instances of the
underlying automaton to integer values."""
def _get_counterValues (self):
return self.__counterValues
__automaton = None
def __get_automaton (self):
return self.__automaton
automaton = property(__get_automaton)
__subConfiguration = None
def __get_subConfiguration (self):
"""Reference to configuration being executed in a sub-automaton.
C{None} if no sub-automaton is active, else a reference to a
configuration that is being executed in a sub-automaton.
Sub-configurations are used to match sub-terms in an
L{unordered catenation<All>} term. A configuration may have
at most one sub-configuration at a time, and the configuration
will be removed and possibly replaced when the term being
processed completes."""
return self.__subConfiguration
subConfiguration = property(__get_subConfiguration)
__superConfiguration = None
def __get_superConfiguration (self):
"""Reference to the configuration for which this is a
C{None} if no super-automaton is active, else a reference to a
configuration that is being executed in a super-automaton.
The super-configuration relation persists for the lifetime of
the configuration."""
return self.__superConfiguration
superConfiguration = property(__get_superConfiguration)
__subAutomata = None
def __get_subAutomata (self):
"""A set of automata that must be satisfied before the current state can complete.
This is used in unordered catenation. Each sub-automaton
represents a term in the catenation. When the configuration
enters a state with sub-automata, a set containing references
to those automata is assigned to this attribute.
Subsequently, until all automata in the state are satisfied,
transitions can only occur within an active sub-automaton, out
of the active sub-automaton if it is in an accepting state,
and into a new sub-automaton if no sub-automaton is active.
return self.__subAutomata
def _set_subAutomata (self, automata):
self.__subAutomata = list(automata)
subAutomata = property(__get_subAutomata)
def makeLeaveAutomatonTransition (self):
"""Create a transition back to the containing configuration.
This is done when a configuration is in an accepting state and
there are candidate transitions to other states that must be
considered. The transition does not consume a symbol."""
assert self.__superConfiguration is not None
return Transition(self.__superConfiguration.__state, set(), layer_link=self.__superConfiguration)
def leaveAutomaton (self, sub_configuration):
"""Execute steps to leave a sub-automaton.
@param sub_configuration: The configuration associated with
the automata that has completed.
@return: C{self}"""
assert sub_configuration.__superConfiguration == self
self.__subConfiguration = None
return self
def enterAutomaton (self, automaton):
"""Execute steps to enter a new automaton.
The new automaton is removed from the set of remaining
automata for the current state, and a new configuration
created. No transition is made in that new configuration.
@param automaton: The automaton to be entered
@return: The configuration that executes the new automaton as
a sub-configuration of C{self}."""
assert self.__subConfiguration is None
assert self.__subAutomata is not None
self.__subConfiguration = Configuration(automaton)
self.__subConfiguration.__superConfiguration = self
return self.__subConfiguration
def satisfies (self, transition):
return UpdateInstruction.Satisfies(self.__counterValues, transition.updateInstructions)
def reset (self):
fac = self.__automaton
self.__state = None
self.__counterValues = dict(zip(fac.counterConditions, len(fac.counterConditions) * (1,)))
self.__subConfiguration = None
self.__subAutomata = None
def candidateTransitions (self, symbol=None):
"""Return list of viable transitions on C{symbol}
The transitions that are structurally permitted from this
state, in order, filtering out those transitions where the
update instruction is not satisfied by the configuration
counter values and optionally those for which the symbol does
not match.
@param symbol: A symbol through which a transition from this
state is intended. A value of C{None} indicates that the set
of transitions should ignore the symbol; candidates are still
filtered based on the counter state of the configuration.
@return: A list of L{Transition} instances permitted from the
current configuration. If C{symbol} is not C{None},
transitions that would not accept the symbol are excluded.
