# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2009-2013, Peter A. Bigot
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a
# copy of the License at:
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""Helper classes that maintain the content model of XMLSchema in the binding
L{AttributeUse} and L{ElementDeclaration} record information associated with a binding
class, for example the types of values, the original XML QName or NCName, and
the Python field in which the values are stored. They also provide the
low-level interface to set and get the corresponding values in a binding
L{Wildcard} holds content-related information used in the content model.
import logging
import xml.dom
import pyxb
import pyxb.namespace
import pyxb.utils.fac
from pyxb.binding import basis
import pyxb.utils.utility
from pyxb.utils import six
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AttributeUse (pyxb.cscRoot):
"""A helper class that encapsulates everything we need to know
about the way an attribute is used within a binding class.
Attributes are stored internally as pairs C{(provided, value)}, where
C{provided} is a boolean indicating whether a value for the attribute was
provided externally, and C{value} is an instance of the attribute
datatype. The C{provided} flag is used to determine whether an XML
attribute should be added to a created DOM node when generating the XML
corresponding to a binding instance.
__name = None
"""ExpandedName of the attribute"""
__id = None
"""Identifier used for this attribute within the owning class"""
__key = None
"""Private Python attribute used in instances to hold the attribute value"""
__dataType = None
"""The L{pyxb.binding.basis.simpleTypeDefinition} for values of the attribute"""
__unicodeDefault = None
"""The default attribute value as a unicode string, or C{None}"""
__defaultValue = None
"""The default value as an instance of L{__dataType}, or C{None}"""
__fixed = False
"""C{True} if the attribute value cannot be changed"""
__required = False
"""C{True} if the attribute must appear in every instance of the type"""
__prohibited = False
"""C{True} if the attribute must not appear in any instance of the type"""
def __init__ (self, name, id, key, data_type, unicode_default=None, fixed=False, required=False, prohibited=False):
"""Create an AttributeUse instance.
@param name: The name by which the attribute is referenced in the XML
@type name: L{pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName}
@param id: The Python identifier for the attribute within the
containing L{pyxb.basis.binding.complexTypeDefinition}. This is a
public identifier, derived from the local part of the attribute name
and modified to be unique, and is usually used as the name of the
attribute's inspector method.
@type id: C{str}
@param key: The string used to store the attribute
value in the dictionary of the containing
L{pyxb.basis.binding.complexTypeDefinition}. This is mangled so
that it is unique among and is treated as a Python private member.
@type key: C{str}
@param data_type: The class reference to the subclass of
L{pyxb.binding.basis.simpleTypeDefinition} of which the attribute
values must be instances.
@type data_type: C{type}
@keyword unicode_default: The default value of the attribute as
specified in the schema, or None if there is no default attribute
value. The default value (of the keyword) is C{None}.
@type unicode_default: C{unicode}
@keyword fixed: If C{True}, indicates that the attribute, if present,
must have the value that was given via C{unicode_default}. The
default value is C{False}.
@type fixed: C{bool}
@keyword required: If C{True}, indicates that the attribute must appear
in the DOM node used to create an instance of the corresponding
L{pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition}. The default value is
C{False}. No more that one of L{required} and L{prohibited} should be
assigned C{True}.
@type required: C{bool}
@keyword prohibited: If C{True}, indicates that the attribute must
B{not} appear in the DOM node used to create an instance of the
corresponding L{pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition}. The
default value is C{False}. No more that one of L{required} and
L{prohibited} should be assigned C{True}.
@type prohibited: C{bool}
@raise pyxb.SimpleTypeValueError: the L{unicode_default} cannot be used
to initialize an instance of L{data_type}
self.__name = name
self.__id = id
self.__key = key
self.__dataType = data_type
self.__unicodeDefault = unicode_default
if self.__unicodeDefault is not None:
self.__defaultValue = self.__dataType.Factory(self.__unicodeDefault, _from_xml=True)
self.__fixed = fixed
self.__required = required
self.__prohibited = prohibited
super(AttributeUse, self).__init__()
def name (self):
"""The expanded name of the element.
@rtype: L{pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName}
return self.__name
def defaultValue (self):
"""The default value of the attribute."""
return self.__defaultValue
def fixed (self):
"""C{True} iff the value of the attribute cannot be changed."""
return self.__fixed
def required (self):
"""C{True} iff the attribute must be assigned a value."""
return self.__required
def prohibited (self):
"""C{True} iff the attribute must not be assigned a value."""
return self.__prohibited
def provided (self, ctd_instance):
"""C{True} iff the given instance has been explicitly given a value
for the attribute.
This is used for things like only generating an XML attribute
assignment when a value was originally given (even if that value
happens to be the default).
return self.__getProvided(ctd_instance)
def id (self):
"""Tag used within Python code for the attribute.
