# Musica - A Music Theory Package for Python
# Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Classes for representing and manipulating pitches, pitch-space, and accidentals.
__all__ = [
import re
from ..Locale.Unicode import to_unicode
from .Temperament import ET12
[docs]class Accidental:
"""Accidental class, representing the symbolic and numerical representation of
pitch deviation from a pitch name (e.g. C).
__modifier_regexp__ = re.compile('[#-]*') # Fixme: ~`
__name_to_alteration__ = {
'natural': 0,
'sharp': 1,
'double-sharp': 2,
'triple-sharp': 3,
'quadruple-sharp': 4,
'flat': -1,
'double-flat': -2,
'triple-flat': -3,
'quadruple-flat': -4,
'half-sharp': .5,
'one-and-a-half-sharp': 1.5,
'half-flat': .5,
'one-and-a-half-flat': -1.5,
__name_to_modifier__ = {
'natural': '',
'sharp': '#',
'double-sharp': '##',
'triple-sharp': '###',
'quadruple-sharp': '####',
'flat': '-',
'double-flat': '--',
'triple-flat': '---',
'quadruple-flat': '----',
'half-sharp': '~',
'one-and-a-half-sharp': '#~',
'half-flat': '`',
'one-and-a-half-flat': '-`',
__alteration_to_name__ = {alteration:name for name, alteration in __name_to_alteration__.items()}
[docs] @classmethod
def parse_accidental(cls, value):
"""Return an alteration from a :class:`Alteration` instance, an alteration name or a modifier
# Fixme: ~`
if isinstance(value, cls):
return value.alteration
return cls.__name_to_alteration__[value]
except KeyError:
value = str(value)
if not value:
return 0
elif cls.__modifier_regexp__.match(value) is not None:
number_of_flat = value.count('-')
number_of_sharp = value.count('#')
return number_of_sharp - number_of_flat
raise ValueError("Invalid accidental {}".format(value))
def __init__(self, accidental_value):
# Fixme: don't keep modifer string
self.alteration = accidental_value
[docs] def clone(self):
return self.__class__(self)
def alteration(self):
return self._alteration
def alteration(self, value):
self._alteration = self.parse_accidental(value)
def is_normal(self):
return self._alteration == 0
def is_flat(self):
return self._alteration < 0
def is_sharp(self):
return self._alteration > 0
def name(self):
return self.__alteration_to_name__[self._alteration]
def unicode_name(self):
return to_unicode(self.name)
def modifier(self):
return self.__name_to_modifier__[self.name]
[docs] def __str__(self):
return self.modifier
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
if other is not None:
return self._alteration == other.alteration
return False
[docs]class Pitch:
"""Class to represents a pitch.
# Fixme: negative octave
# use ~ for bemol : C-1 versus C~-1
#! Define an implicit octave so as to be able to define a float value
__implicit_octave__ = 4
#! Assume a Twelve-tone equal temperament
__temperament__ = ET12
# Fixme: note re
__pitch_regexp__ = re.compile('(?P<note>[abcdefg])(?P<accidental>[#-]*)(?P<octave_sign>(/-)?)(?P<octave>\d*)')
[docs] @classmethod
def parse_pitch(cls, name, return_dict=False):
_name = str(name).lower()
match = cls.__pitch_regexp__.match(_name)
if match is not None:
note = match['note'].upper()
accidental = match['accidental']
accidental = Accidental(accidental) if accidental else None
octave = match['octave']
octave = int(octave) if octave else None
if match['octave_sign']:
octave = - octave
if return_dict:
return dict(note=note, accidental=accidental, octave=octave)
return note, accidental, octave
raise ValueError("Invalid pitch {}".format(name))
def __init__(self, name=None, **kwargs):
# self._step = 'C', 'D', ... 'G'
# self._step_number = 0 2 ... 11 only natural
# self._accidental = Accidental()
# self._octave = int
self._spelling_is_inferred = False # for accidental, e.g. 1 is inferred as C# versus D-
if name is not None:
# Fixme. type(self) vs self.__class__
if isinstance(name, Pitch):
step_number = int(name)
except ValueError:
step_number = None
if step_number is not None:
self._init_from_number(step_number, kwargs)
self._init_from_string(name, kwargs)
