# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2009-2013, Peter A. Bigot
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
# copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Classes and global objects related to U{XML Namespaces<http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/REC-xml-names-20060816/index.html>}.
Since namespaces hold all referenceable objects, this module also defines the
infrastructure for resolving named object references, such as schema
import pyxb
import pyxb.utils.utility
from pyxb.utils import six
import xml.dom
import logging
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ExpandedName (pyxb.cscRoot):
"""Represent an U{expanded name
<http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names/#dt-expname>}, which pairs a
namespace with a local name.
Because a large number of local elements, and most attributes, have no
namespace associated with them, this is optimized for representing names
with an absent namespace. The hash and equality test methods are set so
that a plain string is equivalent to a tuple of C{None} and that string.
Note that absent namespaces can be represented in two ways: with a
namespace of C{None} (the name "has no namespace"), and with a namespace
that is an L{absent namespace <Namespace.CreateAbsentNamespace>} (the name
"has an absent namespace"). Hash code calculations are done so that the
two alternatives produce the same hash; however, comparison is done so
that the two are distinguished. The latter is the intended behavior; the
former should not be counted upon.
This class allows direct lookup of the named object within a category by
using the category name as an accessor function. That is, if the
namespace of the expanded name C{en} has a category 'typeDefinition', then
the following two expressions are equivalent::
This class descends from C{tuple} so that its values can be used as
dictionary keys without concern for pointer equivalence.
def namespace (self):
"""The L{Namespace} part of the expanded name."""
return self.__namespace
__namespace = None
def namespaceURI (self):
"""Return the URI of the namespace, or C{None} if the namespace is absent."""
return self.__namespaceURI
__namespaceURI = None
def localName (self):
"""The local part of the expanded name."""
return self.__localName
__localName = None
# Cached tuple representation
__expandedName = None
def validateComponentModel (self):
"""Pass model validation through to namespace part."""
return self.namespace().validateComponentModel()
def uriTuple (self):
"""Return a tuple consisting of the namespace URI and the local name.
This presents the expanded name as base Python types for persistent
storage. Be aware, though, that it will lose the association of the
name with an absent namespace, if that matters to you."""
return ( self.__namespaceURI, self.__localName )
# Treat unrecognized attributes as potential accessor functions
def __getattr__ (self, name):
# Don't try to recognize private names (like __setstate__)
if name.startswith('__'):
return super(ExpandedName, self).__getattr__(name)
ns = self.namespace()
if ns is None:
return lambda: None
# Anything we're going to look stuff up in requires a component model.
# Make sure we have one loaded.
# NOTE: This will raise pyxb.NamespaceError if the category does not exist.
category_value = ns.categoryMap(name).get(self.localName())
return lambda : category_value
def createName (self, local_name):
"""Return a new expanded name in the namespace of this name.
@param local_name: The local name portion of an expanded name.
@return: An instance of L{ExpandedName}.
return ExpandedName(self.namespace(), local_name)
def adoptName (self, name):
"""Return the input name, except if the input name has no namespace,
return a name that uses the namespace from this name with the local
name from the input name.
Use this when the XML document has an unqualified name and we're
processing using an absent default namespace.
@warning: Be careful when using a global name to adopt a name from a
local element: if the local element (with no namespace) has the same
localName as but is different from the global element (with a
namespace), this will improperly provide a namespace when one should
not be present. See the comments in
if not isinstance(name, ExpandedName):
name = ExpandedName(name)
if name.namespace() is None:
name = self.createName(name.localName())
return name
def __init__ (self, *args, **kw):
"""Create an expanded name.
Expected argument patterns are:
- ( C{str} ) : the local name in an absent namespace
- ( L{ExpandedName} ) : a copy of the given expanded name
- ( C{xml.dom.Node} ) : The name extracted from node.namespaceURI and node.localName
- ( C{str}, C{str} ) : the namespace URI and the local name
- ( L{Namespace}, C{str} ) : the namespace and the local name
- ( L{ExpandedName}, C{str}) : the namespace from the expanded name, and the local name
Wherever C{str} occurs C{unicode} is also permitted.