This is not used directly in the default code generation template."""
return self.__id
def key (self):
"""String used as key within object dictionary when storing attribute value."""
return self.__key
def dataType (self):
"""The subclass of L{pyxb.binding.basis.simpleTypeDefinition} of which any attribute value must be an instance."""
return self.__dataType
def __getValue (self, ctd_instance):
"""Retrieve the value information for this attribute in a binding instance.
@param ctd_instance: The instance object from which the attribute is to be retrieved.
@type ctd_instance: subclass of L{pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition}
@return: C{(provided, value)} where C{provided} is a C{bool} and
C{value} is C{None} or an instance of the attribute's datatype.
return getattr(ctd_instance, self.__key, (False, None))
def __getProvided (self, ctd_instance):
return self.__getValue(ctd_instance)[0]
def value (self, ctd_instance):
"""Get the value of the attribute from the instance."""
if self.__prohibited:
raise pyxb.ProhibitedAttributeError(type(ctd_instance), self.__name, ctd_instance)
return self.__getValue(ctd_instance)[1]
def __setValue (self, ctd_instance, new_value, provided):
return setattr(ctd_instance, self.__key, (provided, new_value))
def reset (self, ctd_instance):
"""Set the value of the attribute in the given instance to be its
default value, and mark that it has not been provided."""
self.__setValue(ctd_instance, self.__defaultValue, False)
def addDOMAttribute (self, dom_support, ctd_instance, element):
"""If this attribute as been set, add the corresponding attribute to the DOM element."""
( provided, value ) = self.__getValue(ctd_instance)
if provided:
dom_support.addAttribute(element, self.__name, value)
return self
def validate (self, ctd_instance):
"""Validate the instance against the requirements imposed by this
attribute use.
There is no return value; calls raise an exception if the content does
not validate.
@param ctd_instance : An instance of a complex type definition.
@raise pyxb.ProhibitedAttributeError: when instance has attribute but must not
@raise pyxb.MissingAttributeError: when instance lacks attribute but
must have it (including when a required fixed-value attribute is
@raise pyxb.BatchContentValidationError: when instance has attribute but its value is not acceptable
(provided, value) = self.__getValue(ctd_instance)
if value is not None:
if self.__prohibited:
raise pyxb.ProhibitedAttributeError(type(ctd_instance), self.__name, ctd_instance)
if self.__required and not provided:
assert self.__fixed
raise pyxb.MissingAttributeError(type(ctd_instance), self.__name, ctd_instance)
if self.__required:
raise pyxb.MissingAttributeError(type(ctd_instance), self.__name, ctd_instance)
def set (self, ctd_instance, new_value, from_xml=False):
"""Set the value of the attribute.
This validates the value against the data type, creating a new instance if necessary.
@param ctd_instance: The binding instance for which the attribute
value is to be set
@type ctd_instance: subclass of L{pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition}
@param new_value: The value for the attribute
@type new_value: Any value that is permitted as the input parameter to
the C{Factory} method of the attribute's datatype.
@param from_xml: Value C{True} iff the new_value is known to be in
lexical space and must by converted by the type factory. If C{False}
(default) the value is only converted if it is not already an instance
of the attribute's underlying type.
provided = True
assert not isinstance(new_value, xml.dom.Node)
if new_value is None:
if self.__required:
raise pyxb.MissingAttributeError(type(ctd_instance), self.__name, ctd_instance)
provided = False
if self.__prohibited:
raise pyxb.ProhibitedAttributeError(type(ctd_instance), self.__name, ctd_instance)
if (new_value is not None) and (from_xml or not isinstance(new_value, self.__dataType)):
new_value = self.__dataType.Factory(new_value, _from_xml=from_xml)
if self.__fixed and (new_value != self.__defaultValue):
raise pyxb.AttributeChangeError(type(ctd_instance), self.__name, ctd_instance)
self.__setValue(ctd_instance, new_value, provided)
return new_value
def _description (self, name_only=False, user_documentation=True):
if name_only:
return six.text_type(self.__name)
assert issubclass(self.__dataType, basis._TypeBinding_mixin)
desc = [ six.text_type(self.__id), ': ', six.text_type(self.__name), ' (', self.__dataType._description(name_only=True, user_documentation=False), '), ' ]
if self.__required:
elif self.__prohibited:
if self.__defaultValue is not None:
desc.append(', ')
if self.__fixed:
desc.extend(['=', self.__unicodeDefault ])
return ''.join(desc)
class AutomatonConfiguration (object):
"""State for a L{pyxb.utils.fac.Automaton} monitoring content for an
incrementally constructed complex type binding instance.
@warning: This is not an implementation of
L{pyxb.utils.fac.Configuration_ABC} because we need the L{step} function
to return a different type of value."""
