Source code for Musica.Math.Morphomath

# Musica - A Music Theory Package for Python
# Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
# codes from SimpleMorphoMath - A simple mathematical morphology library.

""" This module implements Morphological 1D Operators.

# Fixme: in-place ? f() ->


import numpy as np


[docs]def even(n): """ Test if *n* is even """ return n & 1 == 0
[docs]def odd(n): """ Test if *n* is odd """ return n & 1 == 1
[docs]class Domain(object): """ This class implements a functional 1D domain defined by the range [inf, sup]. The size of the domain defined by ``sup - inf +1`` is given by the function :func:`len`. To test if ``x`` is in the domain, use:: x in domain """ ##############################################
[docs] def __init__(self, inf, sup): self.inf = inf self.sup = sup
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Return the size of the domain. """ return self.sup - self.inf +1
[docs] def range(self): """ Return the list of values in the domain. """ return range(self.inf, self.sup +1)
[docs] def forward_iterator(self): """ Return a forward iterator over the domain. """ return range(self.inf, self.sup +1)
[docs] def backward_iterator(self): """ Return a backward iterator over the domain. """ return range(self.sup, self.inf -1, -1)
[docs] def __contains__(self, x): """ Test if *x* is in the domain. """ return self.inf <= x <= self.sup
[docs]class StructuringElement(object): """ This class implements a structuring element. The parameter *offsets* is an iterable that contains the offsets of the pixels on of the structuring element. The neighbor set :math:`N_G^+` and :math:`N_G^-` is defined in the article: Morphological Grayscale Reconstruction in Image Analysis: Applications and Efficient Algorithms, Luc Vincent, IEEE Transactions on image processing, Vol. 2, No. 2, April 1993. """ # Fixme: this code is only true for symetrical structuring element. # implements reference location ##############################################
[docs] def __init__(self, offsets): self.offsets = offsets
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self.offsets)
[docs] def half_length(self): return int((len(self.offsets)-1)/2)
[docs] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.offsets)
[docs] def iterator_plus(self): """ Iterate over the offset up to the reference location. """ # Fixme: check definition return iter(self.offsets[:self.half_length()+1])
[docs] def iterator_minus(self): """ Iterate over the offset from the reference location. """ return iter(self.offsets[-self.half_length()-1:])
[docs]class BallStructuringElement(StructuringElement): """ This class implements a ball structuring element. The domain of the structuring element is [-radius, radius]. """ ##############################################
[docs] def __init__(self, radius): super(BallStructuringElement, self).__init__(range(-radius, radius+1))
#################################################################################################### #: Unit ball structuring element. unit_ball = BallStructuringElement(1) ####################################################################################################
[docs]class StructuringElementIterator(object): """ This class implements a structuring element iterator. The parameter *structuring_element* defines the structuring element and the parameter *domain* defines the domain of the lattice. """ ##############################################
[docs] def __init__(self, structuring_element, domain): self.domain = domain self.structuring_element = structuring_element
[docs] def iterate_at(self, location, sub_domain=None): """ Iterate over the structuring element positioned at a location. The parameter *sub_domain* is used to restrict the domain of the structuring element, set to '+' to restrict to the positive domain and to '-' for the negative domain, respectively. """ if sub_domain is None: iterator = self.structuring_element elif sub_domain == '+': iterator = self.structuring_element.iterator_plus() elif sub_domain == '-': iterator = self.structuring_element.iterator_minus() else: raise ValueError('Wrong sub_domain') for offset in iterator: l = location + offset if l in self.domain: yield l else: continue
[docs]class Function(object): """ This class implements a 1D function. The parameters *values* is an iterable that define the initial values of the function. The function domain is set to [0, len(values) -1]. """ # Fixme: already defined unit_ball = BallStructuringElement(1) ##############################################
[docs] def __init__(self, values): self.values = np.array(values, self.domain = Domain(inf=0, sup=self.values.size -1)
[docs] def clone(self): """ Return a copy of the function. """ return self.__class__(self)
[docs] def clone_zeros(self): """ Return a function defined on the same domain with values set to zero. """ return self.__class__(self._zeros())
[docs] def _zeros(self): """ return a Numpy zero array of the same size than the function domain. """ return np.zeros(len(self), dtype=np.uint)
[docs] def __len__(self): """ Return the size of the function domain. """ return self.values.size
[docs] def __getitem__(self, i): """ Return the function value at *i*. """ return self.values[i]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, i, value): """ Set the function value at *i*. """ self.values[i] = value
[docs] def add(self, obj): """ Add a function. """ self.values += obj return self
[docs] def __add__(a, b): """ Return sum of *a* with *b*. """ return a.clone().add(b)
[docs] def __iadd__(self, obj): """ Add a function. """ return self.add(obj)