@keyword fallback_namespace: Optional Namespace instance to use if the
namespace would otherwise be None. This is only used if it is an
absent namespace.
fallback_namespace = kw.get('fallback_namespace')
if 0 == len(args):
raise pyxb.LogicError('Too few arguments to ExpandedName constructor')
if 2 < len(args):
raise pyxb.LogicError('Too many arguments to ExpandedName constructor')
if 2 == len(args):
# Namespace(str, unicode, Namespace) and local name basestring
( ns, ln ) = args
# Local name basestring or ExpandedName or Node
assert 1 == len(args)
ln = args[0]
ns = None
if isinstance(ln, six.string_types):
elif isinstance(ln, tuple) and (2 == len(ln)):
(ns, ln) = ln
elif isinstance(ln, ExpandedName):
ns = ln.namespace()
ln = ln.localName()
elif isinstance(ln, xml.dom.Node):
if not(ln.nodeType in (xml.dom.Node.ELEMENT_NODE, xml.dom.Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE)):
raise pyxb.LogicError('Cannot create expanded name from non-element DOM node %s' % (ln.nodeType,))
ns = ln.namespaceURI
ln = ln.localName
raise pyxb.LogicError('Unrecognized argument type %s' % (type(ln),))
if (ns is None) and (fallback_namespace is not None):
if fallback_namespace.isAbsentNamespace():
ns = fallback_namespace
if isinstance(ns, six.string_types):
ns = NamespaceForURI(ns, create_if_missing=True)
if isinstance(ns, ExpandedName):
ns = ns.namespace()
if (ns is not None) and not isinstance(ns, Namespace):
raise pyxb.LogicError('ExpandedName must include a valid (perhaps absent) namespace, or None.')
self.__namespace = ns
if self.__namespace is not None:
self.__namespaceURI = self.__namespace.uri()
self.__localName = ln
assert self.__localName is not None
self.__expandedName = ( self.__namespace, self.__localName )
self.__uriTuple = ( self.__namespaceURI, self.__localName )
super(ExpandedName, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
def __str__ (self):
assert self.__localName is not None
if self.__namespaceURI is not None:
return '{%s}%s' % (self.__namespaceURI, self.__localName)
return self.localName()
def __hash__ (self):
if self.__namespaceURI is None:
# Handle both str and unicode hashes
return type(self.__localName).__hash__(self.__localName)
return tuple.__hash__(self.__expandedName)
def __otherForCompare (self, other):
if isinstance(other, six.string_types):
other = ( None, other )
if not isinstance(other, tuple):
other = other.__uriTuple
if isinstance(other[0], Namespace):
other = ( other[0].uri(), other[1] )
return other
def __eq__ (self, other):
if other is None:
return False
return 0 == pyxb.utils.utility.IteratedCompareMixed(self.__uriTuple, self.__otherForCompare(other))
def __lt__ (self, other):
if other is None:
return False
return 0 > pyxb.utils.utility.IteratedCompareMixed(self.__uriTuple, self.__otherForCompare(other))
def getAttribute (self, dom_node):
"""Return the value of the attribute identified by this name in the given node.
@return: An instance of C{xml.dom.Attr}, or C{None} if the node does
not have an attribute with this name.
if dom_node.hasAttributeNS(self.__namespaceURI, self.__localName):
return dom_node.getAttributeNS(self.__namespaceURI, self.__localName)
return None
def nodeMatches (self, dom_node):
"""Return C{True} iff the dom node expanded name matches this expanded name."""
return (dom_node.localName == self.__localName) and (dom_node.namespaceURI == self.__namespaceURI)
class NamedObjectMap (dict):
"""An extended dictionary intended to assist with QName resolution.
These dictionaries have an attribute that identifies a category of named
objects within a Namespace; the specifications for various documents
require that certain groups of objects must be unique, while uniqueness is
not required between groups. The dictionary also retains a pointer to the
Namespace instance for which it holds objects."""
def namespace (self):
"""The namespace to which the object map belongs."""
return self.__namespace
__namespace = None
def category (self):
"""The category of objects (e.g., typeDefinition, elementDeclaration)."""
return self.__category
__category = None
def __init__ (self, category, namespace, *args, **kw):
self.__category = category
self.__namespace = namespace
super(NamedObjectMap, self).__init__(*args, **kw)
class _NamespaceCategory_mixin (pyxb.cscRoot):
"""Mix-in that aggregates those aspects of XMLNamespaces that hold
references to categories of named objects.