Any transition that would require an unsatisfied counter
update is also excluded. Non-deterministic automata may
result in a lits with multiple members. """
fac = self.__automaton
transitions = []
if symbol is None:
match_filter = lambda _xit: True
match_filter = lambda _xit: _xit.consumingState().match(symbol)
update_filter = lambda _xit: _xit.satisfiedBy(self)
if self.__state is None:
# Special-case the initial entry to the topmost configuration
elif (self.__subConfiguration is not None) and not self.__subConfiguration.isAccepting():
# If there's an active subconfiguration that is not in an
# accepting state, we can't do anything at this level.
# Normally include transitions at this level, but in some
# cases they are not permitted.
include_local = True
if self.__subAutomata:
# Disallow transitions in this level if there are
# subautomata that require symbols before a transition
# out of this node is allowed.
(include_local, sub_initial) = self.__state.subAutomataInitialTransitions(self.__subAutomata)
transitions.extend(map(lambda _xit: _xit.makeEnterAutomatonTransition(), sub_initial))
if include_local:
# Transitions within this layer
for xit in filter(update_filter, self.__state.transitionSet):
if xit.consumingState() is not None:
# The transition did not consume a symbol, so we have to find
# one that does, from among the subautomata of the destination.
# We do not care if the destination is nullable; alternatives
# to it are already being handled with different transitions.
(_, sub_initial) = xit.destination.subAutomataInitialTransitions()
transitions.extend(map(lambda _xit: xit.chainTo(_xit.makeEnterAutomatonTransition()), sub_initial))
if (self.__superConfiguration is not None) and self.isAccepting():
# Transitions that leave this automaton
lxit = self.makeLeaveAutomatonTransition()
supxit = self.__superConfiguration.candidateTransitions(symbol)
transitions.extend(map(lambda _sx: lxit.chainTo(_sx), supxit))
assert len(frozenset(transitions)) == len(transitions)
return list(filter(update_filter, filter(match_filter, transitions)))
def acceptableSymbols (self):
return [ _xit.consumedSymbol() for _xit in self.candidateTransitions()]
def step (self, symbol):
transitions = self.candidateTransitions(symbol)
if 0 == len(transitions):
raise UnrecognizedSymbolError(self, symbol)
if 1 < len(transitions):
raise NondeterministicSymbolError(self, symbol)
return transitions[0].apply(self)
def isInitial (self):
"""Return C{True} iff no transitions have ever been made."""
return self.__state is None
def isAccepting (self):
"""Return C{True} iff the automaton is in an accepting state."""
if self.__state is not None:
# Any active sub-configuration must be accepting
if (self.__subConfiguration is not None) and not self.__subConfiguration.isAccepting():
return False
# Any unprocessed sub-automata must be nullable
if self.__subAutomata is not None:
if not functools.reduce(operator.and_, map(lambda _sa: _sa.nullable, self.__subAutomata), True):
return False
# This state must be accepting
return self.__state.isAccepting(self.__counterValues)
# Accepting without any action requires nullable automaton
return self.__automaton.nullable
def __init__ (self, automaton, super_configuration=None):
self.__automaton = automaton
self.__superConfiguration = super_configuration
def clone (self, clone_map=None):
"""Clone a configuration and its descendents.
This is used for parallel execution where a configuration has
multiple candidate transitions and must follow all of them.
It clones the entire chain of configurations through
multiple layers.
@param clone_map: Optional map into which the translation from
the original configuration object to the corresponding cloned
configuration object can be reconstructed, e.g. when applying
a transition that includes automata exits referencing
superconfigurations from the original configuration.
if clone_map is None:
clone_map = {}
root = self
while root.__superConfiguration is not None:
root = root.__superConfiguration
root = root._clone(clone_map, None)
return clone_map.get(self)
def _clone (self, clone_map, super_configuration):
assert not self in clone_map
other = type(self)(self.__automaton)
clone_map[self] = other
other.__state = self.__state
other.__counterValues = self.__counterValues.copy()
other.__superConfiguration = super_configuration
if self.__subAutomata is not None:
other.__subAutomata = self.__subAutomata[:]
if self.__subConfiguration:
other.__subConfiguration = self.__subConfiguration._clone(clone_map, other)
return other
def __str__ (self):
return '%s: %s' % (self.__state, ' ; '.join([ '%s=%u' % (_c,_v) for (_c,_v) in six.iteritems(self.__counterValues)]))
class MultiConfiguration (Configuration_ABC):
"""Support parallel execution of state machine.