# The binding instance for which content is being built
__instance = None
# The underlying configuration when the state is deterministic. In this
# case, all updates to the instance content corresponding to the current
# state have been applied to the instance. Note that while steps are
# occurring this instance, as well as those in __multi, might be
# references to sub-automata.
__cfg = None
# A list of pairs when the state is non-deterministic. The first member
# of the pair is the configuration; the second is a tuple of closures that
# must be applied to the instance in order to store the content that was
# accepted along the path to that configuration. This is in order of
# preference based on the location of path candidate declarations in the
# defining schema.
__multi = None
PermittedNondeterminism = 20
"""The maximum amount of unresolved non-determinism that is acceptable.
If the value is exceeded, a L{pyxb.ContentNondeterminismExceededError}
exception will be raised."""
def __init__ (self, instance):
self.__instance = instance
def reset (self):
"""Reset the automaton to its initial state.
Subsequent transitions are expected based on candidate content to be
supplied through the L{step} method."""
self.__cfg = self.__instance._Automaton.newConfiguration()
self.__multi = None
def nondeterminismCount (self):
"""Return the number of pending configurations.
The automaton is deterministic if exactly one configuration is
if self.__cfg is not None:
assert self.__multi is None
return 1
return len(self.__multi)
def step (self, value, element_decl):
"""Attempt a transition from the current state.
@param value: the content to be supplied. For success the value must
be consistent with the recorded symbol (element or wildcard
declaration) for a transition from the current automaton state.
@param element_decl: optional
L{pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration} that is the preferred
symbol for the transition.
@return: the cardinal number of successful transitions from the
current configuration based on the parameters."""
sym = (value, element_decl)
# Start with the current configuration(s), assuming we might see
# non-determinism.
new_multi = []
if self.__multi is None:
multi = [ (self.__cfg, ()) ]
multi = self.__multi[:]
# Collect the complete set of reachable configurations along with the
# closures that will update the instance content based on the path.
for (cfg, pending) in multi:
cand = cfg.candidateTransitions(sym)
for transition in cand:
clone_map = {}
ccfg = cfg.clone(clone_map)
new_multi.append( (transition.apply(ccfg, clone_map), pending+(transition.consumedSymbol().consumingClosure(sym),)) )
rv = len(new_multi)
if 0 == rv:
# No candidate transitions. Do not change the state.
return 0
if 1 == rv:
# Deterministic transition. Save the configuration and apply the
# corresponding updates.
self.__multi = None
(self.__cfg, actions) = new_multi[0]
for fn in actions:
# Non-deterministic. Save everything for subsequent resolution.
if rv > self.PermittedNondeterminism:
raise pyxb.ContentNondeterminismExceededError(self.__instance)
self.__cfg = None
self.__multi = new_multi
return rv
def resolveNondeterminism (self, prefer_accepting=True):
"""Resolve any non-determinism in the automaton state.
If the automaton has reached a single configuration (was
deterministic), this does nothing.
If multiple candidate configurations are available, the best one is
selected and applied, updating the binding instance with the pending
"Best" in this case is determined by optionally eliminating
configurations that are not accepting, then selecting the path where
the initial transition sorts highest using the binding sort key (based
on position in the original schema).
@keyword prefer_accepting: eliminate non-accepting paths if any
accepting path is present."""
if self.__multi is None:
assert self.__cfg is None
multi = self.__multi
if prefer_accepting:
multi = list(filter(lambda _ts: _ts[0].isAccepting(), self.__multi))
if 0 == len(multi):
multi = self.__multi
# step() will not create an empty multi list, so cannot get here with
# no configurations available unless nobody even reset the
# configuration, which would be a usage error.
assert 0 < len(multi)
if 1 < len(multi):
desc = self.__instance._ExpandedName
if desc is None:
desc = type(self.__instance)
_log.warning('Multiple accepting paths for %s', desc)
for (cfg, actions) in multi:
foo = type(self.__instance)()
for fn in actions:
print '1: %s ; 2 : %s ; wc: %s' % (foo.first, foo.second, foo.wildcardElements())
(self.__cfg, actions) = multi[0]
self.__multi = None
for fn in actions:
def acceptableContent (self):
"""Return the sequence of acceptable symbols at this state.
The list comprises the L{pyxb.binding.content.ElementUse} and
L{pyxb.binding.content.WildcardUse} instances that are used to
validate proposed symbols, in preferred order."""
rv = []
seen = set()
multi = self.__multi
if multi is None:
multi = [ self.__cfg]
for cfg in multi:
for u in cfg.acceptableSymbols():
if not (u in seen):
return rv
def isAccepting (self, raise_if_rejecting=False):
"""Return C{True} iff the automaton is in an accepting state.
If the automaton has unresolved nondeterminism, it is resolved first,
preferring accepting states."""
cfg = self.__cfg
while cfg.superConfiguration is not None:
cfg = cfg.superConfiguration
return cfg.isAccepting()
def _diagnoseIncompleteContent (self, symbols, symbol_set):
"""Check for incomplete content.