Arbitrary groups of named objects, each requiring unique names within
themselves, can be saved. Unless configured otherwise, the Namespace
instance is extended with accessors that provide direct access to
individual category maps. The name of the method is the category name
with a suffix of "s"; e.g., if a category "typeDefinition" exists, it can
be accessed from the namespace using the syntax C{ns.typeDefinitions()}.
Note that the returned value from the accessor is a live reference to
the category map; changes made to the map are reflected in the
# Map from category strings to NamedObjectMap instances that
# contain the dictionary for that category.
__categoryMap = None
def _reset (self):
"""CSC extension to reset fields of a Namespace.
This one handles category-related data."""
getattr(super(_NamespaceCategory_mixin, self), '_reset', lambda *args, **kw: None)()
self.__categoryMap = { }
def categories (self):
"""The list of individual categories held in this namespace."""
return list(self.__categoryMap.keys())
def _categoryMap (self):
"""Return the whole map from categories to named objects."""
return self.__categoryMap
def categoryMap (self, category):
"""Map from local names to NamedObjectMap instances for the given category."""
return self.__categoryMap[category]
except KeyError:
raise pyxb.NamespaceError(self, '%s has no category %s' % (self, category))
def __defineCategoryAccessors (self):
"""Define public methods on the Namespace which provide access to
individual NamedObjectMaps based on their category.
for category in self.categories():
accessor_name = category + 's'
setattr(self, accessor_name, lambda _map=self.categoryMap(category): _map)
def configureCategories (self, categories):
"""Ensure there is a map for each of the given categories.
Category configuration
L{activates<archive._NamespaceArchivable_mixin.isActive>} a namespace.
Existing maps are not affected."""
if self.__categoryMap is None:
self.__categoryMap = { }
for category in categories:
if not (category in self.__categoryMap):
self.__categoryMap[category] = NamedObjectMap(category, self)
return self
def addCategoryObject (self, category, local_name, named_object):
"""Allow access to the named_object by looking up the local_name in
the given category.
Raises pyxb.NamespaceUniquenessError if an object with the same name
already exists in the category."""
name_map = self.categoryMap(category)
old_object = name_map.get(local_name)
if (old_object is not None) and (old_object != named_object):
raise pyxb.NamespaceUniquenessError(self, '%s: name %s used for multiple values in %s' % (self, local_name, category))
name_map[local_name] = named_object
return named_object
def replaceCategoryObject (self, category, local_name, old_object, new_object):
"""Replace the referenced object in the category.
The new object will be added only if the old_object matches the
current entry for local_name in the category."""
name_map = self.categoryMap(category)
if old_object == name_map.get(local_name):
name_map[local_name] = new_object
return name_map[local_name]
def _replaceComponent_csc (self, existing_def, replacement_def):
"""Replace a component definition where present in the category maps.
@note: This is a high-cost operation, as every item in every category
map must be examined to see whether its value field matches
for (cat, registry) in six.iteritems(self.__categoryMap):
for (k, v) in registry.items(): # NB: Not iteritems
if v == existing_def:
del registry[k]
if replacement_def is not None:
registry[k] = replacement_def
return getattr(super(_NamespaceCategory_mixin, self), '_replaceComponent_csc', lambda *args, **kw: replacement_def)(existing_def, replacement_def)
# Verify that the namespace category map has no components recorded. This
# is the state that should hold prior to loading a saved namespace; at
# tthe moment, we do not support aggregating components defined separately
# into the same namespace. That should be done at the schema level using
# the "include" element.
def __checkCategoriesEmpty (self):
if self.__categoryMap is None:
return True
assert isinstance(self.__categoryMap, dict)
if 0 == len(self.__categoryMap):
return True
for k in self.categories():
if 0 < len(self.categoryMap(k)):
return False
return True
def _namedObjects (self):
objects = set()
for category_map in six.itervalues(self.__categoryMap):
return objects
def _loadNamedObjects (self, category_map):
"""Add the named objects from the given map into the set held by this namespace.
