Source code for Musica.Figure.DiatonicScale

# Musica - A Music Theory Package for Python
# Copyright (C) 2017 Fabrice Salvaire
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.


__all__ = [


from ..Theory.Pitch import ET12, Pitch
from ..Tex.Tikz import TikzFigure


[docs]class DiatonicScale(TikzFigure): ##############################################
[docs] def __init__(self, inner_radius=3, outer_radius=4, language='français'): super().__init__() self.use_library('shapes.arrows') diatonic_steps = list(ET12.iter_on_naturals()) for step in diatonic_steps: step.interval = ET12.fold_step_number(step.next_natural.step_number - step.step_number) def step_to_angle(step): return int((90 - step.step_number / ET12.number_of_steps * 360) % 360) def translate_step(step, language): return step.translate(language).unicode_name self.set_main_font('Latin Modern Sans') # Roman self.font_size(12) self.coordinate('O', x=0, y=0) self.define('ArrowRadius', inner_radius - .5, 'cm') self.define('InnerRadius', inner_radius, 'cm') self.define('MiddleRadius', (inner_radius + outer_radius)/2, 'cm') self.define('OuterRadius', outer_radius, 'cm') self.define('OuterLabelRadius', outer_radius + 1, 'cm') # 360 / 6 = 60 for 2 semitone for step in diatonic_steps: angle = step_to_angle(step) self.coordinate('i{}'.format(, r=r'\InnerRadius', a=angle) self.coordinate('o{}'.format(, r=r'\OuterRadius', a=angle) self.coordinate('l{}'.format(, r=r'\OuterLabelRadius', a=angle) # angle = (step_to_angle(step) + step_to_angle(next_step))/2 angle = step_to_angle(step) - step.interval * 15 # interval / 2 * 30 if step.interval == 2: self.coordinate('l{}b'.format(, r=r'\OuterLabelRadius', a=angle) self.coordinate('m{}'.format(, r=r'\MiddleRadius', a=angle) # Fixme: move to tikz ??? self.new_command('Sector', 3, r'\fill[fill=gray!#1] (#2:\InnerRadius) -- (#2:\OuterRadius) arc (#2:#3:\OuterRadius) -- (#3:\InnerRadius) arc (#3:#2:\InnerRadius);') for step in diatonic_steps: colour = 20 if step.interval == 1 else 40 next_step = step.next_natural _angle1 = step_to_angle(step) _angle2 = step_to_angle(next_step) if abs(_angle1 - _angle2) > 60: angle1 = _angle1 angle2 = _angle2 - 360 else: angle1 = min(_angle1, _angle2) angle2 = max(_angle1, _angle2) self.append(self.format(r'\Sector{«0»}{«1»}{«2»};', colour, angle1, angle2)) for step in diatonic_steps: self.line('i{}'.format(, 'o{}'.format( self.draw_circle('O', radius=r'\InnerRadius') self.draw_circle('O', radius=r'\OuterRadius') for step in diatonic_steps: step_text = translate_step(step, language) self.text('l{}'.format(, step_text) if step.interval == 1: interval_text = '1/2' else: interval_text = '1' next_step = step.next_natural next_step_text = translate_step(next_step, language) text = r'{}$\sharp$/{}$\flat$'.format(step_text, next_step_text) self.text('l{}b'.format(, text) self.text('m{}'.format(, interval_text) self.append_command('draw', r'[->,line width=2pt] (90:\ArrowRadius) arc (90:45:\ArrowRadius)')