This holds a set of configurations, and executes each transition
on each one. Configurations which fail to accept a step are
silently dropped; only if this results in no remaining
configurations will L{UnrecognizedSymbolError} be raised. If a
step admits multiple valid transitions, a configuration is added
for each one.
See L{pyxb.binding.content.AutomatonConfiguration} for an
alternative solution which holds actions associated with the
transition until the non-determinism is resolved."""
__configurations = None
def __init__ (self, configuration):
self.__configurations = [ configuration]
def acceptableSymbols (self):
acceptable = []
for cfg in self.__configurations:
return acceptable
def step (self, symbol):
next_configs = []
for cfg in self.__configurations:
transitions = cfg.candidateTransitions(symbol)
if 0 == len(transitions):
elif 1 == len(transitions):
for transition in transitions:
clone_map = {}
ccfg = cfg.clone(clone_map)
next_configs.append(transition.apply(ccfg, clone_map))
if 0 == len(next_configs):
raise UnrecognizedSymbolError(self, symbol)
assert len(frozenset(next_configs)) == len(next_configs)
self.__configurations = next_configs
return self
def acceptingConfigurations (self):
"""Return the set of configurations that are in an accepting state.
Note that some of the configurations may be within a
sub-automaton; their presence in the return value is because
the root configuration is also accepting."""
accepting = []
for cfg in self.__configurations:
rcfg = cfg
# Rule out configurations that are accepting within their
# automaton, but not in the containing automaton.
while rcfg.superConfiguration is not None:
rcfg = rcfg.superConfiguration
if rcfg.isAccepting():
return accepting
class Automaton (object):
"""Representation of a Finite Automaton with Counters.
This has all the standard FAC elements, plus links to other
states/automata as required to support the nested automata
construct used for matching unordered catenation terms."""
__states = None
def __get_states (self):
"""The set of L{State}s in the automaton.
These correspond essentially to marked symbols in the original
regular expression, or L{element
declarations<pyxb.xmlschema.structures.ElementDeclaration>} in
an XML schema.
@note: These are conceptually a set and are stored that way.
When an L{Automaton} is constructed the incoming states should
be passed as a list so the calculated initial transitions are
executed in a deterministic order."""
return self.__states
states = property(__get_states)
__counterConditions = None
def __get_counterConditions (self):
"""The set of L{CounterCondition}s in the automaton.
These are marked positions in the regular expression, or
L{particles<pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Particle>} in an XML
schema, paired with their occurrence constraints."""
return self.__counterConditions
counterConditions = property(__get_counterConditions)
__nullable = None
def __get_nullable (self):
"""C{True} iff the automaton accepts the empty string."""
return self.__nullable
nullable = property(__get_nullable)
__initialTransitions = None
def __get_initialTransitions (self):
"""The set of transitions that may be made to enter the automaton.
These are full transitions, including chains into subautomata
if an initial state represents a node with sub-automata.
@note: As with L{State.transitionSet}, the set is represented
as a list to preserve priority when resolving
non-deterministic matches."""
return self.__initialTransitions
initialTransitions = property(__get_initialTransitions)
__containingState = None
def __get_containingState (self):
"""The L{State} instance for which this is a sub-automaton.
C{None} if this is not a sub-automaton."""
return self.__containingState
containingState = property(__get_containingState)
__finalStates = None
def __get_finalStates (self):
"""The set of L{State} members which can terminate a match."""
return self.__finalStates
finalStates = property(__get_finalStates)
def __init__ (self, states, counter_conditions, nullable, containing_state=None):
self.__states = frozenset(states)
for st in self.__states:
self.__counterConditions = frozenset(counter_conditions)
self.__nullable = nullable
self.__containingState = containing_state
xit = []
fnl = set()
# Iterate over states, not self.__states, in case the input was a list.
# This way we preserve the priority for initial transitions.
for s in states:
if s.isInitial:
if s.finalUpdate is not None:
self.__initialTransitions = xit
self.__finalStates = frozenset(fnl)
def newConfiguration (self):
"""Return a new L{Configuration} instance for this automaton."""