It is an error to name something which is already present."""
for category in six.iterkeys(category_map):
current_map = self.categoryMap(category)
new_map = category_map[category]
for (local_name, component) in six.iteritems(new_map):
existing_component = current_map.get(local_name)
if existing_component is None:
current_map[local_name] = component
elif existing_component._allowUpdateFromOther(component):
raise pyxb.NamespaceError(self, 'Load attempted to override %s %s in %s' % (category, local_name, self.uri()))
def hasSchemaComponents (self):
"""Return C{True} iff schema components have been associated with this namespace.
This only checks whether the corresponding categories have been added,
not whether there are any entries in those categories. It is useful
for identifying namespaces that were incorporated through a
declaration but never actually referenced."""
return 'typeDefinition' in self.__categoryMap
def _associateOrigins (self, module_record):
"""Add links from L{pyxb.namespace.archive._ObjectOrigin} instances.
For any resolvable item in this namespace from an origin managed by
the module_record, ensure that item can be found via a lookup through
that origin.
This allows these items to be found when a single namespace comprises
items translated from different schema at different times using
archives to maintain consistency."""
assert module_record.namespace() == self
origin_set = module_record.origins()
for (cat, cat_map) in six.iteritems(self.__categoryMap):
for (n, v) in six.iteritems(cat_map):
if isinstance(v, archive._ArchivableObject_mixin) and (v._objectOrigin() in origin_set):
v._objectOrigin().addCategoryMember(cat, n, v)
class _ComponentDependency_mixin (pyxb.utils.utility.PrivateTransient_mixin, pyxb.cscRoot):
"""Mix-in for components that can depend on other components."""
__PrivateTransient = set()
# Cached frozenset of components on which this component depends.
__bindingRequires = None
def _resetClone_csc (self, **kw):
"""CSC extension to reset fields of a component. This one clears
dependency-related data, since the clone will have to revise its
@rtype: C{None}"""
getattr(super(_ComponentDependency_mixin, self), '_resetClone_csc', lambda *_args, **_kw: None)(**kw)
self.__bindingRequires = None
def bindingRequires (self, reset=False, include_lax=False):
"""Return a set of components upon whose bindings this component's
bindings depend.
For example, bindings that are extensions or restrictions depend on
their base types. Complex type definition bindings require that the
types of their attribute declarations be available at the class
definition, and the types of their element declarations in the
@keyword include_lax: if C{False} (default), only the requirements of
the class itself are returned. If C{True}, all requirements are
@rtype: C{set(L{pyxb.xmlschema.structures._SchemaComponent_mixin})}
if reset or (self.__bindingRequires is None):
if isinstance(self, resolution._Resolvable_mixin) and not (self.isResolved()):
raise pyxb.LogicError('Unresolved %s in %s: %s' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._namespaceContext().targetNamespace(), self.name()))
self.__bindingRequires = self._bindingRequires_vx(include_lax)
return self.__bindingRequires
def _bindingRequires_vx (self, include_lax):
"""Placeholder for subclass method that identifies the necessary components.
@note: Override in subclasses.
@return: The component instances on which this component depends
@rtype: C{frozenset}
@raise LogicError: A subclass failed to implement this method
raise pyxb.LogicError('%s does not implement _bindingRequires_vx' % (type(self),))
class _NamespaceComponentAssociation_mixin (pyxb.cscRoot):
"""Mix-in for managing components defined within this namespace.
The component set includes not only top-level named components (such as
those accessible through category maps), but internal anonymous
components, such as those involved in representing the content model of a
complex type definition. We need to be able to get a list of these
components, sorted in dependency order, so that generated bindings do not
attempt to refer to a binding that has not yet been generated."""
# A set containing all components, named or unnamed, that belong to this
# namespace.
__components = None
def _reset (self):
"""CSC extension to reset fields of a Namespace.
This one handles data related to component association with a
getattr(super(_NamespaceComponentAssociation_mixin, self), '_reset', lambda *args, **kw: None)()
self.__components = set()
self.__origins = set()
self.__schemaMap = { }
def _associateComponent (self, component):
"""Record that the responsibility for the component belongs to this namespace."""
assert self.__components is not None
assert isinstance(component, _ComponentDependency_mixin)
assert component not in self.__components
def _replaceComponent_csc (self, existing_def, replacement_def):
"""Replace a component definition in the set of associated components.