@raises pyxb.IncompleteElementContentError: if a non-accepting state is found
@return: the topmost configuration (if accepting)
# Exit out of any sub-configurations (they might be accepting while
# the superConfiguration is not)
cfg = self.__cfg
while cfg.isAccepting() and (cfg.superConfiguration is not None):
cfg = cfg.superConfiguration
if not cfg.isAccepting():
raise pyxb.IncompleteElementContentError(self.__instance, cfg, symbols, symbol_set)
return cfg
def diagnoseIncompleteContent (self):
"""Generate the exception explaining why the content is incomplete."""
return self._diagnoseIncompleteContent(None, None)
__preferredSequenceIndex = 0
__preferredPendingSymbol = None
__pendingNonElementContent = None
def __resetPreferredSequence (self, instance):
self.__preferredSequenceIndex = 0
self.__preferredPendingSymbol = None
self.__pendingNonElementContent = None
vc = instance._validationConfig
preferred_sequence = None
if (vc.ALWAYS == vc.contentInfluencesGeneration) or (instance._ContentTypeTag == instance._CT_MIXED and vc.MIXED_ONLY == vc.contentInfluencesGeneration):
preferred_sequence = instance.orderedContent()
if instance._ContentTypeTag == instance._CT_MIXED:
self.__pendingNonElementContent = []
return preferred_sequence
def __discardPreferredSequence (self, preferred_sequence, pi=None):
"""Extract non-element content from the sequence and return C{None}."""
if pi is None:
pi = self.__preferredSequenceIndex
nec = self.__pendingNonElementContent
if nec is not None:
for csym in preferred_sequence[pi:]:
if isinstance(csym, pyxb.binding.basis.NonElementContent):
return None
def __processPreferredSequence (self, preferred_sequence, symbol_set, vc):
pi = self.__preferredSequenceIndex
psym = self.__preferredPendingSymbol
nec = self.__pendingNonElementContent
if psym is not None:
_log.info('restoring %s', psym)
self.__preferredPendingSymbol = None
while psym is None:
if pi >= len(preferred_sequence):
preferred_sequence = self.__discardPreferredSequence(preferred_sequence, pi)
csym = preferred_sequence[pi]
pi += 1
if (nec is not None) and isinstance(csym, pyxb.binding.basis.NonElementContent):
vals = symbol_set.get(csym.elementDeclaration, [])
if csym.value in vals:
psym = ( csym.value, csym.elementDeclaration )
if psym is None:
# Orphan encountered; response?
_log.info('orphan %s in content', csym)
if vc.IGNORE_ONCE == vc.orphanElementInContent:
if vc.GIVE_UP == vc.orphanElementInContent:
preferred_sequence = self.__discardPreferredSequence(preferred_sequence, pi)
raise pyxb.OrphanElementContentError(self.__instance, csym)
self.__preferredSequenceIndex = pi
return (preferred_sequence, psym)
def sequencedChildren (self):
"""Implement L{pyxb.binding.basis.complexTypeDefinition._validatedChildren}.
Go there for the interface.
# We need a fresh automaton configuration corresponding to the type of
# the binding instance.
cfg = self.__cfg
# The validated sequence
symbols = []
# How validation should be done
instance = self.__instance
vc = instance._validationConfig
# The available content, in a map from ElementDeclaration to in-order
# values. The key None corresponds to the wildcard content. Keys are
# removed when their corresponding content is exhausted.
symbol_set = instance._symbolSet()
# The preferred sequence to use, if desired.
preferred_sequence = self.__resetPreferredSequence(instance)
# A reference to the data structure holding non-element content. This
# is None unless mixed content is allowed, in which case it is a list.
# The same list is used for the entire operation, though it is reset
# to be empty after transferring material to the output sequence.
nec = self.__pendingNonElementContent
psym = None
while symbol_set:
# Find the first acceptable transition. If there's a preferred
# symbol to use, try it first.
selected_xit = None
psym = None
if preferred_sequence is not None:
(preferred_sequence, psym) = self.__processPreferredSequence(preferred_sequence, symbol_set, vc)
candidates = cfg.candidateTransitions(psym)
for xit in candidates:
csym = xit.consumedSymbol()
if isinstance(csym, ElementUse):
ed = csym.elementDeclaration()
elif isinstance(csym, WildcardUse):
ed = None
assert False
# Check whether we have content that matches the symbol
matches = symbol_set.get(ed)
if matches is None:
if not csym.match((matches[0], ed)):