return Configuration(self)
def __str__ (self):
rv = []
rv.append('sigma = %s' % (' '.join(map(lambda _s: str(_s.symbol), self.__states))))
rv.append('states = %s' % (' '.join(map(str, self.__states))))
for s in self.__states:
if s.subAutomata is not None:
for i in xrange(len(s.subAutomata)):
rv.append('SA %s.%u is %x:\n ' % (str(s), i, id(s.subAutomata[i])) + '\n '.join(str(s.subAutomata[i]).split('\n')))
rv.append('counters = %s' % (' '.join(map(str, self.__counterConditions))))
rv.append('initial = %s' % (' ; '.join([ '%s on %s' % (_s, _s.symbol) for _s in filter(lambda _s: _s.isInitial, self.__states)])))
rv.append('initial transitions:\n%s' % ('\n'.join(map(str, self.initialTransitions))))
for s in self.__states:
rv.append('%s: %s' % (s, s._facText()))
return '\n'.join(rv)
class Node (object):
"""Abstract class for any node in the term tree.
In its original form a B{position} (C{pos}) is a tuple of
non-negative integers comprising a path from a node in the term
tree. It identifies a node in the tree. After the FAC has been
constructed, only positions that are leaf nodes in the term tree
remain, and the corresponding symbol value (Python instance) is
used as the position.
An B{update instruction} (C{psi}) is a map from positions to
either L{Node.RESET} or L{Node.INCREMENT}. It identifies actions
to be taken on the counter states corresponding to the positions
in its domain.
A B{transition} is a pair containing a position and an update
instruction. It identifies a potential next node in the state and
the updates that are to be performed if the transition is taken.
A B{follow value} is a map from a position to a set of transitions
that may originate from the pos. This set is represented as a
Python list since update instructions are dicts and cannot be
_Precedence = None
"""An integral value used for parenthesizing expressions.
A subterm that has a precedence less than that of its containing
term must be enclosed in parentheses when forming a text
expression representing the containing term."""
RESET = False
"""An arbitrary value representing reset of a counter."""
"""An arbitrary value representing increment of a counter."""
def __init__ (self, **kw):
"""Create a FAC term-tree node.
@keyword metadata: Any application-specific metadata retained in
the term tree for transfer to the resulting automaton."""
self.__metadata = kw.get('metadata')
def clone (self, *args, **kw):
"""Create a deep copy of the node.
All term-tree--related attributes and properties are replaced
with deep clones. Other attributes are preserved.
@param args: A tuple of arguments to be passed to the instance
@param kw: A dict of keywords to be passed to the instance
@note: Subclasses should pre-extend this method to augment the
C{args} and C{kw} parameters as necessary to match the
expectations of the C{__init__} method of the class being
kw.setdefault('metadata', self.metadata)
return type(self)(*args, **kw)
__metadata = None
def __get_metadata (self):
"""Application-specific metadata provided during construction."""
return self.__metadata
metadata = property(__get_metadata)
__first = None
def __get_first (self):
"""The I{first} set for the node.
This is the set of positions leading to symbols that can
appear first in a string matched by an execution starting at
the node."""
if self.__first is None:
self.__first = frozenset(self._first())
return self.__first
first = property(__get_first)
def _first (self):
"""Abstract method that defines L{first} for the subclass.
The return value should be an iterable of tuples of integers
denoting paths from this node through the term tree to a
raise NotImplementedError('%s.first' % (type(self).__name__,))
__last = None
def __get_last (self):
"""The I{last} set for the node.
This is the set of positions leading to symbols that can
appear last in a string matched by an execution starting at
the node."""
if self.__last is None:
self.__last = frozenset(self._last())
return self.__last
last = property(__get_last)
def _last (self):
"""Abstract method that defines L{last} for the subclass.