@raise KeyError: C{existing_def} is not in the set of components."""
if replacement_def is not None:
return getattr(super(_NamespaceComponentAssociation_mixin, self), '_replaceComponent_csc', lambda *args, **kw: replacement_def)(existing_def, replacement_def)
def addSchema (self, schema):
for sr in self.__origins:
if isinstance(sr, archive._SchemaOrigin) and sr.match(schema=schema):
_log.info('Hash for %s matches %s already registered as %s', schema.location(), sr.schema().location(), self)
raise pyxb.SchemaUniquenessError(self, schema.location(), sr.schema())
sr = archive._SchemaOrigin(schema=schema)
return sr
def lookupSchemaByLocation (self, schema_location):
for sr in self.__origins:
if isinstance(sr, archive._SchemaOrigin) and sr.match(location=schema_location):
return (True, sr.schema())
for mr in self.moduleRecords():
if mr.hasMatchingOrigin(location=schema_location):
return (True, None)
return (False, None)
def schemas (self):
s = set()
for sr in self.__origins:
if isinstance(sr, archive._SchemaOrigin) and (sr.schema() is not None):
return s
__origins = None
def components (self):
"""Return a frozenset of all components, named or unnamed, belonging
to this namespace."""
return frozenset(self.__components)
def _releaseNamespaceContexts (self):
for c in self.__components:
from pyxb.namespace import archive
from pyxb.namespace.utility import NamespaceInstance
from pyxb.namespace.utility import NamespaceForURI
from pyxb.namespace.utility import CreateAbsentNamespace
from pyxb.namespace.utility import AvailableNamespaces
from pyxb.namespace import resolution
NamespaceContext = resolution.NamespaceContext
class Namespace (_NamespaceCategory_mixin, resolution._NamespaceResolution_mixin, _NamespaceComponentAssociation_mixin, archive._NamespaceArchivable_mixin):
"""Represents an XML namespace (a URI).
There is at most one L{Namespace} class instance per namespace (URI). The
instance also supports associating arbitrary L{maps<NamedObjectMap>} from
names to objects, in separate categories. The default categories are
configured externally; for example, the
L{Schema<pyxb.xmlschema.structures.Schema>} component defines a category
for each named component in XMLSchema, and the customizing subclass for
WSDL definitions adds categories for the service bindings, messages, etc.
Namespaces can be written to and loaded from pickled files. See
L{NamespaceArchive} for information.
# The URI for the namespace. If the URI is None, this is an absent
# namespace.
__uri = None
# An identifier, unique within a program using PyXB, used to distinguish
# absent namespaces. Currently this value is not accessible to the user,
# and exists solely to provide a unique identifier when printing the
# namespace as a string. The class variable is used as a one-up counter,
# which is assigned to the instance variable when an absent namespace
# instance is created.
__absentNamespaceID = 0
# A prefix bound to this namespace by standard. Current set known are applies to
# xml and xmlns.
__boundPrefix = None
# A prefix set as a preferred prefix, generally by processing a namespace
# declaration.
__prefix = None
# A map from URIs to Namespace instances. Namespaces instances
# must be unique for their URI. See __new__().
__Registry = { }
# A set of all absent namespaces created.
__AbsentNamespaces = set()
# Optional description of the namespace
__description = None
# Indicates whether this namespace is built-in to the system
__isBuiltinNamespace = False
# Indicates whether this namespace is undeclared (available always)
__isUndeclaredNamespace = False
# Indicates whether this namespace was loaded from an archive
__isLoadedNamespace = False
# Archive from which the namespace can be read, or None if no archive
# defines this namespace.
__namespaceArchive = None
# Indicates whether this namespace has been written to an archive
__hasBeenArchived = False
# Holds the module path for builtin modules until we get a ModuleRecord to
# store that in.
__builtinModulePath = None
# A set of options defining how the Python bindings for this namespace
# were generated. Not currently used, since we don't have different
# binding configurations yet.
__bindingConfiguration = None
# The namespace to use as the default namespace when constructing the
# The namespace context used when creating built-in components that belong
# to this namespace. This is used to satisfy the low-level requirement
# that all schema components have a namespace context; normally, that
# context is built dynamically from the schema element.
__initialNamespaceContext = None
# The default_namespace parameter when creating the initial namespace
# context. Only used with built-in namespaces.
__contextDefaultNamespace = None
# The map from prefixes to namespaces as defined by the schema element for
# this namespace. Only used with built-in namespaces.
__contextInScopeNamespaces = None
def _NamespaceForURI (cls, uri):
"""If a Namespace instance for the given URI exists, return it; otherwise return None.