# Commit to this transition and append the selected content
# after any pending non-element content that is released due
# to a matched preferred symbol.
value = matches.pop(0)
if (psym is not None) and (nec is not None):
nec[:] = []
symbols.append(basis.ElementContent(csym.matchValue( (value, ed) ), ed))
selected_xit = xit
if 0 == len(matches):
del symbol_set[ed]
if selected_xit is None:
if psym is not None:
# Suggestion from content did not work
_log.info('invalid %s in content', psym)
if vc.IGNORE_ONCE == vc.invalidElementInContent:
if vc.GIVE_UP == vc.invalidElementInContent:
preferred_sequence = self.__discardPreferredSequence(preferred_sequence)
raise pyxb.InvalidPreferredElementContentError(self.__instance, cfg, symbols, symbol_set, psym)
cfg = selected_xit.apply(cfg)
cfg = self._diagnoseIncompleteContent(symbols, symbol_set)
if symbol_set:
raise pyxb.UnprocessedElementContentError(self.__instance, cfg, symbols, symbol_set)
# Validate any remaining material in the preferred sequence. This
# also extracts remaining non-element content. Note there are
# no more symbols, so any remaining element content is orphan.
while preferred_sequence is not None:
(preferred_sequence, psym) = self.__processPreferredSequence(preferred_sequence, symbol_set, vc)
if psym is not None:
if not (vc.orphanElementInContent in ( vc.IGNORE_ONCE, vc.GIVE_UP )):
raise pyxb.OrphanElementContentError(self.__instance, psym.value)
if nec is not None:
return symbols
class _FACSymbol (pyxb.utils.fac.SymbolMatch_mixin):
"""Base class for L{pyxb.utils.fac.Symbol} instances associated with PyXB content models.
This holds the location in the schema of the L{ElementUse} or
L{WildcardUse} and documents the methods expected of its children."""
__xsdLocation = None
def xsdLocation (self):
return self.__xsdLocation
def matchValue (self, sym):
"""Return the value accepted by L{match} for this symbol.
A match for an element declaration might have resulted in a type
change for the value (converting it to an acceptable type). There is
no safe place to cache the compatible value calculated in the match
while other candidates are being considered, so we need to
re-calculate it if the transition is taken.
If the match could not have changed the value, the value from the
symbol may be returned immediately."""
raise NotImplementedError('%s._matchValue' % (type(self).__name__,))
def consumingClosure (self, sym):
"""Create a closure that will apply the value from C{sym} to a to-be-supplied instance.
This is necessary for non-deterministic automata, where we can't store
the value into the instance field until we know that the transition
will be taken:
@return: A closure that takes a L{complexTypeDefinition} instance and
stores the value from invoking L{matchValue} on C{sym} into the
appropriate slot."""
raise NotImplementedError('%s._consumingClosure' % (type(self).__name__,))
def __init__ (self, xsd_location):
"""@param xsd_location: the L{location<pyxb.utils.utility.Location>} of the element use or wildcard declaration."""
self.__xsdLocation = xsd_location
super(_FACSymbol, self).__init__()
class ElementUse (_FACSymbol):
"""Information about a schema element declaration reference.
This is used by the FAC content model to identify the location
within a schema at which an element use appears. The L{ElementDeclaration}
is not sufficient since multiple uses in various schema, possibly in
different namespaces, may refer to the same declaration but be independent
__elementDeclaration = None
def elementDeclaration (self):
"""Return the L{element declaration<pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration>} associated with the use."""
return self.__elementDeclaration
def elementBinding (self):
"""Return the L{element binding<pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration.elementBinding>} associated with the use.
Equivalent to L{elementDeclaration}().L{elementBinding()<pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration.elementBinding>}."""
return self.__elementDeclaration.elementBinding()
def typeDefinition (self):
"""Return the element type.
Equivalent to L{elementDeclaration}().L{elementBinding()<pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration.elementBinding>}.L{typeDefinition()<pyxb.binding.basis.element.typeDefinition>}."""
return self.__elementDeclaration.elementBinding().typeDefinition()
def __init__ (self, element_declaration, xsd_location):
super(ElementUse, self).__init__(xsd_location)
self.__elementDeclaration = element_declaration
def matchValue (self, sym):
(value, element_decl) = sym
(rv, value) = self.__elementDeclaration._matches(value, element_decl)
assert rv
return value
def consumingClosure (self, sym):
# Defer the potentially-expensive re-invocation of matchValue until
# the closure is applied.
return lambda _inst,_eu=self,_sy=sym: _eu.__elementDeclaration.setOrAppend(_inst, _eu.matchValue(_sy))
def match (self, symbol):
"""Satisfy L{pyxb.utils.fac.SymbolMatch_mixin}.
Determine whether the proposed content encapsulated in C{symbol} is
compatible with the element declaration. If so, the accepted value is
cached internally and return C{True}; otherwise return C{False}.
@param symbol: a pair C{(value, element_decl)}.
L{pyxb.binding.content.ElementDeclaration._matches} is used to
determine whether the proposed content is compatible with this element
(value, element_decl) = symbol
# NB: this call may change value to be compatible. Unfortunately, we
# can't reliably cache that converted value, so just ignore it and
# we'll recompute it if the candidate transition is taken.
(rv, value) = self.__elementDeclaration._matches(value, element_decl)
return rv
def __str__ (self):
return '%s per %s' % (self.__elementDeclaration.name(), self.xsdLocation())
class WildcardUse (_FACSymbol):
"""Information about a schema wildcard element.