The return value should be an iterable of tuples of integers
denoting paths from this node through the term tree to a
raise NotImplementedError('%s.last' % (type(self).__name__,))
__nullable = None
def __get_nullable (self):
"""C{True} iff the empty string is accepted by this node."""
if self.__nullable is None:
self.__nullable = self._nullable()
return self.__nullable
nullable = property(__get_nullable)
def _nullable (self):
"""Abstract method that defines L{nullable} for the subclass.
The return value should be C{True} or C{False}."""
raise NotImplementedError('%s.nullable' % (type(self).__name__,))
__follow = None
def __get_follow (self):
"""The I{follow} map for the node."""
if self.__follow is None:
self.__follow = self._follow()
return self.__follow
follow = property(__get_follow)
def _follow (self):
"""Abstract method that defines L{follow} for the subclass.
The return value should be a map from tuples of integers (positions)
to a list of transitions, where a transition is a position and
an update instruction."""
raise NotImplementedError('%s.follow' % (type(self).__name__,))
def reset (self):
"""Reset any term-tree state associated with the node.
Any change to the structure of the term tree in which the node
appears invalidates memoized first/follow sets and related
information. This method clears all that data so it can be
recalculated. It does not clear the L{metadata} link, or any
existing structural data."""
self.__first = None
self.__last = None
self.__nullable = None
self.__follow = None
self.__counterPositions = None
def walkTermTree (self, pre, post, arg):
"""Utility function for term tree processing.
@param pre: a callable that, unless C{None}, is invoked at
each node C{n} with parameters C{n}, C{pos}, and C{arg}, where
C{pos} is the tuple of integers identifying the path from the
node at on which this method was invoked to the node being
processed. The invocation occurs before processing any
subordinate nodes.
@param post: as with C{pre} but invocation occurs after
processing any subordinate nodes.
@param arg: a value passed to invocations of C{pre} and
self._walkTermTree((), pre, post, arg)
def _walkTermTree (self, position, pre, post, arg):
"""Abstract method implementing L{walkTermTree} for the subclass."""
raise NotImplementedError('%s.walkTermTree' % (type(self).__name__,))
__posNodeMap = None
def __get_posNodeMap (self):
"""A map from positions to nodes in the term tree."""
if self.__posNodeMap is None:
pnm = { }
self.walkTermTree(lambda _n,_p,_a: _a.setdefault(_p, _n), None, pnm)
self.__posNodeMap = pnm
return self.__posNodeMap
posNodeMap = property(__get_posNodeMap)
__nodePosMap = None
def __get_nodePosMap (self):
"""A map from nodes to their position in the term tree."""
if self.__nodePosMap is None:
npm = {}
for (p,n) in six.iteritems(self.posNodeMap):
npm[n] = p
self.__nodePosMap = npm
return self.__nodePosMap
nodePosMap = property(__get_nodePosMap)
def _PosConcatPosSet (cls, pos, pos_set):
"""Implement definition 11.1 in B{HOV09}."""
return frozenset([ pos + _mp for _mp in pos_set ])
def _PosConcatUpdateInstruction (cls, pos, psi):
"""Implement definition 11.2 in B{HOV09}"""
rv = {}
for (q, v) in six.iteritems(psi):
rv[pos + q] = v
return rv
def _PosConcatTransitionSet (cls, pos, transition_set):
"""Implement definition 11.3 in B{HOV09}"""
ts = []
for (q, psi) in transition_set:
ts.append((pos + q, cls._PosConcatUpdateInstruction(pos, psi) ))
return ts
def __resetAndValidate (self, node, pos, visited_nodes):
if node in visited_nodes:
raise InvalidTermTreeError(self, node)
def buildAutomaton (self, state_ctor=State, ctr_cond_ctor=CounterCondition, containing_state=None):