# Fixme: self.step = ... ?
self._step_number = self.__temperament__.name_to_number(self._step)
[docs] def _init_from_clone(self, other):
self._step = other._step
self.accidental = other._accidental
self._octave = other._octave
[docs] def _init_from_string(self, name, kwargs):
step, accidental, octave = self.parse_pitch(name)
self._step = step
self._accidental = accidental
self._octave = octave
if octave is None:
self._octave = kwargs.get('octave', None)
[docs] def _init_from_number(self, step_number, kwargs):
step = self.__temperament__[step_number]
except IndexError:
raise ValueError('Invalid pitch number {}'.format(step_number))
if step.is_natural:
self._step = step.name
self._accidental = None
self._step = step.prev_natural.name
self._accidental = Accidental('#')
self._spelling_is_inferred = True
self._octave = kwargs.get('octave', None)
[docs] def _init_from_kwargs(self, kwargs):
if 'midi' in kwargs:
pitch_int = kwargs['midi']
step_number, octave = self.__temperament__.fold_step_number(pitch_int, octave=True)
octave -= 1 # C4 60 -> 0, 5
self._init_from_number(step_number, dict(octave=octave))
self.step = kwargs['step']
accidental = kwargs.get('accidental', None)
if accidental is not None:
self.accidental = Accidental(accidental)
self._accidental = None
self._octave = kwargs.get('octave', None)
[docs] def clone(self):
return self.__class__(self)
def __repr__(self):
return '{} {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, str(self))
def temperament(self):
return self.__temperament__
def pitch_class(self):
"""Returns the integer value for the pitch, between 0 and 11, where C=0, C#=1, D=2, ... B=11.
if self.alteration is None:
return self._step_number
# Fixme: cache ?
return self.__temperament__.fold_step_number(self._step_number + int(self.alteration))
def pitch_class(self, value):
self._init_from_number(value) # Fixme: reset octave !
def step_number(self):
return self._step_number
def step(self):
"""The diatonic name of the note; i.e. it does not give the accidental and octave."""
return self._step
def step(self, value):
_value = value.upper()
if self.__temperament__.is_valid_step_name(_value):
self._step = _value
self._step_number = self.__temperament__.name_to_number(self._step)
raise ValueError("Invalid step {}".format(value))
def spelling_is_inferred(self):
return self._spelling_is_inferred
def degree(self):
return self.__temperament__[self._step_number].degree
def accidental(self):
return self._accidental
def accidental(self, value):
if value is not None:
self._accidental = Accidental(value)
self._accidental = None
def is_altered(self):
return self._accidental is not None
def alteration(self):
if self._accidental is not None:
return self._accidental.alteration
return 0
def octave(self):
return self._octave
def octave(self, value):
# Fixme: complex accidental can alter octave too !
_value = int(value)
if _value > 0:
self._octave = value
raise ValueError("Invalid octave {}".format(value))
def implicit_octave(self):
return self.__implicit_octave__ if self._octave is None else self._octave
[docs] def _locale(self, natural=False):
translator = self.__temperament__.translator
if natural:
note = self._step_number
note = self.pitch_class
return translator(note)
def natural_locale(self):
# Return :class:`Musica.Locale.Note.NoteNameTranslation`
return self._locale(natural=True)
def locale(self):
# Return :class:`Musica.Locale.Note.NoteNameTranslation`
return self._locale()
def english_locale(self):
return self.locale['english']
def french_locale(self):
return self.locale['français']
[docs] def str(self, locale=None, latin=False, unicode=False, octave=False):
if latin:
locale = 'français' # or similar
if locale is not None:
name = self.natural_locale[locale].name # to get step without accidental
name = self._step
if self._accidental is not None:
if unicode:
accidental = self._accidental.unicode_name
accidental = str(self._accidental)
name += accidental
if octave and self._octave is not None:
if self._octave < 0:
name += '/' # Fixme: ???
name += str(self._octave)
return name
def name(self):
return self.str()
def full_name(self):
return self.str(octave=True)
def unicode_name(self):
return self.str(unicode=True)
def latin_unicode_name(self):
return self.str(latin=True, unicode=True)
def unicode_name_with_octave(self):
return self.str(unicode=True, octave=True)
# Fixme: shorter ???
def latin_unicode_name_with_octave(self):
return self.str(latin=True, unicode=True, octave=True)
[docs] def __str__(self):
return self.full_name
[docs] def __eq__(self, other):
# By default, __ne__() delegates to __eq__() and inverts the result
return (self._step == other.step and
self._accidental == other.accidental and
self._octave == other.octave)
[docs] def _compute_float_value(self, octave, add_microtone=True):
value = (octave + 1) * self.__temperament__.number_of_steps
value += self._step_number
if self._accidental is not None:
value += self._accidental.alteration
if add_microtone:
# if self.microtone is not None:
# value += self.microtone.alter
return float(value)
return value
[docs] def __int__(self):
return self._compute_float_value(self.implicit_octave, False)
[docs] def __float__(self):
return float(self._compute_float_value(self.implicit_octave))
def midi_float(self):
return float(self)
def midi(self):
"""Return the closest midi code.