Note: Absent namespaces are not stored in the registry. If you use
one (e.g., for a schema with no target namespace), don't lose hold of
if uri is None:
raise pyxb.UsageError('Absent namespaces are unlocatable')
return cls.__Registry.get(uri)
# A map from string UUIDs to absent Namespace instances. Used for
# in-session deserialization as required for cloning objects. Non-absent
# namespaces are identified by URI and recorded in __Registry.
__AbsentNamespaceRegistry = { }
# The UUID used to serialize this namespace. This serves the same role in
# __AbsentNamespaceRegistry as the namespace URI does in __Registry, but
# is retained only within a single PyXB session.
__absentSerializedUUID = None
__SerializedVariantAbsent = 'absent'
def __getnewargs__ (self):
"""Pickling support.
To ensure that unpickled Namespace instances are unique per
URI, we ensure that the routine that creates unpickled
instances knows what it's supposed to return."""
if self.uri() is None:
# We can't reconstruct absent namespaces. However, it is
# convenient to be able to use Python's copy module to clone
# instances. Support for that does require ability to identify
# specific absent namespaces, which we do by representing them as
# a tuple containing a variant tag and unique identifier.
if self.__absentSerializedUUID is None:
_log.warning('Instances with absent namespaces can only be reconstructed in-session')
self.__absentSerializedUUID = pyxb.utils.utility.UniqueIdentifier()
self.__AbsentNamespaceRegistry[self.__absentSerializedUUID.uid()] = self
return ((self.__SerializedVariantAbsent, self.__absentSerializedUUID.uid()),)
return (self.uri(),)
def __new__ (cls, *args, **kw):
"""Pickling and singleton support.
This ensures that no more than one Namespace instance exists
for any given URI. We could do this up in __init__, but that
doesn't normally get called when unpickling instances; this
does. See also __getnewargs__()."""
(uri,) = args
if isinstance(uri, tuple):
# Special handling to reconstruct absent namespaces.
(variant, uid) = uri
if cls.__SerializedVariantAbsent == variant:
ns = cls.__AbsentNamespaceRegistry.get(uid)
if ns is None:
raise pyxb.UsageError('Unable to reconstruct instance of absent namespace')
return ns
raise pyxb.LogicError('Unrecognized serialized namespace variant %s uid %s' % (variant, uid))
elif not (uri in cls.__Registry):
instance = object.__new__(cls)
# Do this one step of __init__ so we can do checks during unpickling
instance.__uri = uri
# Absent namespaces are not stored in the registry.
if uri is None:
return instance
cls.__Registry[uri] = instance
return cls.__Registry[uri]
def AvailableNamespaces (cls):
"""Return a set of all Namespace instances defined so far."""
return cls.__AbsentNamespaces.union(six.itervalues(cls.__Registry))
def __init__ (self, uri,
"""Create a new Namespace.
The URI must be non-None, and must not already be assigned to
a Namespace instance. See _NamespaceForURI().
User-created Namespace instances may also provide a description.
Users should never provide a builtin_namespace parameter.
# New-style superclass invocation
super(Namespace, self).__init__()
self.__contextDefaultNamespace = default_namespace
self.__contextInScopeNamespaces = in_scope_namespaces
# Make sure that we're not trying to do something restricted to
# built-in namespaces
is_builtin_namespace = not (builtin_namespace is None)
if not is_builtin_namespace:
if bound_prefix is not None:
raise pyxb.LogicError('Only permanent Namespaces may have bound prefixes')
# We actually set the uri when this instance was allocated;
# see __new__().
assert self.__uri == uri
self.__boundPrefix = bound_prefix
self.__description = description
self.__isBuiltinNamespace = is_builtin_namespace
self.__builtinNamespaceVariable = builtin_namespace
self.__builtinModulePath = builtin_module_path
self.__isUndeclaredNamespace = is_undeclared_namespace
self.__isLoadedNamespace = is_loaded_namespace
assert (self.__uri is None) or (self.__Registry[self.__uri] == self)
def _reset (self):
assert not self.isActive()
getattr(super(Namespace, self), '_reset', lambda *args, **kw: None)()
self.__initialNamespaceContext = None
def uri (self):
"""Return the URI for the namespace represented by this instance.