# Validate that the term tree is in fact a tree. A DAG does
# not work. If the tree had cycles, the automaton build
# wouldn't even return.
self.walkTermTree(self.__resetAndValidate, None, set())
counter_map = { }
for pos in self.counterPositions:
nci = self.posNodeMap.get(pos)
assert isinstance(nci, NumericalConstraint)
assert nci not in counter_map
counter_map[pos] = ctr_cond_ctor(nci.min, nci.max, nci.metadata)
counters = list(six.itervalues(counter_map))
state_map = { }
for pos in six.iterkeys(self.follow):
sym = self.posNodeMap.get(pos)
assert isinstance(sym, LeafNode)
assert sym not in state_map
# The state may be an initial state if it is in the first
# set for the root of the term tree.
is_initial = pos in self.first
# The state may be a final state if it is nullable or is
# in the last set of the term tree.
final_update = None
if (() == pos and sym.nullable) or (pos in self.last):
# Acceptance is further constrained by the counter
# values satisfying an update rule that would reset
# all counters that are relevant at the state.
final_update = set()
for nci in map(counter_map.get, self.counterSubPositions(pos)):
final_update.add(UpdateInstruction(nci, False))
state_map[pos] = state_ctor(sym.metadata, is_initial=is_initial, final_update=final_update, is_unordered_catenation=isinstance(sym, All))
if isinstance(sym, All):
state_map[pos]._set_subAutomata(*map(lambda _s: _s.buildAutomaton(state_ctor, ctr_cond_ctor, containing_state=state_map[pos]), sym.terms))
states = list(six.itervalues(state_map))
for (spos, transition_set) in six.iteritems(self.follow):
src = state_map[spos]
phi = []
for (dpos, psi) in transition_set:
dst = state_map[dpos]
uiset = set()
for (counter, action) in six.iteritems(psi):
uiset.add(UpdateInstruction(counter_map[counter], self.INCREMENT == action))
phi.append(Transition(dst, uiset))
return Automaton(states, counters, self.nullable, containing_state=containing_state)
__counterPositions = None
def __get_counterPositions (self):
"""Implement definition 13.1 from B{HOV09}.
The return value is the set of all positions leading to
L{NumericalConstraint} nodes for which either the minimum
value is not 1 or the maximum value is not unbounded."""
if self.__counterPositions is None:
cpos = []
self.walkTermTree(lambda _n,_p,_a: \
isinstance(_n, NumericalConstraint) \
and ((1 != _n.min) \
or (_n.max is not None)) \
and _a.append(_p),
None, cpos)
self.__counterPositions = frozenset(cpos)
return self.__counterPositions
counterPositions = property(__get_counterPositions)
def counterSubPositions (self, pos):
"""Implement definition 13.2 from B{HOV09}.
This is the subset of L{counterPositions} that occur along the
path to C{pos}."""
rv = set()
for cpos in self.counterPositions:
if cpos == pos[:len(cpos)]:
return frozenset(rv)
def _facToString (self):
"""Obtain a description of the FAC in text format.
This is a diagnostic tool, returning first, last, and follow
maps using positions."""
rv = []
rv.append('r\t= %s' % (str(self),))
states = list(six.iterkeys(self.follow))
rv.append('sym(r)\t= %s' % (' '.join(map(str, map(self.posNodeMap.get, states)))))
rv.append('first(r)\t= %s' % (' '.join(map(str, self.first))))
rv.append('last(r)\t= %s' % (' '.join(map(str, self.last))))
rv.append('C\t= %s' % (' '.join(map(str, self.counterPositions))))
for pos in self.first:
rv.append('qI(%s) -> %s' % (self.posNodeMap[pos].metadata, str(pos)))
for spos in states:
for (dpos, transition_set) in self.follow[spos]:
dst = self.posNodeMap[dpos]
uv = []
for (c, u) in six.iteritems(transition_set):
uv.append('%s %s' % (u == self.INCREMENT and "inc" or "rst", str(c)))
rv.append('%s -%s-> %s ; %s' % (str(spos), dst.metadata, str(dpos), ' ; '.join(uv)))
return '\n'.join(rv)
class MultiTermNode (Node):
"""Intermediary for nodes that have multiple child nodes."""
__terms = None
def __get_terms (self):
"""The set of subordinate terms of the current node."""
return self.__terms
terms = property(__get_terms)
def __init__ (self, *terms, **kw):
"""Term that collects an ordered sequence of terms.