The MIDI specification only defines note number 60 as "Middle C" (C4, Do3), and all other
notes are relative. Note are encoded by a 7-bit non signed integer, ranging from 0 to 127.
Consequently, Midi map note C/-1 to 0, C#0 to 1, ... and G9 to 127.
return int(round(float(self)))
[docs] def __lt__(self, other):
return float(self) < float(other)
[docs] def __le__(self, other):
return float(self) <= float(other)
[docs] def __gt__(self, other):
return float(self) > float(other)
[docs] def __ge__(self, other):
return float(self) >= float(other)
def frequency(self):
return self.__temperament__.frequency(self.implicit_octave, self.pitch_class)
[docs] def is_enharmonic(self, other):
# Fixme: _compute_float_value, same __temperament__
octave1 = self.octave is not None
octave2 = other.octave is not None
if octave1 == octave2:
# use __implicit_octave__ if octave is None
ps1 = float(self)
ps2 = float(other)
return ps1 == ps2 and self.alteration != other.alteration
return False
# elif octave1 and not octave2:
# ps1 = float(other)
# ps2 = self._compute_float_value(self.octave)
# elif not octave1 and octave2:
# ps1 = self._compute_float_value(other.octave)
# ps2 = float(other)
[docs] def get_enharmonic(self):
"""Returns a new Pitch that is the enharmonic equivalent of this Pitch."""
# Fixme: check
alteration = self.alteration
if alteration == 0:
return self
temperament = self.__temperament__
step_number = self._step_number + alteration
step_number, octave_offset = temperament.fold_step_number(step_number, octave=True)
step = temperament[step_number]
if step.is_accidental:
if alteration < 0: # flat
step = step.sharpen_name
else: # sharp
step = step.flatten_name
octave = self._octave + octave_offset
return self.__class__(step, octave=octave)
[docs] def simplify_accidental(self):
# Fixme: enharmonic
alteration = self.alteration
if alteration:
temperament = self.__temperament__
step_number = self._step_number + self.alteration # Fixme: int ?, self.pitch_class ?
if temperament.is_valid_step_name(step_number):
return self
step_number, octave_offset = temperament.fold_step_number(step_number, octave=True)
octave = self._octave + octave_offset
return self.__class__(step_number, octave=octave)
return self # Fixme: clone ???
[docs] def pitch_iterator(self, until=None):
return PitchIterator(self, until)
[docs] def _prev_next_pitch(self, offset):
pitch = self.simplify_accidental()
step_number = pitch.pitch_class + offset
step_number, octave_offset = self.__temperament__.fold_step_number(step_number, octave=True)
octave = pitch._octave + octave_offset
return self.__class__(step_number, octave=octave)
[docs] def next_pitch(self):
return self._prev_next_pitch(1)
[docs] def prev_pitch(self):
return self._prev_next_pitch(-1)
class PitchIterator:
def __init__(self, start_pitch, stop_pitch=None):
self._start = Pitch(start_pitch)
if stop_pitch is not None:
self._stop = Pitch(stop_pitch)
self._stop = None
def iter(self, reverse=False, natural=False, inclusive=True):
start = self._start.simplify_accidental()
stop = self._stop
if stop is not None:
stop = stop.simplify_accidental()
cls = start.__class__
fold_step_number = start.__temperament__.fold_step_number
if reverse:
offset = -1
offset = 1
step_number = start.pitch_class
octave = start.octave
while True:
pitch = cls(step_number, octave=octave)
must_stop = stop is not None and pitch == stop
if inclusive and must_stop:
if not (natural and pitch.is_altered):
yield pitch
if not inclusive and must_stop:
# Fixme: could use Pitch API
step_number += offset
step_number, octave_offset = fold_step_number(step_number, octave=True)
octave += octave_offset
def __iter__(self):
return self.iter()
class PitchInterval:
def __init__(self, lower_pitch, upper_pitch=None):
if upper_pitch < lower_pitch:
raise ValueError('{} < {}'.format(upper_pitch, lower_pitch))
self._lower = Pitch(lower_pitch)
if upper_pitch is not None:
self._upper = Pitch(upper_pitch)
self._upper = None
def clone(self):
return self.__class__(self._lower, self._upper)
def lower(self):
return self._lower
def upper(self):
return self._upper
def __iter__(self):
return PitchIterator(self._lower, self._upper).iter() # inclusive=True
def iter(self, reverse=False, natural=False):
if reverse:
return PitchIterator(self._upper, self._lower).iter(reverse=True, natural=natural)
return PitchIterator(self._lower, self._upper).iter(natural=natural)