If the URI is None, this is an absent namespace, used to hold
declarations not associated with a namespace (e.g., from schema with
no target namespace)."""
return self.__uri
def setPrefix (self, prefix):
if self.__boundPrefix is not None:
if self.__boundPrefix == prefix:
return self
raise pyxb.NamespaceError(self, 'Cannot change the prefix of a bound namespace')
if (None is not prefix) and (0 == len(prefix)):
raise pyxb.UsageError('prefix must be non-empty string')
self.__prefix = prefix
return self
def prefix (self):
if self.__boundPrefix:
return self.__boundPrefix
return self.__prefix
def isAbsentNamespace (self):
"""Return True iff this namespace is an absent namespace.
Absent namespaces have no namespace URI; they exist only to
hold components created from schemas with no target
return self.__uri is None
def fallbackNamespace (self):
"""When known to be operating in this namespace, provide the Namespace
instance to be used when names are associated with no namespace."""
if self.isAbsentNamespace():
return self
return None
def CreateAbsentNamespace (cls):
"""Create an absent namespace.
Use this instead of the standard constructor, in case we need
to augment it with a uuid or the like."""
rv = Namespace(None)
rv.__absentNamespaceID = cls.__absentNamespaceID
cls.__absentNamespaceID += 1
return rv
def _overrideAbsentNamespace (self, uri):
assert self.isAbsentNamespace()
self.__uri = uri
def boundPrefix (self):
"""Return the standard prefix to be used for this namespace.
Only a few namespace prefixes are bound to namespaces: xml and xmlns
are two. In all other cases, this method should return None. The
infrastructure attempts to prevent user creation of Namespace
instances that have bound prefixes."""
return self.__boundPrefix
def isBuiltinNamespace (self):
"""Return True iff this namespace was defined by the infrastructure.
That is the case for all namespaces in the Namespace module."""
return self.__isBuiltinNamespace
def builtinNamespaceRepresentation (self):
assert self.__builtinNamespaceVariable is not None
return 'pyxb.namespace.%s' % (self.__builtinNamespaceVariable,)
def builtinModulePath (self):
from pyxb.namespace import builtin
if not self.__builtinModulePath:
raise pyxb.LogicError('Namespace has no built-in module: %s' % (self,))
mr = self.lookupModuleRecordByUID(builtin.BuiltInObjectUID)
assert mr is not None
assert mr.modulePath() == self.__builtinModulePath
return self.__builtinModulePath
def isUndeclaredNamespace (self):
"""Return True iff this namespace is always available
regardless of whether there is a declaration for it.
This is the case only for the
xml(http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace) and
xmlns(http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/) namespaces."""
return self.__isUndeclaredNamespace
def isLoadedNamespace (self):
"""Return C{True} iff this namespace was loaded from a namespace archive."""
return self.__isLoadedNamespace
def hasBeenArchived (self):
"""Return C{True} iff this namespace has been saved to a namespace archive.
See also L{isLoadedNamespace}."""
return self.__hasBeenArchived
def description (self, description=None):
"""Get, or set, a textual description of the namespace."""
if description is not None:
self.__description = description
return self.__description
def nodeIsNamed (self, node, *local_names):
return (node.namespaceURI == self.uri()) and (node.localName in local_names)
def createExpandedName (self, local_name):
return ExpandedName(self, local_name)
def __getstate__ (self):
"""Support pickling.
Well, no, not really. Because namespace instances must be unique, we
represent them as their URI, and that's done by __getnewargs__
above. All the interesting information is in the ModuleRecords."""
return {}
def _defineBuiltins_ox (self, structures_module):
__definedBuiltins = False
def _defineBuiltins (self, structures_module):
assert self.isBuiltinNamespace()
if not self.__definedBuiltins:
from pyxb.namespace import builtin
mr = self.lookupModuleRecordByUID(builtin.BuiltInObjectUID, create_if_missing=True, module_path=self.__builtinModulePath)
self.__definedBuiltins = True
return self
def _loadComponentsFromArchives (self, structures_module):
"""Attempts to load the named objects held in this namespace.