This is functionally parallel to L{ElementUse}, but references a
L{Wildcard} that is unique to this instance. That L{Wildcard} is not
incorporated into this class is an artifact of the evolution of PyXB."""
__wildcardDeclaration = None
def wildcardDeclaration (self):
return self.__wildcardDeclaration
def matchValue (self, sym):
(value, element_decl) = sym
return value
def consumingClosure (self, sym):
"""Create a closure that will apply the value accepted by L{match} to a to-be-supplied instance."""
return lambda _inst,_av=self.matchValue(sym): _inst._appendWildcardElement(_av)
def match (self, symbol):
"""Satisfy L{pyxb.utils.fac.SymbolMatch_mixin}.
Determine whether the proposed content encapsulated in C{symbol} is
compatible with the wildcard declaration. If so, the accepted value
is cached internally and return C{True}; otherwise return C{False}.
@param symbol: a pair C{(value, element_decl)}.
L{pyxb.binding.content.Wildcard.matches} is used to determine whether
the proposed content is compatible with this wildcard.
(value, element_decl) = symbol
return self.__wildcardDeclaration.matches(None, value)
def __init__ (self, wildcard_declaration, xsd_location):
super(WildcardUse, self).__init__(xsd_location)
self.__wildcardDeclaration = wildcard_declaration
def __str__ (self):
return 'xs:any per %s' % (self.xsdLocation(),)
import collections
# Do not inherit from list; that's obscene, and could cause problems with the
# internal assumptions made by Python. Instead delegate everything to an
# instance of list that's held internally. Inherit from the ABC that
# represents list-style data structures so we can identify both lists and
# these things which are not lists.
class _PluralBinding (collections.MutableSequence):
"""Helper for element content that supports multiple occurences.
This is an adapter for Python list. Any operation that can mutate an item
in the list ensures the stored value is compatible with the element for
which the list holds values."""
__list = None
__elementBinding = None
def __init__ (self, *args, **kw):
element_binding = kw.pop('element_binding', None)
if not isinstance(element_binding, basis.element):
raise ValueError()
self.__elementBinding = element_binding
self.__list = []
def __convert (self, v):
return self.__elementBinding.compatibleValue(v)
def __len__ (self):
return self.__list.__len__()
def __getitem__ (self, key):
return self.__list.__getitem__(key)
def __setitem__ (self, key, value):
if isinstance(key, slice):
self.__list.__setitem__(key, [ self.__convert(_v) for _v in value])
self.__list.__setitem__(key, self.__convert(value))
def __delitem__ (self, key):
def __iter__ (self):
return self.__list.__iter__()
def __reversed__ (self):
return self.__list.__reversed__()
def __contains__ (self, item):
return self.__list.__contains__(item)
# The mutable sequence type methods
def append (self, x):
def extend (self, x):
self.__list.extend(map(self.__convert, x))
def count (self, x):
return self.__list.count(x)
def index (self, x, i=0, j=-1):
return self.__list.index(x, i, j)
def insert (self, i, x):
self.__list.insert(i, self.__convert(x))
def pop (self, i=-1):
return self.__list.pop(i)
def remove (self, x):
def reverse (self):
def sort (self, key=None, reverse=False):
self.__list.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
def __str__ (self):
return self.__list.__str__()
def __hash__ (self):
return hash(self.__list__)
def __eq__ (self, other):
if other is None:
return False
if isinstance(other, _PluralBinding):
return self.__list.__eq__(other.__list)
return self.__list.__eq__(other)
def __lt__ (self, other):
if other is None:
return False
if isinstance(other, _PluralBinding):
return self.__list.__lt__(other.__list)
return self.__list.__lt__(other)
class ElementDeclaration (object):
"""Aggregate the information relevant to an element of a complex type.
This includes the L{original tag name<name>}, the spelling of L{the
corresponding object in Python <id>}, an L{indicator<isPlural>} of whether
multiple instances might be associated with the field, and other relevant
def xsdLocation (self):
"""The L{location<pyxb.utils.utility.Location>} in the schema where the
element was declared.
Note that this is not necessarily the same location as its use."""
return self.__xsdLocation
__xsdLocation = None
def name (self):
"""The expanded name of the element.
@rtype: L{pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName}
return self.__name
__name = None
def id (self):
"""The string name of the binding class field used to hold the element
This is the user-visible name, and excepting disambiguation will be
equal to the local name of the element."""
return self.__id
__id = None
# The dictionary key used to identify the value of the element. The value
# is the same as that used for private member variables in the binding
# class within which the element declaration occurred.
__key = None
def elementBinding (self):
"""The L{basis.element} instance identifying the information
associated with the element declaration.
return self.__elementBinding
def _setElementBinding (self, element_binding):
# Set the element binding for this use. Only visible at all because
# we have to define the uses before the element instances have been
# created.
self.__elementBinding = element_binding
return self
__elementBinding = None
def isPlural (self):
"""True iff the content model indicates that more than one element
can legitimately belong to this use.