[docs] def subtract(self, obj): """ Subtract a function. Negative values are set to zero. """ self.values -= obj self.values[np.where(self.values < 0)] = 0 return self
[docs] def __sub__(a, b): """ Return the subtraction of *a* with *b*. """ return a.clone().subtract(b)
[docs] def __isub__(self, obj): """ Subtract a function. """ return self.subtract(obj)
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): """ Test if the functions are equal. """ if other is None: # Fixme: why ? return False else: return (self.values == other.values).all()
[docs] def min(self): """ Return the inf of the function. """ # Fixme: inf ? return self.values.min()
[docs] def max(self): """ Return the sup of the function. """ # Fixme: sup ? return self.values.max()
[docs] def _rank_filter(self, structuring_element, rank_operator): """ This method implements a rank filter. The function is modified in-place. """ structuring_element_iterator = StructuringElementIterator(structuring_element, self.domain) new_values = self.clone_zeros() # so as to use: new_values[i] for i in self.domain.forward_iterator(): new_values[i] = rank_operator([self[j] for j in structuring_element_iterator.iterate_at(i)]) self.values = new_values.values
[docs] def erode(self, structuring_element): """ Perform an erosion. """ self._rank_filter(structuring_element, rank_operator=min) return self
[docs] def dilate(self, structuring_element): """ Perform a dilation. """ self._rank_filter(structuring_element, rank_operator=max) return self
[docs] def open(self, structuring_element): """ Perform an opening. """ self.erode(structuring_element) self.dilate(structuring_element) return self
[docs] def close(self, structuring_element): """ Perform an closing. """ self.dilate(structuring_element) self.erode(structuring_element) return self
[docs] def top_hat(self, structuring_element): """ Perform an top-hat. """ self -= self.clone().open(structuring_element) return self
[docs] def translate(self, offset, padd_inf=True): """ Translate the function. If the parameter *padd_inf* is set to True then the padding value is set to zero else to the sup of the function. """ new_values = self._zeros() if offset == 0: new_values[...] = self.values[...] else: if padd_inf: padd_value = 0 else: padd_value = self.max() if offset < 0: new_values[offset:] = padd_value new_values[:offset] = self.values[-offset:] elif offset > 0: new_values[offset:] = self.values[:-offset] new_values[:offset] = padd_value self.values = new_values return self
[docs] def _pointwise_rank(self, other, rank_operator): """ This method implements a point-wise rank filter. The function is modified in-place. """ for i in self.domain.forward_iterator(): self[i] = rank_operator(self[i], other[i]) return self
[docs] def pointwise_max(self, other): """ Perform the point-wise max of the function with another function. """ return self._pointwise_rank(other, max)
[docs] def pointwise_min(self, other): """ Perform the point-wise min of the function with another function. """ return self._pointwise_rank(other, min)
[docs] def geodesic_reconstruction(self, marker): """ Perform a geodesic reconstruction. """ mask = self prev_reconstruction = None reconstruction = marker.clone() while not reconstruction == prev_reconstruction: prev_reconstruction = reconstruction.clone() reconstruction.dilate(self.unit_ball).pointwise_min(mask) return reconstruction
[docs] def h_dome(self, level): """ Perform an H-dome operation. """ if level <= 0: raise ValueError('level must be > 0') marker = self.clone().subtract(level) reconstruction = self.geodesic_reconstruction(marker) h_dome = self.clone().subtract(reconstruction) return h_dome
[docs] def _rank_filter_vhgw(self, radius, rank_operator): """ This method implements a rank filter using the Van Herk & Gill-Werman algorithm. This algorithm comes from C. Clienti, M. Bilodeau, and S. Beucher, An Efficient Hardware Architecture without Line Memories for Morphological Image Processing. In Proceedings of ACIVS. 2008, 147-156. """ domain_size = len(self) # len(self.domain) domain_sup = domain_size -1 # self.domain.sup size = 2*radius +1 padding_size = size - (domain_sup % size) -1 domain_sup_plus_padding_size = domain_size + padding_size forward = self.clone_zeros() # _zeros() for i in self.domain.forward_iterator(): if i % size == 0: # Start new window forward[i] = self[i] else: # Propagate forward forward[i] = rank_operator(forward[i-1], self[i]) backward = self.clone_zeros() # _zeros() for i in self.domain.backward_iterator(): if i == self.domain.sup or (i+1) % size == 0: # Start new window backward[i] = self[i] else: # Propagate backward backward[i] = rank_operator(backward[i+1], self[i]) for i in self.domain.forward_iterator(): i_plus_radius = i + radius i_minus_radius = i - radius if i_minus_radius < 0: # We are at right of the domain self[i] = forward[i_plus_radius] elif i_plus_radius >= domain_size: # We are at left of the domain if i_plus_radius < domain_sup_plus_padding_size: # We are in the padding area self[i] = rank_operator(forward[domain_sup], backward[i_minus_radius]) else: # We are out self[i] = backward[i_minus_radius] else: # Normal way, we are in the domain self[i] = rank_operator(forward[i_plus_radius], backward[i_minus_radius]) return self
[docs] def dilate_vhgw(self, radius): """ Perform a dilation using the WHGW algorithm. """ return self._rank_filter_vhgw(radius, rank_operator=max)
[docs] def erode_vhgw(self, radius): """ Perform an erosion using the WHGW algorithm. """ return self._rank_filter_vhgw(radius, rank_operator=min)