The terms are provided as arguments. All must be instances of
a subclass of L{Node}."""
super(MultiTermNode, self).__init__(**kw)
self.__terms = terms
def clone (self):
cterms = map(lambda _s: _s.clone(), self.__terms)
return super(MultiTermNode, self).clone(*cterms)
def _walkTermTree (self, position, pre, post, arg):
if pre is not None:
pre(self, position, arg)
for c in xrange(len(self.__terms)):
self.__terms[c]._walkTermTree(position + (c,), pre, post, arg)
if post is not None:
post(self, position, arg)
class LeafNode (Node):
"""Intermediary for nodes that have no child nodes."""
def _first (self):
return [()]
def _last (self):
return [()]
def _nullable (self):
return False
def _follow (self):
return { (): frozenset() }
def _walkTermTree (self, position, pre, post, arg):
if pre is not None:
pre(self, position, arg)
if post is not None:
post(self, position, arg)
class NumericalConstraint (Node):
"""A term with a numeric range constraint.
This corresponds to a "particle" in the XML Schema content model."""
_Precedence = -1
__min = None
def __get_min (self):
return self.__min
min = property(__get_min)
__max = None
def __get_max (self):
return self.__max
max = property(__get_max)
__term = None
def __get_term (self):
return self.__term
term = property(__get_term)
def __init__ (self, term, min=0, max=1, **kw):
"""Term with a numerical constraint.
@param term: A term, the number of appearances of which is
constrained in this term.
@type term: L{Node}
@keyword min: The minimum number of occurrences of C{term}.
The value must be non-negative.
@keyword max: The maximum number of occurrences of C{term}.
The value must be positive (in which case it must also be no
smaller than C{min}), or C{None} to indicate an unbounded
number of occurrences."""
super(NumericalConstraint, self).__init__(**kw)
self.__term = term
self.__min = min
self.__max = max
def clone (self):
return super(NumericalConstraint, self).clone(self.__term, self.__min, self.__max)
def _first (self):
return [ (0,) + _fc for _fc in self.__term.first ]
def _last (self):
return [ (0,) + _lc for _lc in self.__term.last ]
def _nullable (self):
return (0 == self.__min) or self.__term.nullable
def _follow (self):
rv = {}
pp = (0,)
last_r1 = set(self.__term.last)
for (q, transition_set) in six.iteritems(self.__term.follow):
rv[pp+q] = self._PosConcatTransitionSet(pp, transition_set)
if q in last_r1:
for sq1 in self.__term.first:
q1 = pp+sq1
psi = {}
for p1 in self.__term.counterSubPositions(q):
psi[pp+p1] = self.RESET
if (1 != self.min) or (self.max is not None):
psi[()] = self.INCREMENT
rv[pp+q].append((q1, psi))
assert not last_r1
return rv
def _walkTermTree (self, position, pre, post, arg):
if pre is not None:
pre(self, position, arg)
self.__term._walkTermTree(position + (0,), pre, post, arg)
if post is not None:
post(self, position, arg)
def __str__ (self):
rv = str(self.__term)
if self.__term._Precedence < self._Precedence:
rv = '(' + rv + ')'
rv += '^(%u,' % (self.__min,)
if self.__max is not None:
rv += '%u' % (self.__max)
return rv + ')'
class Choice (MultiTermNode):
"""A term that may be any one of a set of terms.
This term matches if any one of its contained terms matches."""
_Precedence = -3
def __init__ (self, *terms, **kw):
"""Term that selects one of a set of terms.
The terms are provided as arguments. All must be instances of
a subclass of L{Node}."""
super(Choice, self).__init__(*terms, **kw)
def _first (self):
rv = set()
for c in xrange(len(self.terms)):
rv.update([ (c,) + _fc for _fc in self.terms[c].first])
return rv
def _last (self):
rv = set()
for c in xrange(len(self.terms)):
rv.update([ (c,) + _lc for _lc in self.terms[c].last])
return rv
def _nullable (self):
for t in self.terms:
if t.nullable:
return True
return False
def _follow (self):
rv = {}
for c in xrange(len(self.terms)):
for (q, transition_set) in six.iteritems(self.terms[c].follow):
pp = (c,)
rv[pp + q] = self._PosConcatTransitionSet(pp, transition_set)
return rv
def __str__ (self):
elts = []
for t in self.terms:
if t._Precedence < self._Precedence:
elts.append('(' + str(t) + ')')
return '+'.join(elts)
class Sequence (MultiTermNode):
"""A term that is an ordered sequence of terms."""