This includes elements in particles with maxOccurs greater than one,
and when multiple elements with the same NCName are declared in the
same type.
return self.__isPlural
__isPlural = False
def __init__ (self, name, id, key, is_plural, location, element_binding=None):
"""Create an ElementDeclaration instance.
@param name: The name by which the element is referenced in the XML
@type name: L{pyxb.namespace.ExpandedName}
@param id: The Python name for the element within the containing
L{pyxb.basis.binding.complexTypeDefinition}. This is a public
identifier, albeit modified to be unique, and is usually used as the
name of the element's inspector method or property.
@type id: C{str}
@param key: The string used to store the element
value in the dictionary of the containing
L{pyxb.basis.binding.complexTypeDefinition}. This is mangled so
that it is unique among and is treated as a Python private member.
@type key: C{str}
@param is_plural: If C{True}, documents for the corresponding type may
have multiple instances of this element. As a consequence, the value
of the element will be a list. If C{False}, the value will be C{None}
if the element is absent, and a reference to an instance of the type
identified by L{pyxb.binding.basis.element.typeDefinition} if present.
@type is_plural: C{bool}
@param element_binding: Reference to the class that serves as the
binding for the element.
self.__name = name
self.__id = id
self.__key = key
self.__isPlural = is_plural
self.__elementBinding = element_binding
super(ElementDeclaration, self).__init__()
def defaultValue (self):
"""Return the default value for this element.
For plural values, this is an empty collection. For non-plural
values, it is C{None} unless the element has a default value, in which
case it is that value.
@todo: This should recursively support filling in default content, as
when the plural list requires a non-zero minimum number of entries.
if self.isPlural():
return _PluralBinding(element_binding=self.__elementBinding)
return self.__elementBinding.defaultValue()
def resetValue (self):
"""Return the reset value for this element.
For plural values, this is an empty collection. For non-plural
values, it is C{None}, corresponding to absence of an assigned
if self.isPlural():
return _PluralBinding(element_binding=self.__elementBinding)
return None
def value (self, ctd_instance):
"""Return the value for this use within the given instance.
Note that this is the L{resetValue()}, not the L{defaultValue()}, if
the element has not yet been assigned a value."""
return getattr(ctd_instance, self.__key, self.resetValue())
def reset (self, ctd_instance):
"""Set the value for this use in the given element to its default."""
setattr(ctd_instance, self.__key, self.resetValue())
return self
def set (self, ctd_instance, value):
"""Set the value of this element in the given instance."""
if value is None:
return self.reset(ctd_instance)
if ctd_instance._isNil():
raise pyxb.ContentInNilInstanceError(ctd_instance, value)
assert self.__elementBinding is not None
if ctd_instance._validationConfig.forBinding or isinstance(value, pyxb.BIND):
value = self.__elementBinding.compatibleValue(value, is_plural=self.isPlural())
setattr(ctd_instance, self.__key, value)
ctd_instance._addContent(basis.ElementContent(value, self))
return self
def setOrAppend (self, ctd_instance, value):
"""Invoke either L{set} or L{append}, depending on whether the element
use is plural."""
if self.isPlural():
return self.append(ctd_instance, value)
return self.set(ctd_instance, value)
def append (self, ctd_instance, value):
"""Add the given value as another instance of this element within the binding instance.
@raise pyxb.StructuralBadDocumentError: invoked on an element use that is not plural
if ctd_instance._isNil():
raise pyxb.ContentInNilInstanceError(ctd_instance, value)
if not self.isPlural():
raise pyxb.NonPluralAppendError(ctd_instance, self, value)
values = self.value(ctd_instance)
if ctd_instance._validationConfig.forBinding:
value = self.__elementBinding.compatibleValue(value)
ctd_instance._addContent(basis.ElementContent(value, self))
return values
def toDOM (self, dom_support, parent, value):
"""Convert the given value to DOM as an instance of this element.
@param dom_support: Helper for managing DOM properties
@type dom_support: L{pyxb.utils.domutils.BindingDOMSupport}
@param parent: The DOM node within which this element should be generated.