The base class implementation looks at the set of available archived
namespaces, and if one contains this namespace unserializes its named
object maps.
Sub-classes may choose to look elsewhere, if this version fails or
before attempting it.
There is no guarantee that any particular category of named object has
been located when this returns. Caller must check.
for mr in self.moduleRecords():
if mr.isLoadable():
if mr.isPublic():
_log.info('Load %s from %s', mr, mr.archive())
except pyxb.NamespaceArchiveError:
_log.exception("Failure reading namespaces in archive")
_log.info('Ignoring private module %s in validation', mr)
__didValidation = False
__inValidation = False
def validateComponentModel (self, structures_module=None):
"""Ensure this namespace is ready for use.
If the namespace does not have a map of named objects, the system will
attempt to load one.
if not self.__didValidation:
# assert not self.__inValidation, 'Nested validation of %s' % (self.uri(),)
if structures_module is None:
import pyxb.xmlschema.structures as structures_module
if self.isBuiltinNamespace():
self.__inValidation = True
self.__didValidation = True
self.__inValidation = False
return True
def _replaceComponent (self, existing_def, replacement_def):
"""Replace the existing definition with another.
This is used in a situation where building the component model
resulted in a new component instance being created and registered, but
for which an existing component is to be preferred. An example is
when parsing the schema for XMLSchema itself: the built-in datatype
components should be retained instead of the simple type definition
components dynamically created from the schema.
By providing the value C{None} as the replacement definition, this can
also be used to remove components.
@note: Invoking this requires scans of every item in every category
map in the namespace.
@return: C{replacement_def}
# We need to do replacements in the category map handler, the
# resolver, and the component associator.
return self._replaceComponent_csc(existing_def, replacement_def)
def initialNamespaceContext (self):
"""Obtain the namespace context to be used when creating components in this namespace.
Usually applies only to built-in namespaces, but is also used in the
autotests when creating a namespace without a xs:schema element. .
Note that we must create the instance dynamically, since the
information that goes into it has cross-dependencies that can't be
resolved until this module has been completely loaded."""
if self.__initialNamespaceContext is None:
isn = { }
if self.__contextInScopeNamespaces is not None:
for (k, v) in six.iteritems(self.__contextInScopeNamespaces):
isn[k] = self.__identifyNamespace(v)
kw = { 'target_namespace' : self
, 'default_namespace' : self.__identifyNamespace(self.__contextDefaultNamespace)
, 'in_scope_namespaces' : isn }
self.__initialNamespaceContext = resolution.NamespaceContext(None, **kw)
return self.__initialNamespaceContext
def __identifyNamespace (self, nsval):
"""Identify the specified namespace, which should be a built-in.
Normally we can just use a reference to the Namespace module instance,
but when creating those instances we sometimes need to refer to ones
for which the instance has not yet been created. In that case, we use
the name of the instance, and resolve the namespace when we need to
create the initial context."""
if nsval is None:
return self
if isinstance(nsval, six.string_types):
nsval = globals().get(nsval)
if isinstance(nsval, Namespace):
return nsval
raise pyxb.LogicError('Cannot identify namespace from %s' % (nsval,))
def __str__ (self):
if self.__uri is None:
return 'AbsentNamespace%d' % (self.__absentNamespaceID,)
assert self.__uri is not None
if self.__boundPrefix is not None:
rv = '%s=%s' % (self.__boundPrefix, self.__uri)
rv = self.__uri
return rv
from pyxb.namespace.builtin import XMLSchema_instance
from pyxb.namespace.builtin import XMLNamespaces
from pyxb.namespace.builtin import XMLSchema
from pyxb.namespace.builtin import XHTML
from pyxb.namespace.builtin import XML
from pyxb.namespace.builtin import XMLSchema_hfp
from pyxb.namespace.builtin import BuiltInObjectUID
resolution.NamespaceContext._AddTargetNamespaceAttribute(XMLSchema.createExpandedName('schema'), ExpandedName('targetNamespace'))
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