_Precedence = -2
def __init__ (self, *terms, **kw):
"""Term that collects an ordered sequence of terms.
The terms are provided as arguments. All must be instances of
a subclass of L{Node}."""
super(Sequence, self).__init__(*terms, **kw)
def _first (self):
rv = set()
c = 0
while c < len(self.terms):
t = self.terms[c]
rv.update([ (c,) + _fc for _fc in t.first])
if not t.nullable:
c += 1
return rv
def _last (self):
rv = set()
c = len(self.terms) - 1
while 0 <= c:
t = self.terms[c]
rv.update([ (c,) + _lc for _lc in t.last])
if not t.nullable:
c -= 1
return rv
def _nullable (self):
for t in self.terms:
if not t.nullable:
return False
return True
def _follow (self):
rv = {}
for c in xrange(len(self.terms)):
pp = (c,)
for (q, transition_set) in six.iteritems(self.terms[c].follow):
rv[pp + q] = self._PosConcatTransitionSet(pp, transition_set)
for c in xrange(len(self.terms)-1):
t = self.terms[c]
pp = (c,)
# Link from the last of one term to the first of the next term.
# Repeat while the destination term is nullable and there are
# successor terms.
for q in t.last:
psi = {}
for p1 in t.counterSubPositions(q):
psi[pp + p1] = self.RESET
nc = c
while nc+1 < len(self.terms):
nc += 1
nt = self.terms[nc]
for sq1 in nt.first:
q1 = (nc,) + sq1
rv[pp+q].append((q1, psi))
if not nt.nullable:
return rv
def __str__ (self):
elts = []
for t in self.terms:
if t._Precedence < self._Precedence:
elts.append('(' + str(t) + ')')
return '.'.join(elts)
class All (MultiTermNode, LeafNode):
"""A term that is an unordered sequence of terms.
Note that the inheritance structure for this node is unusual. It
has multiple children when it is treated as a term tree, but is
considered a leaf node when constructing an automaton.
_Precedence = 0
def __init__ (self, *terms, **kw):
"""Term that collects an unordered sequence of terms.
The terms are provided as arguments. All must be instances of
a subclass of L{Node}."""
super(All, self).__init__(*terms, **kw)
def _nullable (self):
for t in self.terms:
if not t.nullable:
return False
return True
def CreateTermTree (cls, *terms):
"""Create a term tree that implements unordered catenation of
the terms.
This expansion results in a standard choice/sequence term
tree, at the cost of quadratic state expansion because terms
are L{cloned<Node.clone>} as required to satisfy the tree
requirements of the term tree.
@param terms: The tuple of terms that are elements of an
accepted sequence.
@return: A term tree comprising a choice between sequences
that connect each term to the unordered catenation of the
remaining terms."""
if 1 == len(terms):
return terms[0]
disjuncts = []
for i in xrange(len(terms)):
n = terms[i]
rem = map(lambda _s: _s.clone(), terms[:i] + terms[i+1:])
disjuncts.append(Sequence(n, cls.CreateTermTree(*rem)))
return Choice(*disjuncts)
def __str__ (self):
return six.u('&(') + six.u(',').join([str(_t) for _t in self.terms]) + ')'
class Symbol (LeafNode):
"""A leaf term that is a symbol.
The symbol is represented by the L{metadata} field."""
_Precedence = 0
def __init__ (self, symbol, **kw):
kw['metadata'] = symbol
super(Symbol, self).__init__(**kw)
def clone (self):
return super(Symbol, self).clone(self.metadata)
def __str__ (self):
return str(self.metadata)