@type parent: C{xml.dom.Element}
@param value: The content for this element. May be text (if the
element allows mixed content), or an instance of
@raise pyxb.AbstractElementError: the binding to be used is abstract
if isinstance(value, basis._TypeBinding_mixin):
element_binding = self.__elementBinding
if value._substitutesFor(element_binding):
element_binding = value._element()
assert element_binding is not None
if element_binding.abstract():
raise pyxb.AbstractElementError(self, value)
element = dom_support.createChildElement(element_binding.name(), parent)
elt_type = element_binding.typeDefinition()
val_type = type(value)
if isinstance(value, basis.complexTypeDefinition):
if not (isinstance(value, elt_type) or elt_type._RequireXSIType(val_type)):
raise pyxb.LogicError('toDOM with implicit value type %s unrecoverable from %s' % (type(value), elt_type))
if isinstance(value, basis.STD_union) and isinstance(value, elt_type._MemberTypes):
val_type = elt_type
if dom_support.requireXSIType() or elt_type._RequireXSIType(val_type):
dom_support.addAttribute(element, pyxb.namespace.XMLSchema_instance.createExpandedName('type'), value._ExpandedName)
value._toDOM_csc(dom_support, element)
elif isinstance(value, six.string_types):
element = dom_support.createChildElement(self.name(), parent)
elif isinstance(value, _PluralBinding):
for v in value:
self.toDOM(dom_support, parent, v)
raise pyxb.LogicError('toDOM with unrecognized value type %s: %s' % (type(value), value))
def _description (self, name_only=False, user_documentation=True):
if name_only:
return six.text_type(self.__name)
desc = [ six.text_type(self.__id), ': ']
if self.isPlural():
desc.append('MULTIPLE ')
return six.u('').join(desc)
def _matches (self, value, element_decl):
accept = False
if element_decl == self:
accept = True
elif element_decl is not None:
# If there's a known element, and it's not this one, the content
# does not match. This assumes we handled xsi:type and
# substitution groups earlier, which may be true.
accept = False
elif isinstance(value, xml.dom.Node):
# If we haven't been able to identify an element for this before,
# then we don't recognize it, and will have to treat it as a
# wildcard.
accept = False
# A foreign value which might be usable if we can convert
# it to a compatible value trivially.
value = self.__elementBinding.compatibleValue(value, _convert_string_values=False)
accept = True
except (pyxb.ValidationError, pyxb.BindingError):
return (accept, value)
def __str__ (self):
return 'ED.%s@%x' % (self.__name, id(self))
class Wildcard (object):
"""Placeholder for wildcard objects."""
NC_any = '##any' #<<< The namespace constraint "##any"
NC_not = '##other' #<<< A flag indicating constraint "##other"
NC_targetNamespace = '##targetNamespace' #<<< A flag identifying the target namespace
NC_local = '##local' #<<< A flag indicating the namespace must be absent
__namespaceConstraint = None
def namespaceConstraint (self):
"""A constraint on the namespace for the wildcard.
Valid values are:
- L{Wildcard.NC_any}
- A tuple ( L{Wildcard.NC_not}, a L{namespace<pyxb.namespace.Namespace>} instance )
- set(of L{namespace<pyxb.namespace.Namespace>} instances)
Namespaces are represented by their URIs. Absence is
represented by C{None}, both in the "not" pair and in the set.
return self.__namespaceConstraint
PC_skip = 'skip'
"""No namespace constraint is applied to the wildcard."""
PC_lax = 'lax'
"""Validate against available uniquely determined declaration."""
PC_strict = 'strict'
"""Validate against declaration or xsi:type, which must be available."""
__processContents = None
"""One of L{PC_skip}, L{PC_lax}, L{PC_strict}."""
def processContents (self):
"""Indicate how this wildcard's contents should be processed."""
return self.__processContents
def __normalizeNamespace (self, nsv):
if nsv is None:
return None
if isinstance(nsv, six.string_types):
nsv = pyxb.namespace.NamespaceForURI(nsv, create_if_missing=True)
assert isinstance(nsv, pyxb.namespace.Namespace), 'unexpected non-namespace %s' % (nsv,)
return nsv
def __init__ (self, *args, **kw):
@keyword namespace_constraint: Required namespace constraint(s)
@keyword process_contents: Required"""
# Namespace constraint and process contents are required parameters.
nsc = kw['namespace_constraint']
if isinstance(nsc, tuple):
nsc = (nsc[0], self.__normalizeNamespace(nsc[1]))
elif isinstance(nsc, set):
nsc = set([ self.__normalizeNamespace(_uri) for _uri in nsc ])
self.__namespaceConstraint = nsc
self.__processContents = kw['process_contents']
super(Wildcard, self).__init__()
def matches (self, instance, value):
"""Return True iff the value is a valid match against this wildcard.
Validation per U{Wildcard allows Namespace Name<http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/#cvc-wildcard-namespace>}.
ns = None
if isinstance(value, xml.dom.Node):
if value.namespaceURI is not None:
ns = pyxb.namespace.NamespaceForURI(value.namespaceURI)
elif isinstance(value, basis._TypeBinding_mixin):
elt = value._element()
if elt is not None:
ns = elt.name().namespace()
ns = value._ExpandedName.namespace()
# Assume that somebody will handle the conversion to xs:anyType
if isinstance(ns, pyxb.namespace.Namespace) and ns.isAbsentNamespace():
ns = None
if self.NC_any == self.__namespaceConstraint:
return True
if isinstance(self.__namespaceConstraint, tuple):
(_, constrained_ns) = self.__namespaceConstraint
assert self.NC_not == _
if ns is None:
return False
if constrained_ns == ns:
return False
return True
return ns in self.__namespaceConstraint
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